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any TSA advice?
We Americans are pretty much prima donna's when it comes to travel. We think everything should be for our individual desire, comfort, etc... Heck I have been through the "new" search twice and it's not a big deal. Stand on the darned footprints, let them pat you down and get on with it....

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Yes, let 'em pump our kids full of monkey pus and mercury (vaccines), spray lead and other heavy metals into our air (chemtrails), poison our water (flouride), poison our food (MSG, aspartame, hydrogenated crap, chemicals that we can't even pronounce), drug us into oblivion (pharmaceuticals) invade our privacy (wire tap) and be complacent enough for them to 'pat us down' and even paying for these services. big deal.
I'm on the TSA list for part time employment at Hilo Airport. Have been since they advertised for part time help back in 2005. I passed the test and everything...just waiting for a call to start work. I had brown hair back it's gray....wondering if I'll have any hair by the time they call me.....LOL
Ah the joys of being a subject ("citizen") of the Empire.
Rob, the Hawaiian Kingdom was overthrown by the US military in 1/1893.
So the comment making a connection to the TSA thread is logical.
Originally posted by macuu222

I'm on the TSA list for part time employment at Hilo Airport. Have been since they advertised for part time help back in 2005. I passed the test and everything...just waiting for a call to start work. I had brown hair back it's gray....wondering if I'll have any hair by the time they call me.....LOL

You have to wait until they hire all the most experienced( sex offenders) first.

Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Originally posted by macuu222

I'm on the TSA list for part time employment at Hilo Airport. Have been since they advertised for part time help back in 2005. I passed the test and everything...just waiting for a call to start work. I had brown hair back it's gray....wondering if I'll have any hair by the time they call me.....LOL

Can I hijack this thread, well yes I can! macuu222 you must be persistent and call TSA back and back, the squeaky wheel!

Ah those nakid Germans they are such kidders!

Well don't google naked airport security it's rather shocking!

Thank you all for helpful advise!

mella l

Art and Science Our Future
mella l
Art and Science
nah, TSA only recruits Catholic priests.
The TSA Hustle! Let's all do it!

Our rightful president, Ron Paul.

Ron Paul's speech (edited for brevity)
I rise this evening to announce that I introduce some legislation today dealing with the calamity we have found at our airports with the TSA. Something has to be done. Everybody's fed up. The People are fed up. The pilots are fed up. I'm fed up.

What we're accepting and putting up with at the airport is so symbolic of us just not standing up and saying Enough is Enough! Our government, Congress as well as the executive branch are doing nothing.

Can you think how silly the whole thing is? The pilot has a gun in the cockpit, and he's managing this aircraft which is a missile, and we make him go through this groping X-ray exercise, having people feel inside their underwear, it's absurd!

And it's time we wake up. The bill I've introduced will take care of this.

We have to realize that the American people have been too submissive. We have been too submissive. It's been going on for a long time and this was to be expected even from the beginning of the TSA. And it's deeply flawed.

You can't take nude photographs of individuals, why do we allow the government to do it? We would go to jail if an individual, he'd be immediately arrested if he did these things, and yet we just sit there and calmly say oh they're making us safe. And besides the argument from the executive branch is that when you buy your ticket, you're sacrificing your rights, and it's the duty of the government to make us safe.

That isn't the case. You never have to sacrifice your rights. The duty of the government is to protect our rights.

This is not what makes us safer, this is preposterous to think that the TSA has made us safer. We're not dealing with it the right way, we're doing the wrong thing, and groping people at the airport doesn't solve our problems.

What has solved our problems basically has been that they put a good lock on the door and they put a gun inside the cockpit. That's been the greatest boon to our safety! Safety should be the responsibility of the individual and the private property owner. But right now we assume the government's always going to take care of us and we are supposed to sacrifice our liberties. I say that is wrong; we are not safer, and we also know there are individuals who are making money off this!

Michael Chertoff. I mean here's a guy who was the head of the TSA selling the equipment! And the equipment is questionable. We don't even know if it works, and it may well be dangerous to our health. You know, the way I see this, if this doesn't change, I see what has happened to the American people is we have accepted the notion that we should be treated like cattle.

Make us safe, make us secure, put us in the barbed wire, feed us, fatten us up, and then they'll eat us. We're a bunch of cattle and we have to wake up and say we've had it!

I think this whole idea of an "opt-out day" is just great. We ought to opt out and make the point, get somebody to watch it, take a camera, it's time for the American people to stand up, drive off the shackles of our government at the TSA at the airport.

Step into the microwave for DNA damage, for your security of course:
The whole false --and very sudden-- outrage at the TSA outrages me. Refute this: The very same people that were in favor of security at all costs, including a loss of civil liberties-- backed the idea of the TSA for 9 years. Now that there is someone else in power and they want to continue their campaign against the government in general and against any form of government worker in particular, we get outrage. Their goal is to break up the TSA and privitize it. It isn't to make us safer or to protect our dignity.

This demonizing of TSA workers is appalling. One of my favorite Punawebbers, Lee, was with the TSA. And of our fellow Punawebbers, above, would like to work for them. You couldn't ask for a nicer person. And, with one tiny exception, I have always been treated very well at the Hilo airport. Examine the foundations for this new outrage before you echo it, and consider the jobs that the TSA provides locally -- good jobs, with benefits, and since November 10, 2010, the right to collective bargaining.

I am a left wing pinko, but until we change the foreign policy that makes us the target of terrorism, I want our airplanes to have the measure of safety that they have with a fully functioning TSA that is appreciated by other Americans. It was appreciated for 9 years. What's different? --The President and the fact that the TSA can unionize and now has collective bargaining rights. These people are single minded: privitize. Privitize the volcano viewing area (it's poorly run now), privatize prisons (a private Arizone prison is so cheaply made two murders snip their way out and then murder again), and now pritize the TSA, so we can have rent-a-monkeys who are paid bananas guarding our airplanes. The TSA provides good jobs both in Hilo and in Kailua. Support the TSA and quit the mockery.
Have a safe journey Mella. I think Rob's saying is best here...'assume the best....'

I will abbreviate my response beyond wishing Mella a safe journey to Ben Franklin's sentiments regarding 'liberty and security'. Because there is no airport in least an official one...the helicopters could induce someone to think other wise...I will bow to the topical nature of the forum. Smile

Toni, who is a 'critter lover'
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)

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