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Boogie Woogie Pizza
When Paolo's is good it's really good. I've also had less-than-stellar meals there...usually later in the evening for some reason. (Could the chef be sippin' on Chianti in da back? :-))

I've had more luck/consistency at Kaleo's, but admittedly their service is spotty. (Really depends which person waits on you, and if the person in question deems you worthy of good service.) Not to mention it's noisy with really weird acoustics. I can't hear what my wife is saying across the table, but I can hear the conversation across the room! The worst thing I've had there was the burger, believe it or not. Everything else I've had has been very good. Hmmm...will put it on my short list of "lucky restaurants"

I'd like to try Paolo's pizza. He's been advertising it recently, I imagine it's good. Anyone know the size of Paolo's pie and how much?

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
When did Paolo start making pizzas?

Originally posted by DanielP
When did Paolo start making pizzas? 1948?
OK, you got me with that one! [Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin] Seriously, I should have asked when did he start offering it at the restaurant. I have known Paolo for 20 years, since he was a chef at Palm Cafe in Kona, and I have been eating at his restaurant in Pahoa ever since he opened it, but he never had pizza on the menu or as a special, so it must be something new there.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

They have a banner out front advertising the pizza. Don't know how long but I didn't notice it until a month or so ago....
I have always had good service at Kaleos, good service , great food,
Funny how everybody gets there "imho" about different establishments.
My rule of thumb is , if you dont't like it dont't go back ...if you do than enjoy and tip well.
I am happy to have a choice of multiple atmosphere and menus in such a small town .
As far as BW, last time we ordered pizza, it took an hour for our order and than the pizza wasn't what we ordered. We find it a hit and miss...but again, haveing lived in third world countries ( and contrary to some opinions, Hawai'i is not one of them)...just be thankfull that you have choices and somebody is willing to put out the energy, and deal with all the b.s. to offer a service.
Most of us are so spoiled, we expect the best and at the cheapest price and goddess forbid it's not ready on time !

Gave up on Pizza on the big island long ago. Now make it fersh at home. With dough from scratch, it still only takes an hour from start to served, Quick, not costly and exactly what we want every time!

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Gave up on [enter item you like a lot] on the big island long ago. Now make it fresh at home. <--- has been my learning experience the last 16 months I've been here Smile
Not sure if this is what you want: Safeway has "Safeway Select Pizza Dough" 16 oz packages in their deli... different types... look like dough balls
THANK YOU Carey! - I was bummed no one had responded to that question. I haven't seen that at Safeway before but will definitely check it out! A lot of folks here just said to make your own from scratch and to be honest, with my work schedule that's just not always possible.
BW is nasty pizza... Long wait and yucky food. walk cross the street and get da kine ono double decker tacos...

William DeBoe
Delray Beach, FL

Moe'uhane Oihana mahi ai
Mahi 'ai 'Ulu
Paolo was serving pizza last Winter. Not sure if he still is. First it was by special request and then often as an "off menu" item or special. He hasn't had new menus printed this century, but there always are a nice selection of items "off menu".


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