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HPP Special BOD Meeting Tuesday, May 5th at 6pm
All the second-guessing in the world (and Lordy have I done my share) will not change the fact that we are spending $12 million of everyone's money on a project that has been handed to the current Board in a state guaranteed to make most of us unhappy. I do give the current Board credit for being civil and trying to reach an amiable consensus on what to do. Previous Boards were not known for this. Mr. Spaur's return is a good thing, as he has demonstated a level head and good leadership skills.

Getting centralized water supply throughout the park is not one of my top priorities, but I respect people who express ideas different from my own. At least they are participating in the discussion in a civil and reasoned manner by posing alternatives.


As you know, I relented and refused to give up after so much positive feedback. You know I felt in my heart that we were doing everything right to plan a positive and favorable path despite the hand we were delt as a BOD. I'm very touched to know that people understood that we were in alignment and trying to move the HPPOA forward.

That being said, look for major changes and even more clarity moving forward. I absolutely insist on transparency and clarity when it comes to management of the HPPOA, because it's our future at risk. Nobody will be left out and the cooperative will ultimately benefit. You will see even more results than before within 30 days.

If you or anyone has any questions, feel free to ask here and I will get back and answer to the best of my ability.

Saw one post about BOD members having their roads paved. My dead end is not paved. I would say that the vast majority of the seated board does not and will not get pavement. I also love the comment about lawyers circling ......totally correct. My training in the Real Estate business has taught me to do everything as if you going to be on the witness stand.

I will hang in there and try to make a difference



OK ....Now I've read all posts and I have to say, most are 100% accurate. Ever since accepting this position with HPPOA I have questioned everything and there was a lot to question !!!!! We should all continue to question everything that is being done and demand accountability. That we shall have if I can influence it ( I think I can)

My biggest problem was getting my arms around all aspects of the management or potential mismanagement of the HPPOA. It has been a real "head scratcher" and a surprise around every corner.

You will see more focus and communication. That is a certainty.

I did see some notes on the BOD agenda and I would like to share what I know to help clarify.

I was requested to attend the BOD as a member who was going to offer input during the Executive session and I asked that the vote to accept my resignation be reconsidered in that forum. The reason: When legal matters, contracts or employees are discussed, it is mandated by law that those subjects be discussed in private. What I had to say impacted all three subjects. No other agenda




I'm very happy to hear you reconsidered. It would be a shame to see all the progress you and your team have made go down the tube. I think the accusations that only board members are getting paved roads is quite laughable. As Jerry said, roads are going to be paved, end of story. The key thing now is to get the right roads paved and in a cost effective and timely manner. You now have to assess the bids and choose the best.

We all know now that not all roads can be paved and the plan I heard you put forward at the meeting I attended sounded the best I'd heard to date - please correct me if I'm wrong:

1. Pave roads at approximately 1 mile intervals so there are paved cross roads across the park (i.e. not having all paved roads clumped up at the top or bottom. This will share the paving across the park and also give alternative routes to emergency vehicles.

2. Pave the roads that require most maintenance, thus cutting down on the future annual road maintenance bill as much as possible. As I understand it some roads need attention regularly while others seem to hold up much longer before needing grading, etc. due to different profiles, slopes, valleys and amount of traffic. This should be fairly easy as maintenance records will show what roads are costing most money to maintain.

I'm sure it was not difficult to find 4 or 5 cross roads that fall into the top of both categories and I think it would be hard to argue this approach is wrong.

As you mentioned you intend to be transparent, may I suggest you post a brief note on the HPP Owners site and/or here to explain to HPP residents how it was decided to pave which roads. Hopefully this would put an end to the endless comments and accusations that only board members get special treatment.

Good luck to you and the board!
From My Letter of 8/26/08. This will provide a clear picture of where we were a hal year ago.

I have been concerned about the paving project for quite some time, but trusted that previous committee actions had it under control. After seeing illogical arguments and misinformation applied at our last BOD meeting, I made an effort to completely educate myself on the matter. After seeing what I’ve discovered in the latter part of last week, I became more than concerned. Once information is discovered, it must be disclosed or an individual could face consequences that threaten their personal assets. I would also ask that all directors visit to get a taste of what can happen when an association does not execute by the rules. Note the disclosure of information aspect and the loss of insurability this board is facing. Once the attached information is delivered to the entire BOD then we are all obligated to execute and are all accountable.

