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more helicopters
Originally posted by Jake

This question is tangential to the topic of eradicating marijuana for "commercial" gain, but just so I can be clear on what I read here (, do I understand correctly that on the Big Island an individual can legally have 24 or fewer plants growing at any one time on private property for "personal use?" Is that really the law? Or have I and/or the reporter misstated the ordinance? Thanks.
Slight misstatement.

Under federal law it's illegal to have any marijuana.

Under Hawaii State law, it's illegal to have any marijuana unless a holder of a State Medical Marijuana Card and adhering to all the requirements of that license. State exemptions are not binding on the federal government.

In Hawaii County, it's the same as the state laws. However, by County ordinance, adult personal use as defined by the ordinance is to be the lowest priority of enforcement. The lowest priority ordinance is not binding on the State, other Counties, or the feds.

So, if your in Hawaii County, and adult as defined by ordinance, growing under 24 plants or posses it's dried equivalent, on your property, only using it for your personal use; the police should not be targeting you during a drug eradication or enforcement sweep. It doesn’t mean if they come across your small personal use patch on you property they have to ignore it, they have the legal authority to enforcement the law, but odds are they will move on to those the lowest law enforcement priority ask them to hit.
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

The law is clear, Braun said, noting section 9 of the ordinance that reads:

”the citizens …. request that Cannabis policies here within the County of Hawaii be dealt with by our local law enforcement only.”

Do you have title 9 that Braun quotes here as reported on the big island chronicle site? ... Im in for lunch, be happy to dig into it in the morning
Section 9 is about the County Clerk sending a form letter each year to certain officials to remind them about the Hawaii County initiative. I don't know what the point of mentioning it in this context since the letter is not a mandate or legal requirement on anyone regarding law enforcement or enforcement actions.

here is the entire text of the ordinance - from peaceful skies
yes - the writing of the ordinance was poor....
yes - a reasonable man would assume the populace is not in favor of supporting dea helicopter borne search and destroy missions

I will leave it to the reader to muddle through this awkward piece of language to determine whether laws were violated... The spirit certainly was - imho.
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

yes - the writing of the ordinance was poor....
Truth be told, not sure they could have worded it any other way. They can direct the police to make enforcement of a law a priority (as they did with directing resources to other than adult personal use), but they can’t tell them to not enforce a State law. So the best they were able to do was ask them to just make it a low priority.

Unfortunately, due to the constitutional issues that were raised, this will ultimately have to be decided by the State Supreme Court.

Originally posted by Bullwinkle

yes - a reasonable man would assume the populace is not in favor of supporting dea helicopter borne search and destroy missions
True, but the DEA is federal and was not covered by this ordinance so they are free to do what they want. The initative never imposed anything on them, the State or other Counties. Only Hawaii County government resources are under the ordinance.

The bigger issue is, if it comes down to a court battle, will the judge accept that people thought it really meant something else and should be changed to somthing that wasn't voted on, or will the judge say, that is the wording and thats what you approved. Too bad if it's not what you thought it was. Historically they rule that what was written stands as there is no way to say if people would have voted for it if it was written another way.

Originally posted by Bullwinkle

I will leave it to the reader to muddle through this awkward piece of language to determine whether laws were violated... The spirit certainly was - imho.
If you read the police follow-up on these actions, they didn’t do anything against anyone who fell under the adult personal use (even though they could). So the letter and Spirit of the law was not violated. It looks like they not only followed the ordinance but also went further in curtailing their actions when they had the right to take action.

Now, I would question the technical aspects of deputizing other County law enforcement, but that is not prohibited in the law so they didn’t do anything wrong. Also, it’s a bit of Madoff economics in the argument of this years versus last year funds, but again, the imitative prevented accepting money which they didn’t do because that money was given to them before the imitative was passed by the voters, so they already had it.
One item that does confuse me is this:
Based on all available reports, the actions were targeted at large commerical criminal operations. The police did not release the suspected targets. They could be Joe and Jane who are making some money growing and distributing marijuana locally, it could have been Fred and Wanda who supplies the children of the community, it could be Julio and Jose who are part of a mexican drug cartel. What we know is a very large amount, (no way this was for personal use or even friendly social gatherings, this was commercial criminal operations) was seized including off public lands. So what I'm confused about is, was it the fact that the pot supply was reduced and crap gotta find another supplier, or was it the noise of helicopters and people would have complained anyway even if it was a raid on terrorist about to launch an attack? Basically was it the pot or the noise?

Let me rephrase that: reputable links, please. Not some guy with a website.
we are mixing apples and oranges...

we have details on the raids three weeks ago or so - Billy gave em last years money and a wink, remember that in the voting booth

We have yet to get details, confirmation or information about what happened three days ago.. so we really cant comment about the latest action... other than the suckers were low and reckless and looked like dea

Im tired of twice monthly helicopter visits .. recklessly operated ones at that ... mark my words..... there will be a pilot error caused fatality, they have been lucky so far, is the supposed eradication worth a life

Is it fear tactics that herd the end users towards the dealers and indoor growers supporting organized crime or is it enforcement?

Tell me even with the lowest level of enforcement on the books.... if a dea helicopter was 200 feet over your house and you had say 6 plants enough to keep you out of the commercial market for the year...

Would you hold and wait to see what happens, hold your ground or pull em?

The dea and county cops are playing games, herding users to dealers and destroying their credibility in the process.

follow the money

If you really think the mayor is involved in the drug trade, and have some proof besides a wild imagination, please tell the newspapers.
Im saying the mayor is supporting mis guided policy that supports dealers and continues the status quo - you bet

want to stop the drug trade - take the profit and allure out of, make it about as sexy as exlax ... Im always amazed that the countries with the greatest prohibitions have the biggest issues...

In places where this stuff is legal and no big deal, adolescents pass through the cannabis phase at age 16, never to use again ....

we have helicopters and weasel worded half ordinances

go figure

"Yup billy and his boys protecting their wallets and indoor grows - grin"
"The criminal large scale indoor growers could (may) own the political system"
"follow the money"

I'm all for legalization too, but I don't insinuate the mayor is a drug dealer, or in their pockets.
He's upholding the law.
Looks like a classic bait and switch tactic.
Make the growers think your not coming after them anymore.
That will prompt them into full swing.
Then when they least expect it...Whamo!

Guess the best way to fight back is just quit smoking.

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.

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