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A bill to raise the speed limit on Saddle Road
P.S. PM2 ... I know the spot and have tortured my loved ones trying to max out MPGs for sport ... LOL.

Keep working.
pog, have you ever had a loved one seriously injured or killed as a result of someone's reckless driving? You may find speeding and clocking your best time driving to Kona to be fun and games, not me.
When I'm going up from Hilo I lose compression so gotta downshift. Tailgaters make me nervous. I'm looking in the rearview more than the road. That's why prefer going to Kona early in the morning when there's less cars.

I encountered the flock of sheep at 1:30am under a full moon at about 25mile Mark. Good thing I was only going 40. If I saw any other traffic I be compelled to speed up and road killed a sheep!!

I don't always go 40mph. When I see the quonset huts that must be Area 51 because the road never ends. But I now I know the top throw the shifter to neutral and gotta feather the brakes when I hit 80.
To each his own PM2 ... Save the preaching for someone who doesn't already get it.
Originally posted by PunaMauka2

The person who slows down when being recklessly tailgated by an impatient driver who apparently insists on speeding and putting everyone else on the road in danger, that's me. I don't have much sympathy for those complaining about their speeding tickets.

If you slow down intentionally when you are being tailgated, you are not driving with Aloha. In fact you are being a reckless driver which is illegal. My question to you is, If the speed limit is raised to 65 mph, then would you drive the speed limit and reduce the need to tailgate? If you are one that just can't drive more than 55 mph, then please stay off the Saddle Road.

For an explanation about slowing down upon being tailgated, look back to my comment on this thread at: Posted - 03/02/2016 :  09:13:04

As for your question, it's simple... l would follow the law and observe the speed limit.

ETA: ...If for any reason outside of a true emergency I didn't observe the speed limit, just like anyone else I shouldn't be surprised at getting a ticket or suffer worse consequences in the event of an accident occurring determined to be a result of my illegally speeding. This should be obvious.
What is the speed limit in front of J. Hara's store in Kurtistown? As far as I can tell you can drive 45 through there. Only 5 to 10 mph faster along those wide straight empty stretches on the saddle? Now that doesn't make sense.
I'd tend to agree. 45mph through that area fronting J. Hara store seems too high (sure it's not 35mph?-I can't recall for certain either). I wouldn't necessarily find an increase in the speed limit to 60mph up on those straight empty stretches of Saddle to be unreasonable, assuming qualified experts other than those on PW did the analysis.
if someone is going 50-55-60 (depending on the steepness of the hills)... and the person behind wants to go 75 because he/she has big v8 and just loves to burn up gas money tailgating some poor fool in a 4 banger, than that is definitely not showing aloha.

It's ILLEGAL to tailgate...

The first of these was the car length rule. This was a rule of thumb decreeing that for every 10 mph of speed the following distance should be one car length. At 20 mph, following distance would be two car lengths, and at 60 mph six car lengths. Click here to see animation.Mar 1, 2010 What is tailgating?

Some people on here need to SPACE OUT.... You did take a drivers test right?

I find around here even if you do the speed limit there is always some idiot trying to push you faster by following way too close. I could really care less... It's also, your fault if you rear end someone from behind... So good luck trying to make me go faster than the posted speed. It's not gonna happen. I drive 5 under most of the time, but find it amusing when idiots think they can try and push me out of the way. They get all upset and pissed off... too bad... If they want me to go faster? Ask the person that is in charge of setting the speed limits to make em faster. Not gonna happen with me. Good Luck with it tho! I'm fine at 55 here.
I don't think they want you to go faster; I think they want you to politely pull into the shoulder for 2-3 seconds so that they can pass and everyone can go on about their day. Maybe that's just me. I don't want to force anyone to drive faster than they want, and in return I hope others don't want to force me to drive slower than I want. If there's no shoulder, or no turnout, that's one thing, but I have to say it is infuriating when someone has a line of 5-6 cars behind them and they refuse to pull over at the turnouts. That's not showing Aloha either.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present

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