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Wow! This lady has the WORST luck ever!
maybe she should put those efforts into a maybe in a gas station
Over !0 years ago, when we were living in Kona the organization I worked for, used to give donations to a non profit FREE giveaway store in Ocean View, a friend who also had a store used to do the same. We found out that certain people were taking many of the items and selling at the swap meet, she was upset, angry and stopped donating. We made the decision to continue supporting the program down there, It had helped a lot of people, if a few used it as a way for them to make money so be it! I have no idea what their circumstances were, but I've learned, if you give, you need to let go! (out of sight,out of mind[Smile])

About a month ago, somebody pulling used food containers out of the trash and eating the leftovers, looked up saw me, apologized and took off before I had a chance to do anything. That upset me, I know there are people scamming, but there also many who are going through real hardship!

At KTA, Longs and other stores you can get $5.00 gift coupons, McDonald's books have 5- $1.00 coupons, which you can give if you don't want to give cash to someone who is homeless.

I understand why folks don't want to be "taken advantage of", as I sure don't. But I also have to applaud the compassion expressed on this thread.

I submit that in the case of an addiction, "tough love" can and should be driven by compassion. And that when it is, the tough love is directed at NOT FURTHER ENABLING the addict (for her own good), rather than making the addict an object of scorn.

This thread inspired reflection. Thanks to all.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Saw the gal at the Orchidland True Value / Minit Stop area again today. Within the 3 minutes I was in the parking lot saw her play her spiel on 4 people and get money from 1 of them. Would be interesting to see how much see pulls in per hour. Might be more than working a regular job.
I was walking into a 7-11 once and a 40 ish man was panhandling out front. He hit me up with "got adollar?". I just ignored him and continued inside. While I was in the store I saw he was walking away. When I walked outside I saw him counting a wad of dollar bills that could have choked a horse. If it was all $1's? It was at least $400-$500. Then he jumps into a brand new Four door Ford F-150 with paper license plates and He rolls down the power window and yells out "eff you mother effer! What are you looking at?" I never gave another panhandler another dime after that day.
just have to comment because I gave her money too (if it is the same woman) does she even have a car??

I worked the freeways of Los Angeles after the '94 Northridge Earthquake and saw a lot of the panhandlers working the off ramps down town. The man on crutches that at 9 pm walked without them down the street with a bucket of money each night, the guy that turned down a job for $10 an hour in our yard, etc etc broke me of the sympathy for panhandlers.

"Government is good at one thing: it knows how to break your legs, hand you a crutch, and say, 'See, if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walk." - Harry Browne
it's everywhere even here in Alaska at one of our goodwills they have/had
a nice after hours receiving shed now a posted sign says " it's been
brought to our attention that donated items are beening taken and sold
to the buy& sale down the road" as my grandmother used to say
" if they can live with-it ,guess I can live with-out-it"
guess that saying only 1/2 applys here
but I just love saying it! and I say it with her thick Arkansas twang..
Somebody hit me up for food money one time when I had a bag of leftovers, so I gave them to him. A couple of minutes later, he walked into the store I had entered and told the proprietor, "I got the money, I can get that figurine now." He'd sold the food I gave him so he could buy a knickknack. I think that's kind of funny.

My mom used to keep bags with crackers, peanut butter, and a plastic knife in her trunk. She passed those out to people who said they were hungry.
I had someone one time ask me for money to get a meal with. I told him that as soon as I was done shopping I was going to lunch and he could join me. When I came out of the store he was still there so I took him to lunch, no money crossed hands.

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