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For You Super Ferry Supporters....
Interestingly, I found out that both Sens. Hooser and Baker (Both vocal opponents of HSF)
introduced a resolution in 2004 supporting the fast tracking of the HSF.

"We want the Superferry, we want the superferry"

And beachboy, you need to relax homeboy, take her down a notch. If you are against it, then don't get on it! Simple as that. WAY bigger fish to fry like GMO, war in Iraq, etc etc.

Just like I don't appreciate all these squatters and post 1970 smelly hippies (that someone forgot to tell them the Vietnam war is over) and all others that are living on "raw land" and are breaking the law smoking and selling pakalolo, ice, etc. but my tax dollars STILL contribute to their causes, their welfare checks, ebt cards, etc etc, I have to deal with it and move on. Same with the superferry. Deal with it and let it go. Aloha and good day!!

I need to tell a joke before I make my point, so here goes…….

A man is talking to a woman over a drink at the bar and says: “Be honest, if I gave you a life-changing million dollars, would you sleep with me tonight?”
The woman looks at him and says: “For a million …. Yes, to be honest, I would.”
Then the guy says: “Ok, here is a hundred …….let’s go”
The girl is shocked and says “What kind of girl do you think I am?”
“Well I think we’ve already established that,” says the man. “Now we’re just haggling over the price.”

We are the woman in the story……and I think when it comes to the Superferry we are all just “haggling over the price”…….lets face it ….. HUMANS are the most invasive species in Hawaii. What right do we have to decide that the “FROG MUST DIE”….but…. “SAVE THE WHALE”?….. Even the “Native Hawaiians” invaded this place!….should we try to go back in time to when the Islands were just lava, or do we try to stop time right now, and allow the Islands to evolve no more?…..We all pollute….we all consume….we all take up space on this “Third Rock From The Sun”. I hope the Ferry eventually is allowed to run, because the prices of a lot of things will go down, and I will have a more comfortable life.

You know, there is a very simple solution to this entire issue:
Put It To A Vote By The People.

Simple ballot question
Oahu – Can the Hawaii Super Ferry dock in Oahu?
Maui - Can the Hawaii Super Ferry dock in Maui?
Kauai - Can the Hawaii Super Ferry dock in Kauai?
Hawaii - Can the Hawaii Super Ferry dock in the Big Island?

If the citizens of that county say yes, the Super Ferry can go to that island. If they say no, the Super Ferry can’t come. If we believe in the democracy of the people let them decide and we live by the majority opinion.

Bob Orts and remain4u, thank you very much. I co-sign what both have said.

A little story I was told about from a person who works with the special needs population here in town.

He works with a woman that has spent her whole life on the Big Isle. When she was younger, she was diagnosed with some ailment and now is a parapaledgic and lives in a group home. When the superferry announced it was coming to the Big Isle in '09, she started saving. Remember, she has never been to any oher islands. Excited, hopeful, nervous, were words used to describe her feelings. But then, no superferry. All she saw on t.v was protesters and all these other yahoos shouting and hollering about the whales, invasive species, more traffic, etc etc. She asked my buddy, "what about me?" That part just killed me. A parapaledgic women with a chance to see her homeland and all it's beauty, stopped short because of different reasons. No one remembers her or proably gives a second thought about her story. But I do. Yet we don't think about her and a once in a lifetime oppurtunity. The superferry would of made it possible for her van to be loaded, her spending the minimum amount of money possible, and a chance to see her homeland. Anyways, dwell on that for awhile.

BUT, you know what drives me nuts also, is the fact no one mentions the damage being done by the cruise ships. A little secret. When I was in the Coast Guard, we used to dump "grey water" (ANY water that is not sewage water) Shower water, laundry machine water, water from the dish sanitizer, chemicals used to mop, sink water and al it's glory, etc over INTO the ocean as long as we were 50 nautical miles away from a shoreline. And this is a ship with 50 men on it so think about the possibility of what's in THAT water. And we were the Coast Guard. Don't beleive me, call the local MSO and ask. Anyway, think about these cruise ships and how much grey water they carry. Think they wait until they get into port to unload their water. Yea right, we inspected so many of those ships and found sooo many faults. And guess what, they were supposed to play by the same rules as us. 50 nautical miles from shore. As if currents won't bring some of that stuff back. Okay...

Anyway my point goes back to Bob Orts and remain4u, great minds think alike.

Thank you all for the 2 sided discussions finally boats are nothing new to Hawaii. After hearing the responses reguarding my little 34ft boat you'd think us to be a superferry with people like Beachboy who want all progression stopped. With the exception to the speed (which Im sure there will be a cap on that gets well watched over)the superferry is designed to travel at I see no other major concerns. I too think that prices will lower on the outer islands and goods will be more available.

Glad to see those few Punawebbers that could make it out yesterday, have a trip out to the waterfalls tomarrow at 11am if anyones got the afternoon off give me a jingle Ill extend the LavaOcean Punaweb $30 2.5hour waterfall extravaganza.

Shane Turpin
Lava Ocean Adventures
Joke analogies; cool!

