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Looking for Live-In Baseyard Manager

Yes and no. The moderator *chose to get tough on the wrong thread.

*edited for spelling
The moderator *chose to get tough on the wrong thread.

I think Rob was right on.

You want to support that with something intelligent and insightful Dakine or do you simply want to stir it up some more? You and pahoated are a big reason this forum is failing.

edited to add pahoated.

It's Rob's forum, he has so far been a very benevolent dictator, but only he gets to decide which people, on which thread, are the straw that pushes him over the edge into action. He gets to "chose" to do whatever the heck he wants, the rest of us can "chose" to either like it, lump it, or leave. Maybe people need to start thinking of this as Rob's front lanai, if we were all hanging out in person would you treat or speak to others the way some of you treat people here? Would you reward his hospitality by starting fights and sniping at each other?

People should also remember that there is no right to "freedom of speech" on a privately owned forum, the First Amendment doesn't guarantee anyone a platform, it just protects us from government interference with any platform we choose to use to promote our opinions.

Ed. for typo
I told myself I wasn't going to reply to this thread any longer but after reading shockwaves post I simply can't help myself. So I must add that it is amazing how many adults, that is unless they are kids with adult accounts here, respond to a challenging situation by *kissing up* to *authority*.

If Rob wants to throw it down, no problem, he has already gone above and beyond. Seriously. Why should anyone put up with it? Out of his own time/pocket?

Nevertheless, it is the trolls that bring all things to an end--mostly simply by playing on most any idea whatsoever. And doing what they do how they do it.

This thread was an anomaly. Hopefully.

Still, the trolls just sitting around and laughing/posting make me that what people are for? Hardyharhar. Is that more important?

Not sure what else to say....


Originally posted by Punatic007

I told myself I wasn't going to reply to this thread any longer but after reading shockwaves post I simply can't help myself. So I must add that it is amazing how many adults, that is unless they are kids with adult accounts here, respond to a challenging situation by *kissing up* to *authority*.

What "authority"?

Nobody is forced to participate in, or even pay for, this forum (unlike government), but we are still guests here of the person who pays for Punaweb and does all the work to keep it running. Some of you go far out of your way to push the envelope every chance you get. That sort of knee jerk anarchism is most commonly found amongst pimply faced black clad anarchists wearing $150 hoodies their mother's paid for. The OP was a simple offer of a pretty well spelled out deal, take the deal, or walk away from it if it doesn't suit you, but instead a bunch of you just had to pile on, some with personal insults, and clearly it was one time too many for the owner of Punaweb.

If you want a different sort of forum start one yourself. It has been tried before by people disgruntled with how Rob runs HIS forum, remnants of the effort may still be out there on the interwebs somewhere.

I am interested in your deleted. Please have a deleted at my resume. I have deleted years experience in deleted deleted, have deleted at an export nursery, am deleted in CPR and deleted aid, and highly deleted in the community.

I also am a deleted deleted and expert deleted with multiple deletedweapons. My Construction deleted ranges from framing, deleted, concrete and deleted to welding. I am extremely well deleted to all sorts of animal deleted and have even performed deleted surgery on volunteer canines. If you think I may fit your deleted, please call me at; 808-965-deleted.

Sincerly, deleted[/i]

thanks for your application. your application has been deleted.

Upon first read of topic posting, which was before any comments or replies were posted, my thought was: "Why is this classified ad in this forum? It's an ad and should be in the appropriate section, Free Non Classifieds, not here."

Yet, I continue to wonder, after Rob's observations and then deletions, why is it still here?

The longer it sets inside the wrong forum, the greater odds increase in disruptive behavior. Special privileges is certainly on order as peps also begin to speculate options where their ads could/should be allowed in far more active sections due to the visibility.

What am I missing, is there something special about this ad that involves the entire community, other than the obvious, +/- opinions in the terms of employment?


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