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Hi there! I'm moving to Discovery Harbor.
glassnumbers, you are very welcome here, by me at least and hopefully many more.
I think "work" is vastly overrated, too many people seem to see it as a goal instead of a means to an end.
I hope you keep us updated on how your adventure is going. Helping remove invasive species is a very noble goal.

Linchpin, no need to project that sad excuse for a human being you encountered on to anybody else.
Originally posted by glassnumbers

Just because others have had to work all their lives, why would you wish the same fate upon me?
Aloha Smile

I don't wish that for you or anyone else, unless it's a choice they're happy with. Just pointing out that being in that situation could make some folks jealous of yours, and jealousy breeds resentment.

For me, the definition of work is broader than simply being compensated for a given number of hours per day, doing something that isn't my first choice on how to pass the time. Just about any productive activity that provides a sense of accomplishment will qualify.
And, BTW, some of the best people I've met and most enjoyable moments of my life actually have come about through working for "the man".
I think it's ideal to have a balance in life, with work being part of the mix. But to each his own. I look forward to hearing your impressions of your new life in Hawaii. You express yourself very well. Aloha.
Just because others have had to work all their lives
I'm not going to wake up every morning and go out with a chainsaw
These dudes coming in here and acting like I owe them something just because I want to have a good time is just...Surprising.

glassnumbers -
As you've pointed out, it can be grating to read another person's uninvited opinion about your choice of lifestyle. On the other hand, you may have inadvertently revealed your own less than admirable impression of the average worker to people who are... the average worker.

They are after all, the people who pay into SSI to provide support for those who cannot support themselves. They probably weren't expecting a thank you, but just as likely did not expect a recipient to bite the hand that feeds them. Literally.

You appear to be young and may not yet recognize the many invisible connections between people and systems which allow our society to function as well as it does. Or the history. Not that many years ago people with a disability had to hope they had a supportive family willing to care for their needs, otherwise they were pretty much on their own.

Best of luck in Ka'u on your new adventure.

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by glassnumbers

There's absolutely nothing wrong with smoking weed and chilling out on the beach

According to federal law there is:

And to keep this local, according to our local DoH Asperger's is not an eligible condition.

Just because others have had to work all their lives, why would you wish the same fate upon me?
Wish the same fate? You say that like it's some sort of penance.
What I said (not so directly), was maybe you should not be bragging about funding such activities using stipends paid to you to the very people who pay into the fund that supports it. Money that is meant to provide you the basics in life. Should I also be happy
and supportive of the meth users that are trading their SNAP benefits for their fix and then stealing food from my neighbor's store?

just because I want to have a good time is just...Surprising
So long as tax funded programs front the bill?
Or does your mom buy your weed?

Look, I was the first person who actually lives in Ka'u to post to you, and I tried to make it useful... I was even nice. But then your next post just struck a nerve with me. See my last post as to the why.
Thanks brah, and, um, e kala mai i a`u for my hewa, Durian Fiend. I lumped you in with the other strange aloha-less responses I got, and that wasn't aloha either. Aloha requires perseverance as well as love and compassion and understanding, and even if some people aren't showing the spirit, that doesn't mean I should let it trouble my own. Mahalo so much for the compliment, you yourself converse in a charming manner as well. I really want to take pictures of the landscape too.

I can't quite describe it, how Hawai'i makes me feel, but to me, it feels like a sacred place, like Tibet or the Vatican. There is so much beauty in that which is native to Hawai'i. Hawai'i, unspoiled, what it's -supposed- to be, it's one of those spots in the world where it's not just a piece of land. Like Tibet or the Vatican, the land of Hawai'i itself is inextricably tied to a unique culture and spirit that goes back over a thousand years.

