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What did you miss the most?
I didn't miss anything when I first arrived, but I've got a wishlist now.

Shopping. Trader Joes, thrift stores, DOLLAR STORES that actually charge a dollar! Furniture stores that can order what you want. fabric, craft, and art stores. Multiple choices of where to buy an item.

Health Care. I leave for Honolulu in a few minutes to spend all day travelling to see my doctor for 15 minutes. But he's so much better than the option here, that I do it.

Driving. Long stretches of highway where you can just push down on the pedal and go without catching up to a couple of county vehicles driving side-by-side at 25 mph so the drivers can chat. Yeah, and getting someplace new when you go.

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Thrift stores!
Well I was raised here on this island, so I can tell you what I miss the most when I go to the mainland. I miss everything about the big island when I go to the mainland. I miss the big islands ocean activity's, air, wildlife, tropical flowers, pace of life, Traffic, privacy, Poke, Volcano experiences, I even start to miss the rain. When I come home I am usually thankful for my survival of the mainland. I do miss tailgating West Virginia mountaineers football games, Boise ST Bronco games were lots of fun too. The choices of restaurants, golf courses, spirit during holiday seasons, and long drives were nice too. There's No place like home though.
HPPGUY Re. #7: Ikea is all particle board, that stuff would fall apart in no time.

Re. The internet: If you had great communication, the current government would not survive. Hmmmmmm?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
When I first moved to Maui in 1987 what I missed the most is the availability of dateable women. But now I'm married and it's not an issue. Just miss family..But not all that much.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Originally posted by EightFingers

HPPGUY Re. #7: Ikea is all particle board, that stuff would fall apart in no time.

Some of it is, EightFingers. But some of it is real wood like my kitchen table and office desk. I have had them for years. Their stuff always breaks down so you can move it easy too. Their housewares and lighting are also good and really inexpensive. Unfortunately, they charge an arm and a leg for shipping. Much more than I think they need to, IMO.
Reliable and consistent power. But that'll be rectified (no pun intended) when I put in solar with a battery backup.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
Being able to hike for several days in one direction without crossing a fence or seeing other people.
A wide variety of live music at a wide variety of prices, free music festivals with acts from all over the world. I love it here, and I have developed a real appreciation for Hawaiian music, but I miss seeing people like Jerry Joseph or Laura Love who just don't amke it here to play.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I miss Haber Fright... Fry's (electronics store), Powell (book store)... Hmmmm. But well, a plane ticket could cure that for a year or two. Smile Would be nice to do put put golf and a cool water park. Hmmm...

Oh well...... But ya know if we had all that stuff ... We would miss the simple life of Puna ... Smile Can't have it all I guess.

Trade offs I guess. I still don't miss snow, or the cold. If you like that sort of thing ... Maybe you should consider moving.

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