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July 28 HPPOA board Special Meeting
Originally posted by OrchidIslander

Originally posted by Hula1

My guess is csgray will not attend Mondays meeting but will continue to complain about the HPP Board. I for one will attend and hear the Board out before making any judgements or share an uninformed opinion. Point being, get informed then make a judgement.....

I find your point, get informed then make a judgement, ironic seeing how that is the exact opposite of the courtesy you extend to csgray - someone you know absolutely nothing about, yet you assume much.

She and I must have the same board member because like csgray, using the info found on the hppoa website, I also was unable to obtain contact info for my rep. I had to go down to the office to obtain what I needed.

As long as csgray is a hpp property owner of good standing she is reasonably entitled to obtain pertinent information and have her concerns addressed - preferably without being attacked or having her reputation besmirched.

bold by me...Who is it that is responsible for keeping up the web site?
there is actually very little in the bylaws. the important documents are the court decree forming the current association and the paperwork of when it came out of receivership.
"They can call a board meeting without public notice if they deem it necessary."

Keep reading those Bylaws, Obie. In that case, they have to inform ALL Board members of the special meeting. In this case, I know that at least two were not informed.

If they made such an effort to keep this decision secret, what OTHER things are they hiding from the membership and even other directors?
Originally posted by Obie

Originally posted by james weatherford

Originally posted by Hula1

get informed then make a judgement.....

Most critical point I've been informed on: some of the board members made the decision to terminate employees without calling a public noticed meeting.

Like I stated before,you need to read your bylaws.They can call a board meeting without public notice if they deem it necessary.Also,personnel matters are to be handled in executive sessions and are private.You may never know why they were fired.
If these private matters were made public then the board would have a legal problem.

From Section 9 © 2

...when action is urgently required to serve the community interest. In such case however, no such meeting shall be held until every reasonable effort has been made to inform and secure the participation of every board member

I doubt terminating good employees because of a regime change is considered a urgent matter. Urgent enough to bypass all the by-law requirements for special meetings.

It is doubtful that the State of Hawaii Department of Labor will consider it a good enough reason to deny benefits to those employees.

I called office to get information and was told that Susan Escobar who is answering questions was not in the office. I was told she was expected back sometime during the day but did not receive a return call.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."
-Dudley Field Malone
For those of you who believe all citizens need to attend all meetings in order to be heard, well that's your prerogative but the great majority of us have placed our trust in sending a representative to deal with all the nuts and bolts of day to day issues- that's called Representative Democracy and it's the system most of us are familiar with.

Alternately, I suppose we could go with a true democracy where everyone who attends gets to vote on every single issue- I am guessing that could get a little messy and issues could take a long time to resolve, if at all.

Aside from the potential liability issues at hand it concerns me that 3 people were fired at once in a relatively small organization. I question the foresight of a board which suddenly fires a large percentage of its staff with no notice and no apparent plan as to how to cover those positions in the interim, as well as a failure to communicate their intentions or justifications to their constituents.

Do you really want 600 angry people with pitchforks attending a laborious meeting next Monday of would it be more prudent to pacify those who put their trust and faith in their board members to do the right thing by communicating effectively?

If this were a case of Grand Larceny or Conspiracy I could understand firing all 3 people at once but I would also expect them to be arrested because I would also assume the board had some sort of damning evidence. But in this situation it feels more like people joined the board with an agenda, an ax to grind if you will, and then carried out their executions without thought as to future consequences. This concerns me because aside from the board members' personal liabilities we the HPP landownersrs collectively share liability for their actions.

Expecting the board to follow the by laws, expecting to receive requested information in a timely manner, and for the HPPOA to follow through when they tell members they can get information in a specific way is not complaining, it expecting the Board members to do the job they asked for. Not everyone in HPP is a retiree who can go to an evening meeting on a work night, that does not diminish my right to know if this board is following the by laws in their actions.

The board told the members they could get information from their reps, then did not follow through and provide the answers to the constituents. My rep finally got in contact with me, and said no information without going to the meeting, but Laughing Girl was told Susan Escobar would answer her questions. Either everybody on this board doesn't know what the others are saying, or they are incompetent, or they are covering up misdeeds. I don't know which, but when there is a major upheaval like this, it is generally a good idea to try to be as transparent and consistent as possible.

Currently board members and their spouses are running HPP, according to my rep. The board is supposed to set policy, not take over the day to day management of the organization. Instead, they fired almost all the employees and have taken over the whole operation. If the board and their spouses had to take things over, what does this say about their plan for transition after firing the staff? It sure doesn't show much foresight if the only way to keep things running is for the board and their spouses to take the reins.

The board in its oversight role is supposed to be the entity that makes sure the employees are doing their jobs properly, now the board is doing those duties, who has oversight over the board? Are these board members and their spouses covered by our bond for money handling? What happens if one of them gets hurt on site, especially the person who is running the road crew? Are they covered? Did any of us vote in a board expecting them to take over operations?


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Hi Carol,

There is now an email for your district director. And I put an "Owner Input" link on the front page of the website. I just sent a test message to all the Directors and will find out tomorrow if it works properly. This will enable you to correspond with the entire Board and give them the opportunity to respond with you.

Thanks to all of you for your comments and concerns.



Originally posted by csgray

Back to the actual topic at hand:

The announcement on the HPPOA website told people to contact their representative on the HPP board. Ours didn't have any contact information so I contacted the Board president several days ago. I have heard nothing back, did anyone else hear back?

It is really lame to tell people to contact the Board members and then not respond. Why even bother to tell people to contact these people with questions if you don't intend to respond? Not everyone can make it to the meeting they scheduled, but if you tell people to send their questions to certain people, those people should be prepared to answer those questions.


Thanks Morgan!


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Thank you, Carol, for taking this matter seriously and speaking up.
Thanks Morgan

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