I have attached a letter from Ron Vizzone, as well as a copy of the paving contract. I think it is important that definition of priority of paving from the bond be understood, so I’ve included the text from the bond as it relates to the subject. “The priority order in which roads will be paved will be determined by the avoided cost of road maintenance, the amount of vehicular travel and the number of residences adjacent to the road.” I must point out that has nothing to do with “parcels served or parcel count” as was indicated last Wed. night. By the way and for the record : I’m over it for now, as far as the need to address K St and Paradise Ala Kai paving, even though these do meet all three criteria (more so than many of the chosen streets- Note: Paradise Ala Kai has a density of over 50%) and I will certainly do what I’m supposed to and represent my district’s wishes at a latter date. At this point there are more issues at a higher priority level.

I know a map exists with detailed input on the first priority of reducing road expenses and I will provide details on adjacent permitted structures by street, if needed. I hope that information already exists in the documentation that was used by the Paving Committee to reach their decisions??????.

I bring this up, as I now agree with Ron and most of his statements. We are not addressing this project by the definition provided to us and that means we are in violation of our fiduciary duty to our membership. That along with the failure to properly disclose to our membership could make us a very large litigation target. As demonstrated in Frank’s very well written letter (attached) there is really no continuity to any plan that may have been developed. Actually, unless there is something written and documented, we really have no plan. When we are dealing with millions of dollars of member money, not to have a plan, is moving through treacherous country.

The list of questions and considerations is very lengthy, so I’ve attached a copy of the contract with notes and modifications where I think we have a problem or the matter is unclear. That being said, I think the entire board needs to see the documentation of how the paving committee reached the decision to pave the streets that were chosen and an explanation of the noted contract variances provided. Aside from the Kaloli Point area, I don’t see where the contracted streets meet the requirements of the bond, as the documentation I discovered is contrary to the feedback provided. I think the entire BOD needs to be comfortable with why the following streets were ignored or eliminated when they are on the list of the #1 priority.

27th Paradise to Shower
23rd Makuu to Paradise
18th Kaloli to Paradise
19th Makuu to Kaloli
7th Makuu to Paradise

The minute these streets, with the highest defined priority, were not put on the list, it seems we violated the premise and requirement of our bond. The lack of documentation on the subject, along with the fact that we have only board members on the committee, won’t look good when we get to court and I believe we will, if we don’t execute by the terms of the contract and with detailed documentation of every move.

As of this point the lack of minutes and other documentation of how we have proceeded to this point could put us at serious risk and frankly, I don’t think anyone wants personal legal liability.

My logical recommendations to the BOD will be to immediately request the following:

All Minutes of pervious Paving Committee meetings be provided to the BOD ASAP along with detailed explanations of variances indicated on the contract.
Contractor will be directed to route all paperwork relevant to the project/ contract through the HPPOA General Manager to comply with contractual obligations.
Immediately appoint an equal number of non-board members to the Paving Committee or dissolve the Committee and incorporate the task into the overall BOD function
If Paving Committee continues, all meetings are to be given public notice
Complete revision of the paving plan to be aligned with the parameters of our bond
Request that the entire quote process be reviewed and realigned for phase two.
Research via committee or seated BOD the validity of determined cost and method of application currently used and apply the findings to subsequent contracts ie; how can 33rd be done at a cost 20% to 25% lower than our billing cost and what alternative methods can be considered to maximize the amount of paved roads?
Once complete, the revised plan is to be submitted to General Membership via every means available.
Disclosure- Disclosure-Disclosure
All requests for payment are to be submitted in accordance with the contract, via our main office first. We need to have at least one more audit procedure in place due to the amount of money at risk.
Sufficient documentation based on the three stated criteria from the bond be provided for the HPPOA file, if any road or segment of road is done that services a current or previous BOD ‘s dwelling. In other words……consensus on the application and reasons behind it

I’m certain you will agree with the seriousness of this matter and the need to do it “by the book” or we will probably face dire consequences. I look forward to your feedback.



Thank you for sharing this letter with this forum. It was a real eye opener but I'm afraid put more questions in my mind:

1. You quote text from the bond:

“The priority order in which roads will be paved will be determined by the avoided cost of road maintenance, the amount of vehicular travel and the number of residences adjacent to the road.”

Does this mean the bond issuer decided the basis on which roads are to be paved and in what order, and there was no room at all to modify this plan by the BOD, or paving committee?

