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5-0 on Mauna Kea?
going all out to block a telescope while their nascent nation languishes

As a child's tantrum: "If I can't have it, nobody can!"
the "protectors" are going all out to block a telescope while their nascent nation languishes.

I don’t believe the 13 original colonies would be much different today had Paul Revere set out at midnight between Boston & Lexington shouting “the telescopes are coming! The telescopes are coming!”

Or set up a tent blocking the road for 6 or 7 months.

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
If you don't mind, HOTPE, I may quote you in some future talks I give. I hope you don't mind.
And here I was thinking all that delusional bs was a Trump/McConnell thing, only happening on the national stage. Are you sure you aren't all republicans?
I know I shouldn't feed the latest incarnation of the resident troll, but the only delusional thinking going on in this scenario is the belief that the Hawaiians are going to get their kingdom, republic, Indian tribe equivalent, or whatever with their current "leadership" and methods.
Not everyone who disagrees with politically correct BS is a Republican. Some of us are just forward looking critical thinkers.
I note that "the" Hawaiians have rejected tribal "nation-within-a-nation" status, even though it's probably the best deal they were ever going to get. (At least that's what some of them say -- it's difficult to be sure who has "authority" to speak for "all Hawaiians".)

I'm not a republican ... but the TMT debacle makes me miss Lingle.
If you don't mind... I may quote you in some future talks I give.

Thanks for asking Tom, yes, please do.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by kalakoa

makes me miss Lingle.
And what, pray tell, would she do? After all the success she had with Act Two I am sure she'd find a way.. right?


"In the latest turn of events in Hawaii's impressive grassroots uprising against a huge corporate-military boondoggle, the state’s Supreme Court has ruled unanimously (5-0) that the Hawaii Superferry has no legal authority to continue its operations in the state...

The ruling struck down as “unconstitutional” a law instigated by right-wing Republican Governor Linda Lingle called Act Two, which was intended to circumvent an earlier unanimous Hawaii Supreme Court ruling (August 2007)..."
state’s Supreme Court has ruled unanimously (5-0) that the Hawaii Superferry

Of course in the case of the TMT the Supreme Court ruled in it’s favor. What we need now is a governor who will enforce the law. Lingle took on the corrupt Maui County garbage collectors Uku Pau system and won. It’s one of the reasons she was elected Governor. Voters wanted someone who showed they could get things done.

Edited to add:
BTW hokuili, using your argument and logic:

* In your view Linda Lingle's Act Two was proven wrong because the Hawaii Supreme Court ruled against the Super Ferry. The project therefore could not proceed despite Lingle's support and preference.
* Last year the Hawaii Supreme Court ruled in favor of the TMT and against the protestors.
* It would logically follow that in this case the protestors are wrong, and the protestors like Linda Lingle should step aside despite their objections and opposition, and allow the decision of the Hawaii Supreme Court to stand.

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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