The best way to put it, I think, is I think I feel what the ancient Hawai'ians were talking about when they talked about Mana. I feel this sort of well being and positive forward thinking, a spiritual energy. Normally, I'm terrified of death, it is the end of all good things. In Hawai'i though, it's okay to die. We all die someday, and dying there means dying in paradise. I used to be very religious as a kid, until the church told me to choose either it, or the only woman I ever loved. That shattered my faith, but yet, in Hawai'i, I feel it again, but only when I'm actually there. I should be there in a month and a half or sooner though, everything's filled in. Mainland house is sold, island house is bought, we're navigating logistics of packing and sending stuff there, now. Don't worry, we aren't bringing any dogs or plants, just clothes and computers and stuff.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
One piece of advice: bring as little as possible. People bring way too much stuff here.
Good luck!
Originally posted by Linchpin

Originally posted by glassnumbers

There's absolutely nothing wrong with smoking weed and chilling out on the beach

According to federal law there is:

And to keep this local, according to our local DoH Asperger's is not an eligible condition.

Just because others have had to work all their lives, why would you wish the same fate upon me?
Wish the same fate? You say that like it's some sort of penance.
What I said (not so directly), was maybe you should not be bragging about funding such activities using stipends paid to you to the very people who pay into the fund that supports it. Money that is meant to provide you the basics in life. Should I also be happy
and supportive of the meth users that are trading their SNAP benefits for their fix and then stealing food from my neighbor's store?

just because I want to have a good time is just...Surprising
So long as tax funded programs front the bill?
Or does your mom buy your weed?

Look, I was the first person who actually lives in Ka'u to post to you, and I tried to make it useful... I was even nice. But then your next post just struck a nerve with me. See my last post as to the why.

"you only hurt one person by holding on to your unforgiveness and that is yourself."

E Kala mai ia‘u. I mean that. With that said, when I am on a road of any kind, whether or not I am driving, I extremely paranoid. It's difficult to even enjoy a trip of any kind involving an actual road with other people on it, due to the anxiety invoked in regards to keeping myself alive. Don't worry about my falling asleep at the wheel, I'd sooner not go out than risk that.

Please do not invoke federal law in regards to Hawai'i. Do you know what the USA did to Hawai'i? They stuck a gun in the Queen's face and said "Change the law so that only people who earn x amount of money, or own land that's worth x amount of dollars, only those people can vote." that was called the Bayonet Constitution, because of the force used, and it disenfranchised 2/3rds of the native Hawai'ian voters. That was it's entire aim to begin with, to steal Hawai'i away from it's rightful owners and give it to the US. It was so egregious that Bill Clinton even wrote the Apology Resolution.

"acknowledges that the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States and further acknowledges that the Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum."

It's a pity that Hawai'i, along with most every other state in the US save for California, doesn't classify autism as a qualifier for medical marijuana. Because, here.

That's just the tip of the iceberg, try googling autism and medical marijuana. This is going to sound really dickish, and I don't mean it that way but...Please, educate yourself. Meth is in no way similar to medical cannabis, and it honestly is ignorant to compare a medical cannabis user to someone who smokes meth.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
Linchpin, you are your own worst enemy. Sure, it is understandable that you resent the results of your accident, But, Dude, Get your head out of your ass and look around and focus on the blessings that are in your life. They are there. Impossible to see the joy when you have your head where you can't see them.

Hoping your head heals

You're probably right Dan. I am my own worst enemy.
I've been one miserable SOB for the last year. Perhaps it's because my 9 year old had to wipe my backside for 9 months.
But as I said, I'm not looking for anyone's pitty.
Maybe I'll have a better outlook when I no longer need these two canes to walk or a handful of pills to sleep.
Originally posted by glassnumbers
Please do not invoke federal law in regards to Hawai'i. Do you know what the USA did to Hawai'i?
Being married to a Hawaiian woman for the last 20 years.... yeah, I'm well aware of her history.

It's a pity that Hawai'i, along with most every other state in the US...
Pick a lane man (please see quoted part above)

Please, educate yourself. Meth is in no way similar to medical cannabis, and it honestly is ignorant to compare a medical cannabis user to someone who smokes meth.

Once again, you missed my point. Or perhaps you overlooked it? Or perhaps you ignored it in order to change the subjet (which has happened quite a few many times in this thread).
My point was about feeling that it is perfectly acceptable to use tax funded programs (SSI, SNAP, etc) meant to provide sustenance and sundries to purchase illegal drugs to support someone's habbit/addition. There's a reason foodstamps don't cover beer.

But you know, welcome to Hawai'i! You'll fit right in here.
We're all a little off our rockers... some more than others.

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