The CEO of a large company went out to the loading dock and found a guy sitting on a stack of boxes puffing on a cigarette. "How much do you get paid?" asked the boss. The guy replied "Four hundred bucks a week". The executive pulled a roll of bills out of his pocket and said; "Here's a weeks pay, now get out of here". After the guy left, the boss asked the foreman how long the guy worked for the company. The foreman replied; "He doesn't work here, he was just making a delivery".

Lets see... The smoker is the HSF... The CEO must be George W. Lingle.... and I'm the foreman....or something like that!

That joke was funny, but I didn't get the analogy.

If I was to try fit the joke to this situation, I would say that the CEO represents the Anti Superferry crowd, that assumes the situation is one way and rushes in to solve it, but then finds out later that it wasn't what it seemed. I don't see how the smoker represents the HSF, because the HSF will end up a big LOOSER (like the citizens of Hawaii) and not get anything free.

I know (from reading the postings here for a long time) that some of you hate "Big Developers," "Big Oil," "Big CostCo," , etc., But I learned a long time ago that things are not always what they seem.
I grew up in Rural Orange County Calif. My mom was born in L.A. in 1926 and I in San Francisco. Newport Beach was a hick town back in the early 60's, and I grew up hating the Irvine Company (a big land owner/eveloper). A friend worked for a construction company building a multi million dollar home in Cota De Casa....they spent more for the bricks used in the circular driveway than my entire home cost....they even spent over $100,000 to move an oak tree 10 miles to be the center piece in front of the house. While he was showing me the house The owner showed up to video tape some of the construction ....(A video camera cost $4,000.00 in 1980).......I made the comment under my breath under my breath to my friend "I hate rich people".."what a waste...this money could be better spent on homeless people".....My friend just stared at me then said..."then all MY workers would be homeless" "I love rich people" "They keep my guys working"........And I later found out that if it had not been for "Rich People" willing to pay for those video cameras in 1980, that I would not be able to afford one now.
When you go to work you expect to get paid, and when you risk your money on a business that you have passion for you hope to make a profit. I don't think it is my place to decide what is too much profit, or what business you want to be in. (ALL you growers of pakalolo know what I mean)...
I just think we should be real with ourselves and agree that we all want "stuff," "comfort," "safety," "peace," etc., and like my joke about the woman in the bar.........we all have a price, and what we "haggle over" is the amount....
I hope I am making sense....


"We want the Superferry, we want the superferry"

Who's we, you and the frogs in your pockets? I'd guess that the only island with a majority that favors the HSF is Oahu, Why? Because that island has been destroyed for the most part except for a few spots. The majority of residents there don't give a hoot...trash thrown out car windows, unprevoked violence due to over crowding, and not much love for the Aina as a whole. I for one don't need people from Oahu coming over here and dumping their trash on my property, or pissing on it!

And beachboy, you need to relax homeboy, take her down a notch. If you are against it, then don't get on it! Simple as that. WAY bigger fish to fry like GMO, war in Iraq, etc etc.

Iraq War!!! Self serving right wing neocons got us into that mess, and they get find a way out! I certainly can't do nothing about that, nor can you!

Just like I don't appreciate all these squatters and post 1970 smelly hippies (that someone forgot to tell them the Vietnam war is over) and all others that are living on "raw land" and are breaking the law smoking and selling pakalolo, ice, etc. but my tax dollars STILL contribute to their causes, their welfare checks, ebt cards, etc etc, I have to deal with it and move on. Same with the superferry. Deal with it and let it go. Aloha and good day!!

I don't know where you're hanging out? But I for one havn't smelled any smelly hippies you're talk about. You ought to think about learning from those so-called smelly hippies. Hippes have some of the best values around dude. You could probably learn from a few of them. The only people I know squatting on land are Vietnam Vets who are Hawaiians, you gotta problem with them?
I'm a buddhist, but doesn't the Bible talk about taking care of the meek & poor? Why does the conservatives always look at poor people as dirt, or trash? Have you ever taken the time to talk to some of these individuals and try to understand how they got in their current situation? I'd say 70% of the down and out are there not by choice!

Funny you should mention "breaking the law", because that's exactly what Lingle & HSF did! With the user name 'Samdooby', do you really think any of us believe you're against Pakalolo?

With regards to HSF the people who are pro HSF, seem to be of the self serving nature. Refusing to look at the bigger picture. I find that a lot of people who have moved here in the past 10 years or less think this is paradise. These islands are nothing compared to what it use to be...and it's only gonna get worse.

Like I said, in no way am I a "Tree Hugger", but I'll be damn if I'm gonna sit back and watch my home go to hell. I soldier for the enviornment. Just because this damn vessel is costing around 200 million dollars, does that mean we all have to bend over and grab our ankles for Lingle & Honolulu Hale? I doubt they are offering a "courtesy reach around" for supporting these criminals!
Listen, had the HSF used it's own funds to build ramps,docks etc,etc.. the enviornmentalist like myself wouldn't have a leg to stand on. But since they didn't, they need to follow the law and wait for the EIS.


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
A million bucks, huh? Hmmm...


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~Dalai Lama

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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