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Mauna Kea Management report and schedule.
Thanks Tom, Do you know which state agency receives the money?
No money is exchanging hands. Let me re-word. The observatories' rent is provided by giving the University of Hawaii free access to the telescopes, typically 15% of observing time each year. This cost is borne by the observatories and comes out of their operating costs. For each of the larger observatories, this can amount to a few million dollars a year.
I should add that the deal UHH makes their university the only one in the world with lots of access to the best viewing site on the planet and makes the UH system in general first rate for many studying astronomy.

And MarkD, please don't ask gypsy questions about what Native Hawaiians think. You should read the EIS and watch the testimony if you want to see what they think. Then go meet a few for yourself.

Just one example:
Hawaiians, like all people, are a diverse group of individuals. There is no “Hawaiian view” on the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) any more than there is a “haole view” on the issue or a “Maui view.” The protesters atop Mauna Kea represent one particular aspect of Hawaiian culture while entirely ignoring the rich tradition of scientific exploration that brought Polynesians here in the first place.
The 503 pages of TMT EIS I read deserves to be in the Garbage, It was written by and for the suppressors so the TMT could succeed. jmo

Ask some Kanaka what they think about the TMT or their feelings about their lands and rights as people:
Some what to see testimony well This uncle goes to OHA and tries to simplify some Hawaiian and TMT issues.

OHA heard this young gentleman as well.

This Hawaiian not only went to speak to OHA but he also raced up Mauna Kea to help prevent further illegal desecration

This young Hawaiian woman may help educate some here about how some Hawaiians feel about their lands, traditions, cultures, gods and ancestors. She spoke of the recently found water on Puhakuloa before the scientists drilled to find it. Now the military wants to be the ones to use it, shame. The TMT project if built on the Hawaiians sacred grounds of Mauna Wa Kea will be helping the military.

OHA has done a great job taking in money over the years and the TMT project has put a lot of money and pressure on their table. If you Listen, more importantly hear what these Hawaiians are saying money is not their issue and only insults them. jmo's
Thank you, Eric. I would also add that it's not just astronomy, but physics and mathematics as well since astronomy is essentially a branch of physics, and mathematics is its language. I've provided the evidence in the past here, but it's also been shown that an interest in astronomy is one of the main reason students become interested in the physical sciences in the first place as well as engineering which benefits all of us in more ways than you might imagine at first.
"If you Listen, more importantly hear what these Hawaiians are saying money is not their issue and only insults them."

So the complaints about the $1 lease fee were just a bunch of lies. Got it.
What TOMK, nothing new from the astronomy capital of the world this morning to report.
In the last 65 years that telescopes have ruled the summit of Mauna kea, Just How many Big Island born "astronomers" have worked in this astronomy capital? This may be an easy question for TomK to answer if he can count on one or two hands. A few more easy questions here Tommy boy.
TomK, How much money do they pay you to be on these types of forum's and deal with folks like myself or is it volunteer work?
TomK, How many years have you been online dealing with folks like myself? Be honest.
TomK, Do you still think there is only a "small group" of Hawaiians and local residents who oppose the TMT and continued development on the summit of Mauna Kea?
TomK, Do you still think the proposed TMT site has no life and is only a pile of rocks?
TomK, Do you see the many connections between the PGV and TMT yet? OR, the TMT and the military used Super Ferry?
I don't really expect Tommy boy to answer any of these questions because he lacks several qualities of a "good man" and may not have had his daily quota of alcohol to do so. It Might be time for another one of your famous vacations soon Tommy. jmo
Happy Mother's day.

This is always an informative group or club that gathers information that pertains to the developments and management of Mauna Kea.

Here is some more information on what has transpired on Mauna Kea over the years.

It's Interesting to me how the TMT's 503 page EIS report i read states their project would not cause substantial adverse and significant damage to the summit of Mauna Kea.
You said you're moving.
Aloha kakahiaka Gypsy,

TomK and others rebutted some of your wild accusations early in the thread, but you did not acknowledge you were wrong. Perhaps you should take time now to apologize for some of the unfounded accusations you have made.
You can find a video on the internet supporting any point of view.
You might find a video by people who believe the earth is flat, with emotional pleas that their ancestors lived wonderful lives when everyone believed the earth was flat, hundreds of years ago. Back in the days of yore when people died on average at age 30.

If you looked around you might even find a video with someone selling "Gibberish Nonsense Pearl Necklaces" for $1000. That wouldn't mean they're worth $1000. It wouldn't mean they're worth $1. Because someone at this moment, is trying to sell you something, somewhere on the Internet.

If I know what I shall find, I do not want to find it. Uncertainty is the salt of life. - biochemist Erwin Chargaff
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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