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repeal of prohibition and an obsessed guy named Harry Anslinger. And let's not forget that potheads of his day were into really subversive stuff like JAZZ (and a lot were black) Horrors. Pot has been a subversive drug for a looong time. If you went into politics you couldn't be associated with approving of pot; that would put you with the radicals. That would make you an easy target. Goodbye political career.
Great post Kathy... Black "JAZZ" musicians well there you have it. Good thing they squashed that. No telling what would have come from that. We could have ended up with some guy bitching into a microphone with nothing but base for an attempted melody.

Good bit of History. Thanks, dave

Take care,

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

There was a program on The History Channel a few years back about the illegalzation of marijuana. I don't remember all the details, but they said something about Texas and other border states wanting it passed during the depression to drive out the Mexicans, smoking homegrown, too poor to buy liquor. They were given the choice upon arrest; jail or deportation. At the time entire families were deported.

Edited by - leilaniguy on 05/22/2007 20:22:22

Edited by - leilaniguy on 05/22/2007 20:23:04
Oh noooooo... My little red state rears its nasty head again. Hmm.. give me a minute and I'll hang this one on George

Take care,

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

April can effectively make a point in the least threatening or angry manner I've seen. I wish I was better at that.

The history of legalization and prohibition of marijuana is a pretty interesting read.

Here's an article called "Why is Marijuana Illegal?" that gives a timeline of cannibis use and prohibition from 8000 B.C. until now:

And this is a link to the Schaffer Library of Drug Policy. Dr. Schaffer is a fanatic about drug policy, and has academically referenced and cross referenced the history of marijuana policy past and present:

And if you're too stoned or lazy to read it, here's my take on what it all says in a nutshell: too much of any drug is bad. Of all the drugs out there, pot is not too bad at all. The biggest thing at risk if you take too much is that 5 pound block of cheese in the fridge. Tillamook cheddar is especially vulnerable.

It also mentions that the history of pot prohibition is just plain silly, and walks you through a history that is hard to believe until you see reference after reference backing up the story.

There is no mention of stretch pants in either of those links, by the way.

Coming from the Chicago are, where some farms still have remnent hemp from the US government drive to grow hemp (WW1) and prohibition created an reputation for our lovely area (people worldwide know of Chicago for its' prohibition era antics) I have to say I have never understood the logic making a drug illegal. Didn't work for alcohol, nor has it for any other drug. Just gives money & encouragement to people who are willing to do things that are illegal for a price. As for the illegalization of marijuana, there are many speculations, and it could have been due to pressure to reduce the gov't sponsered hemp fields, but this is a specualtion, to be added to the other speculations (though hemp plants are not high quality pot plants) DuPont's nylon was needing markets. Anyhoo, the date for the Act was:
"In 1937, with the enactment of the Marijuana Tax Act, marijuana, or cannabis was officially made illegal on the federal level within the United States."

Both these sites are worth the read for the interested, courtesy of scuba_man7!

And this is a link to the Schaffer Library of Drug Policy. Dr. Schaffer is a fanatic about drug policy, and has academically referenced and cross referenced the history of marijuana policy past and present:

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Roger Christie said that there's actually a second vote that takes place (I thought today) and that the newspapers were not very clear about it, but if you are interested in this issue they are having a demonstration downtown the Hawaii Cannabis Ministry for more info.

(No smok da pak...jus maybe do some typing fo dem...LOL!)


Edited by - Carolann R on 06/01/2007 09:43:56

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Those green harvest guys must be trying to get in their last hurrah because I heard they were swarming the skys over FF and HA the last couple of days. I suspect they are trying to make a big score so they can prove how effective they are. Someone told me this was the lowest he has seen them fly before.

Edited by - bystander on 06/06/2007 12:41:37
I went up to Kaumana the other day and saw FOUR of them circling around.



"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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