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happy in puna?
I agree about bringing the happy with you Piano. Let me say though there is so little of that here in the rust belt it seems like greed and bigotry rule the day here.I am a truly happy go lucky soul.This is considered a fault here by many. I know so few people here that seem happy to be alive.Most of those that are happy and peaceful are ones who struggle day to day not the so called succesful ones.mean and hateful self serving I'll get mine and screw you is the mindset of the day.It truly sickens before they suck all the happy out of me I'm coming to Puna.where I can be so happy to struggle day to day and be happy to be alive and not feel odd doing so.Good Luck in Bama Nana be sure to have some shrimp and grits maybe the best food in the south.

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