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What was the Golden Age of Hawai'i?
Mahalo for your recollections Mrs. Mimosa. It’s great to hear what it was like here before.
"These are the good ol' days."

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Of course, there are those who remember the 1920`s- 1950`s as a time of
labor unrest
horrific tsunamis that came out of nowhere
diseases that were untreatable
working long hours with maybe one day off each week (during harvest, lucky if you got 1/2 day off
having to live in camp housing because, with all of your wages, there was no way to save
having to use public transport because only the supervisors could afford their own transportation

& for HAPA children like my second cousins... the ever present "kill haole" days & constant bullying from both sides because of your blood lineage

Obviously some were wee tots during the golden age they remember & did not have to realize how repressive the time was for many of their family friends & neighbors (and probably some of their ohana...)
"Was our golden years - in the 1920s through the 1950s."

Or Not !

The Great Depression hit Hawai'i hard, as employment in the sugar and pineapple industries declined during the early 1930s. In December 1936, about one-quarter of Hawai'i's labor force was unemployed.

In Hawai'i, martial law was declared within hours of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and it lasted, with some modifications, for nearly three years, until October 24, 1944.
(04-23-2018, 06:28 AM)Mimosa Wrote: Before Fire ants and COE KEY frogs.
After WW 2 when raising a family was less of a soccer mom mini van type of existence .
Before the influx of tourists and jet travel .
Before Big Box outlets and red lights .
When there was no crime on the island as is so rampant today.When pau hana meant starting at 9am and pau work at 3 in afternoon.When Hilo town shut down when the surf was up.
Those days were our golden years .
Before 4 lane road and cane was king.
Before subdivisions in puna .
When Hawaii Nei was still a territory and not a state. ( State  of confusion ).
Before internet or amazon or fake book .
Those were our golden years .
Before 420 and hippy's .
When Sears was an outlet and ordering an item took 6 months to arrive by slow boat.
When petrol was 9 cents a gallon in the old jalopy .
Before safety stickers and weight tax .
When it was common place to ride the horses with wagons to town for supplies .
When hilo had electric trollies and a family knew all other ohana.
Before ....................

Was our golden years - in the 1920s through the 1950s.

A simpler more laid back type of life .


Hey Tawnya, I think you might know Mimosa.  You seem to have similar recollections about no Crime, no Stoplights and no Hippies.  You know, back when Sugar Cane was King?
The ranks of the sock puppet hunters are growing!  Tongue
Keep it local  Heart
Maybe nothin' else to do than play dicktective and jumping the shark in the process.

One person's opinion.
Just trying to introduce two like minded individuals.
first.  you have to know the TRUTH about 2 KEY piece of post contact O-whyhee's History

#1. in 1819 the Kapu System was abolished BEFORE a single Missionary knew about this, let alone ever set foot on these islands...
many months Before....

#2. read this...
Kalakaua's Opium Scandal is 100% the main reason why Tonga is the last and only Kingdom left in Oceania/Polynesia ...
Corrupt (elected) King Dave sold-out Hawaii for greed! Period! 

and if you call yourself a "Hawaiian" a descent of the 2nd people to find and settle these islands.....
dont put the blinders on and try for blame haole for this key trigger that screwed you all out of your Kingdom...

fwiw if you google opium scandal or opium bribe.. the main stuff that comes up is Hawaii and Kalakaua.. this is the stuff Hawaiians dont like to talk about and many try for call BS on it.  its Hawaii History period, something I do daily as you can tell by my screen name..  aloha
Tone it down brA .. PW police / Dicktec gonna label u a sock puppet.

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