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Mayor Kim trying to ban vacation rentals.
"Who do you think owns them?"

I know quite a number of people who live here and own vacation rentals.
It would not be easy to run one if you lived elsewhere full time.
You can hire a manager but they usually do a lousy job and eat up most of the already thin margins.

Too bad if someone planned to do this for their retirement.
Maybe they will change this to just target evil mainlanders but in the meantime people living here will pay the consequences as well.
The county seems to have little or no interest in how people struggle to make a living as long as they can milk their tax base. I think that includes Harry Kim.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
My neighbors currently rent out part of their home as a vacation rental and I had hoped to do the same. FWIW I googled airbnb disasters and the results included nightmare renters and nightmare hosts. Still there was a pretty big slice of the pie where having an involved and caring owner present on their own property would have nipped problems in the bud. I can see how the argument could be made that absentee landlords + short term tenants = problems. I know that's overly simplistic but if you're looking for something to gripe about it fills the bill.
Originally posted by PaulW

"Who do you think owns them?"

I know quite a number of people who live here and own vacation rentals.
It would not be easy to run one if you lived elsewhere full time.
You can hire a manager but they usually do a lousy job and eat up most of the already thin margins.

Too bad if someone planned to do this for their retirement.
Maybe they will change this to just target evil mainlanders but in the meantime people living here will pay the consequences as well.

Perhaps you are missing the point here.

I doubt that people are doing this to make a profit to live off.

Instead, they are doing this to keep their otherwise empty home-to-be in retirement, occupied and kept up to date via constant cleanings and updates and repairs kept off their taxes. It is a great expense write-off.

Short term rentals are more of a hassle ...constant turnover etc. On the other hand, with no way to evict a long term tenant who refuses to pay rent or damages the property ...what other options besides selling does an owner who for one reason or another has an empty property have ..... the current situation forces owners to consider all of the options

we all know what happens to vacant property. to write offs ....that is a big assumption. ie surplus income to write off.....
Short term rentals are more of a hassle ...constant turnover etc.
Tourists who have a return plane ticket home, are not much of an issue.
Plus you get to inspect the property and have it cleaned, as an expense, after each rental.
"Objective: Two-fold, to minimize the impact of BnB’s on neighborhoods while incentivising and increasing long-term affordable and middle class rentals for local residents"

My point being ....If Mayor Kim would like to increase affordable rental housing .....making sure that property owners and renters have a fair playing field, may be a more productive approach.

Currently it seems impossible to remove a tenant in violation of a rental or lease agreement - that is why housing is not on the rental market but rather rented on a short term b and b's or sits vacant imho
We are a part of the hosted short term rental market. Don’t make much money, but pay all our taxes including GE and TAT.
Should laws etc change to force us out of that would we augment the low cost rental market? -NOPE

Have had affordable housing discussions with various levels of politicians over the years. Lip service maybe, but genuine interest in true affordable housing? Not a chance.

Ninole Resident
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Ninole Resident
If Mayor Kim would like to increase affordable rental housing he should start by renting out his place in Kapoho !
"Objective: Two-fold, to minimize the impact of BnB’s on neighborhoods while incentivising and increasing long-term affordable and middle class rentals for local residents".
Then drop the property tax rate for all rental properties other than BnB and very short term rentals.

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