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Former POTUS wears no mask while seemingly standing in Hawaii restaurant
elepaio pid=' dateline=\'1643702896' Wrote:Who is " Somone " ?

What? I don't know who Somone is.
(02-01-2022, 08:45 AM)TomK Wrote:
elepaio pid=' dateline=\'1643702896' Wrote:Who is " Somone " ?

What? I don't know who Somone is.

TomK likes to be the pretend know-it-all.

It should be expected from the idgit of the dome.

(If he was in the UK, he would be an ejit as opposed to here, where he is an idgit.)
It's a good question: Who is "they"? And, what exactly is the problem?

Jeez. Quit worrying about people not wearing masks in a private gathering-at a restaurant of all places!

I've never understood why it's OK to sit in a restaurant for as long as you want without a mask while dining but you must wear one while briefly entering and leaving. Does that make any sense? Simply requiring proof of vaccination during a pandemic-that makes more sense.

If the Obamas are to be faulted for their Oahu gathering, you can be sure that the shrieking midgets of right wing media will be on this story immediately.
I've never understood why it's OK to sit in a restaurant for as long as you want without a mask while dining but you must wear one while briefly entering and leaving. - Durian Fiend

Because The Science™
Keep it local  Heart
why it's OK to sit in a restaurant for as long as you want without a mask

1) it’s difficult to eat while wearing a mask
2) restaurants space tables 6 feet apart or more, so if you are at your table there is distance between yourself and other diners
3) when you enter or exit the restaurant you walk by numerous other people - - so wear a mask

It’s less science than common sense and common courtesy 
common sense and common courtesy

Traditionally the first casualties of wine....

In Vino Veritas - Erasmus
Keep it local  Heart
Traditionally the first casualties

If you are saying that humans are unable to observe courtesy and safety measures when out in public, so government officials are forced into creating restrictions for them for their own well being, because people are generally too selfish to observe courtesy and common sense without a rule or law in place, like masks and speed limits (because otherwise some people would drive 100 mph), then I completely agree with you.
(02-01-2022, 07:53 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: why it's OK to sit in a restaurant for as long as you want without a mask

1) it’s difficult to eat while wearing a mask
2) restaurants space tables 6 feet apart or more, so if you are at your table there is distance between yourself and other diners
3) when you enter or exit the restaurant you walk by numerous other people - - so wear a mask

It’s less science than common sense and common courtesy 
I'll buy number 1. 

The other two, not so much.  Walking by someone, usually not many, with your mouth shut is arguably better than sitting many feet away (or even less than 6 in places I've been in) while talking to your table mates.
(02-01-2022, 04:25 PM)Durian Fiend Wrote: I've never understood why it's OK to sit in a restaurant for as long as you want without a mask while dining..

Me either. And that's why I haven't been in one since this all began.

As to the second part, the but you must wear one while briefly entering and leaving part, that's simply evidence nobody should be unmasked in any event. 

Now, should it be regulated? I think, at a minimum, establishments like that should be required to put a warning on their door, and a little informative card at each table, warning people that they are in a dangerous environment and that the establishment can not guarantee their safety in these matters. Otherwise, yeah, I can't imagine sitting at a table like that and willy nilly going about eating and carrying on with friends without expecting we're all sharing our ha with each other, and everyone else in the room.
Far too trusting of science that says the virus wont follow patrons past the door into the restaurant. We already went over the volume of air in a building re-circulating 2 years ago. Its a special kind of virus that can see the magic talisman of rules and masks to prevent infection. Might was well start wearing garlic to keep vampires away.

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