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HACA Special Election
I have no idea what you are talking all that nonsense code for something ?
you are a moron ,,, cant say it any plainer than that ,, a complete and total moron,,, like special needs or something similar,,,, how can you read thru all this mountain of words ( without pictures to boot ) and still say some of the moronic things you say,,,, and you are wearing off on others directly causing other folks to become more moronic zombie like yourself,, really.... you can read ? how can you read all this and still have no clue or grasp of what is going on,,,, a chimp ,, where's a chimp when I need one ,, ?
There now....does that make your child within feel better ?

wow 2bad4u and justthefacts and mimosa,,,, morons all ,,,, you guys couldn't be more out of touch if you were Hillary Clinton ,, and I wonder if either of you could find your own ass in the dark ! now that makes me feel better within,,,,, been to any good dog fights lately ?
Sounds like a personal problem. . . but the thread is about HACA, trollolo!
you are right derrick ,,, sorry I got off topic ,,,, dog fighting is against the law here,,, but jumping into the middle of a dog fight seems to be a good way for some to relieve stress and depression . ill try my best to be more on topic in the future
MC, please stop allowing Happy Chappy and Glad Gladys to goad you into a response. This will not stop. Even if you succeed in ignoring them this will not stop as they will simply start posting under another name. They have real issues and from a psychiatric view point it is better simply not to engage with them.
The fact that you and mimosa have opposing views should be a good thing that broadens discussion and understanding. You both deserve equal respect.
John, thank you so much for the information and for taking the time and trouble to share. The more information we have, the better position we will be in to make decisions. If you are in a position to do so, can you clarify something for me? The system of proxy looks fair on the surface, but people are telling me that it somehow benefits one member over another. Is that true and if so how?

Birchl. ......, both m.c. and yourself have introduced a foul stench into this, and almost every other topic you have posted on. Don't wanna play anymore ? Then possibly you should both find something else to do. Then again maybe not, the both of you have everyone in my neck of the woods in tears....... they are laughing so hard.
Why don't you just stay on topic, enough of the smart ass responses. Everyone here is sick of it.
Yay Leo!

geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells
By the way birchl..... forgot to mention, they are laughing "at" not with u 2

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