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Problems at Punaweb
Whoa, spaces are a good thing. That was tough to read.

I can't imagine anyone fearing the County authorities being called due to a post on PunaWeb. After all, other than people who have written about their building experiences, people whose name indicates where they live <waves to KapohoCat>, or people that I've met personally, I haven't got a clue where these people are on the island.

Say, for example (and I'm pulling a name out of the hat here), I got angry at hooligal and wanted to report her to the authorities (which I don't, 'cause I think she's cool), I haven't a CLUE where she lives, much less if she's in a permitted or unpermitted house.

To quote an old song "paranoia will destroy 'ya".

John Dirgo, R, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell

John - Please don't report me!!! Hey...wait a minute! YOU sold me this house...maybe I should report you!!!

Just kidding!!!

Warmest Aloha to All!!!

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman
"Vote with your money!"
On behalf of myself, I happily accept the beer and potato salad, provided you go easy on the mustard, and heavy on the beer.

I mean, who would turn that down?

<quote>Ask her about her BV. </quote>

Uh oh, what's a BV?

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
John, I'm not so sure that Punarebel's post is off base. It's not what will actually happen, but what is threatened. When the threats over a difference of opinion or making a lighthearted joke, turns into legal threats, one can only conclude that those threats were a blatant intimidation tactics meant to instill fear. By turning dissenting opinion into a tool to threaten people, well quite frankly, they became as bad as what they are protecting people against. I can stand up to the attorneys from an air tour company and fight them face to face. But, I'm not going to engage in association with anyone who would threaten their own brother with legal action just because of differing opinion.

I see what you mean, Bob. But I think that was an isolated threat. I would still like to believe (mistakenly, perhaps) that most people feel free to post without fear of retribution from people that may disagree with them on one issue or another.

Maybe I'm just idealistic.

And hooligal, I'm guessing, but I suspect that BV was supposed to be BF (they are right by each other on the keyboard). Boyfriend? Best Friend?

John Dirgo, R, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell

Edited by - jdirgo on 11/07/2007 13:10:52
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
<quote>Ask her about her BV. </quote>

Uh oh, what's a BV?

bacon........ does that ring a bell?

Now I'm really curious.
There were fireworks and I missed them.

I wonder why we humans take life so seriously. I just read something that said to ask yourself, How will this affect me five years from now? before getting all worked up about something.

If we could reduse the world's population to a village of precents of people, with all the exhisting human ratios remaning the same , the demographic would look something like this: 60 Asains; 12 Europeans; 5 US Americian and Canadians; 8 Latins; 14 Africans**49 would be female;51 would be male**82 would be non-white;18 white**89 heterosexual;11 homosexual**33 would be christian;67would be non-christian***5% would control 32% of the entire world's worth and all of them would be US citizens**80 would live in substandard housing;24 would not have any electricity;(And of the76% that do have electricity most would only use it at night;67 would be unable to read; 1(only one) would have a college education;50 would be malnourished and 1 dying of starvation; 33 would be without access to a safe water supply; One would have HIV; One near death; 2 would be near birth;7 people would have access to the internet. If you take a look at the world from this condensed perspective and need for acceptance, understanding, an education becomes essintial. Think of it. If you woke up this morning with more health than sickness, you are luckier than the million that will not survive the week. If you have never experienced a war, the lonelineness of an imprisonment; the agony of torture, or a famine, then you are luckier than 500 million persons in this world. If there is a meal in your refrigerator, if you are dressed and have shoes, if you have a bed and a roof over your head you are better off, than 75% of the people in this world. If your parents are still alive and still married then YOU are a rarity, If you have a bank account, money in your purse and there is a pile of coins in a jar /box stash you belong to the 8% of well-provided people in this world, If you can read this text, you are blessed three times as much, because someone has thought of you. You do not belong to those 2 billion people which cannot read and... you have access to a computer! This is YOUR world And you are able to make changes! Hasten to do good works! Think of it. One can make a difference. Peace

I don't post much BECAUSE I don't live there yet.

I love the Punaweb, but my eyes are getting old and I can't read run on stuff any more. Must be for young eyes only! LOL

So the only thing good about having the power supply to your computer blow up is you miss all the good stuff? I tried the laptop, but geezzzz you have to learn a bunch of new buttons and such! LOL

So I do not know anyone who is afraid to post on the Punaweb, I know of other forums where even the devil is dubious of posting!

I have friends and neighbors on this forum with unpermitted, permitted, painted and unpainted homes. They have no fear of this site. So go figure, to each his own. Oh yeah there are a few, very few, count um ONE who I refuse to read the posts of, and I imagine there is a vise versa to that sentence.

Aloha and good night Gracie!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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