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no trespassing / litter
Chris, I'm totally with you on this.

I think the Census worker made some pretty big assumptions too:

1) erroneously assumed chris DIDN'T get the questionnaire and therefore felt entitled to trespass just to make sure (why not make appt. by phone, or just yell from the gate?)
2) erroneously assumed that someone back at their own Census Bureau office properly input their response (or they just didn't know or care to find out?), and acted accordingly
3) They assumed it's okay to trespass without warning, under any conditions, even just to correct their own errors or lack of information, etc.

I'm all for the Census, did mine right away. But this intrusive approach disturbs me; it violates common sense. Even my friends ask permission to come through my gate (even though they don't have to). It's about common courtesy and respecting people's privacy. If the Census worker calls me out to the gate I'm happy to walk out and talk story, get the form, fill it out, maybe even share a bottle of cold water or tea. I am always cooperative and respectful when people respect my fence and gate.

Here's an interesting scenario a friend came up with: what happens when a Census worker enters someone's property, goes past "no trespassing" and "beware of dog" signs, through a closed gate, then gets attacked by a 200-pound rottweiler while the owner is in town shopping? Who is morally responsible? Who is legally liable? The owner of the lot or the Census worker who trespassed under the authority of the Census Bureau?

Don't know the answer, but it's something to think about.

(Edited for too many typos to count)

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
It is commom law/practice that a goverment worker gets one free trip to your front door without a warant

if your dog bites someone you could be liable ( its up to the court )

And just a thought - if your fence/gate doesnt stop a census worker its not going to stop anyone else

If they do have a better way of getting hold of people, that would be ideal. I am not pro this more intrusive method. OTOH, even though I have a private driveway and am out of the way and not visible from the road, I do get HELCO and cops and random real estate agents -- so I guess the census person was just one more annoying intrusion, rather than the only one. And it only happens once a decade. I am NEVER presentable unless they catch me getting ready to go to town or I have an appointment, because I do have that kind of place where you can walk around in your underwear 99% of the time ... so I do get the issue.
It's not about "stopping" anyone. It's about respect. Most reasonable, civil people don't enter a gate unannounced or without permission. Why should a government worker? Because it's their right? What happened to common courtesy?

The owner of the dog might be liable in the hypothetical situation laid out. But it wouldn't be much consolation to the Census worker if he or she dies trying (to do their job).

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
808 ... Loving your "echo chamber" statement : )

Originally posted by punafish

It's not about "stopping" anyone. It's about respect. Most reasonable, civil people don't enter a gate unannounced or without permission. Why should a government worker? Because it's their right? What happened to common courtesy?

Well said Punafish! You speak to a big part of what's rubbing me the wrong way about all this. Absolutely right, we too have HELCO, UPS, county rep's, etc. they all come and go on our property throughout the year just like any other property owner's place. All is totally fine between us and those guys because they always make an effort to announce themselves as they come down the driveway. Either by car with their horn or by calling out to us when they're on foot because the chain was across. They all let us know they're on the property and approaching well before they get to the house. (btw it's just me, my wife and my newborn son out here, we don't have any pets or guard animals) I often meet the utility or county workers half way up the drive just so everybody can relax and they can get there job done. And if they want a glass of water, "hey no problem, come on down to the house" is what I tell em, because I've been in their shoes. And if the gate is closed after we've meet I always go up the driveway and unlock it so they can bring their vehicle down. But this census worker.........sheesh! It was like a total disregard for our rights. That's why I really wonder if she was properly trained on how to approach people because common sense and basic respect for another person's home was non existent with this clown.

Btw....Sincere thanks to everyone for responding.

Helco walks past our house to read our meter every month and never announces or honks or anything. Just walks up, does his job and leaves. We don't stress about it too much, because he is just doing his job. I don't know what you do for a living, but I am thankful each day that I get to make money on my own property. And I try not to stress about the folks who are just trying to do their jobs when they walk onto my property. Census folks are temporary employees doing a difficult but ultimately important job. In fact, as of this month, they are all out of a job again. They went through as much training as was humanly possible given the temporary nature of the job. And they are not merely "government workers"... they are your neighbors, here on TBI. Its not "Big Brother" watching you, it's that nice lady from Seaview trying to make an extra buck or two in this dreadful economy. So why don't you all just lighten up a little and thank Pele that you get to live here?
Tell that to the Japanese that got interned from census data in ww2


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