If the bond issuer did determine the terms, why? Was this to prevent endless argument about which roads would be paved by the paving committee and/or BOD?

2. Is there somewhere we can see the full terms of the bond's paving criteria including the full list of what roads must be paved and in what sequence?

3. Where do 1st and 16th streets fall in the priority list?

4. Does the bond give any weight to spacing, so that all paved roads are not clumped in one area? 4 of the 5 roads on top of the priority list cover just over one mile:

27th Paradise to Shower
23rd Makuu to Paradise
18th Kaloli to Paradise
19th Makuu to Kaloli
7th Makuu to Paradise

5. If we were strictly tied by the terms of the bond, was there some attempt by the previous board or paving committee to go against the terms, by selecting different roads based on their own criteria?

6. What happened after you issued this letter - did the paving committee resign? If so was a new committee formed and did they follow your guidelines/instructions and terms of the bond?

7. Where do we stand contractually/legally now with the bond issuer?

8. With regard to non road fee paying owners, I have heard mention at some of our meetings that our association intends to go after non payers of road fees - the Orchidland case demonstrates foreclosing is not an option so how are we handling it? Unpaid fees are recoverable when the property is sold so doesn't that give the same outcome as a lien, i.e. a lien is often only cleared when the property changes owners? Is there no other way to collect unpaid fees sooner?

Once again I think you are a breath of fresh air on the board, and we are finally getting to hear what is going on! Thank you for all the hard work. Perhaps to save time you could post some of the documents you refer to which might help answer some of these questions.


I hope many people read this so we can get the right information out to everyone concerned. Answers to your questions:

1. Bond issuer has no input
2. Does not apply
3. A matter of choice. Past BOD and Paving Committee had taken a different approach ( right or wrong we cannot judge). It was announced to the membership that those roads were to done. Now it begs the question " Do we take it away?".
4. These where the roads identified as the most in need of pavement to reduce maintenance costs. If you look at the stats as we finally did in the fall of 2008, then using the criteria from the bond would result in a disproportionate placement.
5. See item #3
6. BOD dissolved the Paving Committee
7. We are in compliance
8. Orchidland case demonstrates how inaction or the wrong action by a BOD can cost a pretty penny. It should not be used for comparisons to our foreclosure process. The law is clear on the process and we do have to pay to collect but we receive the outstanding balance and collection costs back.


Just a note as it was mentioned several times as to why I submitted my resignation. There were many things that will become clear shortly, but it was the action below that gave me no other choice:

"The situation at HPP is requiring a disproportionate amount of my time and detracting from my professional and personal life. A potential Buyer of a property my agency represents on 1st Ave. was told by our HOA Office in the past few days that the lot is “unsafe, prone to earthquakes/ flooding and the location is the site of constant drug dealing and other illegal activities”. The misinformation and speculation has now resulted in a loss for one of my clients and that is unacceptable. Unfortunately it puts me in conflict with HPPOA at the very least and could wind up in a completely adversarial position".

Multiple innocent parties had to suffer the loss of a contract due to unqualified opnions or just plain sabotage. At any rate, while that conditions existed I could not represent my client and be part of an entity giving information that adversly impacted my client.



Thank you for your answers above, and I too hope many HPPers read this thread and we can all understand what happened and is happening with regards to the paving contract.

I'm afraid I'm now more confused as I'm sure others may be. In your post further above (04/03/09) you state:

Para 2. "I think it is important that definition of priority of paving from the bond be understood, so I’ve included the text from the bond as it relates to the subject. “The priority order in which roads will be paved will be determined by the avoided cost of road maintenance, the amount of vehicular travel and the number of residences adjacent to the road.” "

Para 4 "We are not addressing this project by the definition provided to us and that means we are in violation of our fiduciary duty to our membership."

Para 6. "The minute these streets, with the highest defined priority, were not put on the list, it seems we violated the premise and requirement of our bond."

In your answers today (04/05/09) you state the bond issuer has no input to the paving plan.

These two posts seem to contradict each other or am I missing something. Could you please clarify. If the bond issuer did not have any input to how we pave the roads, how did we violate the terms of the bond?

Thanks again for taking the time to educate us!

Did you find out who in the HOA office was saying this to prospective buyers? No wonder property prices are down!

For non-HPPers reading this, let me assure you that 1st Street and environs are not like that at all!
(And the rest of HPP as well)

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