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Meeting and Petition for Pesky Helicopters
Thanks Bob... really easy reading (not). I'll wait for a slow day at work to go through it! In the meantime, I think we all need to encourage Glen to join the Hawaii Bar and represent all the desired Puna interests! If everyone contributed a little, we could have our resident attorney move over now!!! Glen Allen B, how much would you need to fill this position and still host great Puna Web Parties at the beautiful blue-bottom pool? All in jest...... I'm sure all would help bringing that beautiful dalmation over. Life is short, go for it!!!

Edited by - rbonplaza on 10/01/2007 16:26:50
I want to first THANK Rob,and I am okay leaving the postings the way they are ;letting things continue is fine.It is much better now.

Also,a big Thanks to Pam,you are a good friend and I feel the same of you.

Also,THANKS to everyone for their words,thoughts and input.

Now I will try to answer the questions as best I can.Please let me know if I miss something.

First,the issue of addressing the air tour companies with these issues.I have written letters,called and have literally gotten laughed at ,treated poorly by them all.The worst was Blue Hawaiian Helicopters.That was to no avail, obviously.So,that suggestion does not work.I even tried writing a large F and a large,well you know what__on my roof in4' letters;and still no mercy.
Second,as for contacting any County officials goes,yes I they are aware of the issue.The problem is that they don't have jurisdiction of airspace enforcement.They are sympathetic to the issue.I invite them to come on borad and they are all welcome.
Third,the Citizens Against Overflights Ass. (CAOA) has an "unwanted overflight complaint list" which contains roughly 22 addresses that everyone can write.By writing all of them,we help empower our officials to help us. The list can be obtained by emailing
Fourth,After much research and investigation,and years(literally) of complaining as an individual and for the Native American Center,I discovered where the breakdown in the system is.The problem is with the FAA and the Dept.of Transportation.They were created by Congress and are the only two main departments of the US gov that have the authority to deal with airspace issues.So,far the FAA has failed to satisfy Congress even.For example there is a speech by Akaka in 2004 where he states that the FAA has failed to even finalize any plans.That webpage is
Also,there is a speech by President Clinton that is good at :
Fifth,there are many more laws involved here than just altitude regulations and other FAA laws.There are noise laws,privacy laws,trespassing,environmental,national parks laws and religious freedoms and violations of sacred sites and ceremonies.There is also the Constitution that states we have a right to enjoy our homes and much more.There are at least 22 fedeal laws pertaining to preservation on our Nations cultural heritage.These include parks and others.
Sixth,to address the Nelson corridor.I found out about it from a sympathetic FAA guy.I am in fern forest and he told me I was a mile away.I could not find it on google either.But I do know Patsy Mink was involved.this deserves more research if anyone wants to.I will try to find out more when I can.
Seventh,the reason for having other organizations working together,is so the gov.officials can really see how important this issue is.It will also help them have a stronger voice to Congress.This helps them help us.
Eigth,most pilots(sorry Bill if you are the exception) rambo around and act like they own the airspace and violate the altitude regulations all the time.I have video!!!
The problem here is the reporting requirements for non-compliant pilots is too lose and has no teeth.In fact the FAA wants you to read the tiny numbers ,which are hard to see, and have a photo with the offense.This is impossible.I have been to the airport to write their numbers and when they come over it is so fast and there are trees around,that you can not match the numbers.New regulations for reporting violations need to happen.No offense Bill,but pilots know this and do act like they own the air and act like there is nothing we can do about it.I have had blatant 50' overflights after I would try to call the air tour companies;it would get worse.In fact I have witnesses and video that the day after I posted this coming meeting on this site,I had a fly by so low,the trees were kissing her tail!!!I have witnesses and video.I am sorry your being a pilot,and making your living that way,plus the pretty view syndrome, can not outweigh the rights and enjoyment of the majority.
Ninth,yes the air tour company pays to fly into the Park,it is $25 per entry.
1.sign and circulate the petition
2.write to addresses on our list
3.come to the meeting
4.get educated about the other laws besides ones relevant to airspace.
5.collect evidence like video and photos and turn it over to the CAOA or Congress
Thanks all..........

So you are the F --- U lady Smile

I like you.

Your hilarious. I first heard of you from my realtor and of course several times on this site.
I understand your frustration, but you really shouldn't have taken that approach, you know what I mean Thunderfoot ? The powers that be can then easily dismiss you as the lady that wrote F --- U on her roof. Right or wrong.

I do wish you well.

While we will not be participating in your group, please attempt to compromise on your issue. Find a reasonable middle ground.

We need that here now more than ever.

Good Luck Thunderfoot ,you make me smile !!

Greg Henderson

I beg to differ...
You are funnier....
All you got out of all of this was : what is written on my roof and Congress knows about it........LOL

Here's a surefire way to get the helicopters back up to a legal altitude if talking isn't taken seriously.

Oh, and lest anyone get the wrong idea--I wouldn't dare shooting at a helicopter with one of those things. . .that would be potentially dangerous.

No, it's just that I like mashed potatoes, and being from the state of Idaho originally I've learned to make mashed potatoes in the manner favored by some groups in the northern part of the state. Something about that quick acetylene powered cook, the butter lubricated barrel, and the fast cooling as it falls back to the ground that makes them especially flavorful. Of course I've got every "right" in the world to make mashed potatoes anyway I'd like, and as the potatoes falls back to ground on my own property it doesn't hurt anything. The cooker itself is very quiet--you'd never know I was cooking dinner. The potatoes don't actually go up that high, maybe 1000 feet if I'm using the big cooker, but no RESPONSIBLE helicopter pilots fly over private property any lower than that, do they? After all, since I'm a pacifist by nature, I'll even warn pilots that might not be paying attention that I plan to cook mashed potatoes most every day of the week that ends in "y", so in the interest of safety it would be wise to steer clear...

Anybody interested my my private recipes for mashed potoatoes--delightful indeed--is welcome to contact me.

Oh, but don't try to cook frozen ones--they go a lot further and don't cook through, and can be hard to catch. . .

Oh, and since a bunch of have asked already, for those of you that like to feed the animals, you'll find that feral pigs don't care for mashed potatoes cooked this way one bit.

Wow, thanks for all the nice e-mails--but I understand why many of you would like to keep your potato consumption quiet.

The key to a well cooked potato is in as much the preparation of the potato as the cooker itself. You just can't cram any old potato into the thing and hope for good results. It will fly out of the cooker ill-prepared and wizz off willy-nilly in random directions. Key is the careful paring of the potato, so it's nicely cylindrical. Modified cookie cutter cans work good to do this quickly.

But anyway, while I don't think it's a good idea, and dangerous, I can imagine some pilots might want a free sample of my treats. But I'm not a pilot so what do I know! I've often seen helicopters loaded with tourists who look like they're solid potato eaters and will fly over nice and slow with their mouths wide open. Sure, no prob, I've usually got my cooker ready and all you need to do is fly over Kaleponi Rd in Fern Forest nice and slow and low--be sure to be good and loud so I know you're coming and have time to prepare a 1lb russet for you. Like I say, be careful, this is FAST FOOD, on the order of 300ft/sec, so you'll need to pay attention. . .

If you want to get arrested, I guess it can be your business as long as no one gets hurt or killed, but please don't encourage others to commit foolish acts.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Just a joke folks. . .take it easy.

Of course you couldn't possibly hit any helicopter with one of these that was flying responsibly and at a legal altitude anyhow...


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