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Vaccination Resolution
Waiting to hear some explanation from kjlpahoa who directed us to this site.

Why is it so difficult to get a simple list of Emily's accomplishments?

First term you can run on your promises. Second term you can say you needed some time to learn the ropes. Third term you run on your record.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Reply to Vaccination Resolution:
Although I haven't looked at most of the decisions Emily Naeole has made, or impelled, in the context of the County Council work, I was quite focused on her Vaccination position, which I support wholeheartedly, and have the info that goes with it.
I have been quite taken aback by the furious reaction of people who obviously knew zilch on the issue, and even more so now, considering that the WHO is under investigation re: their H1N1 hoax, so it'd seem that we should be happy Emily was so clear-sighted [and courageous] on the whole issue and give her more credit for drawing the attention of the CC to it.
For starters, look at the ingredients in vaccines, you'll find them at
and, more specifically about the "flu vaccines" [including H1N1] at
and see if you really would like to inject these poisons directly in your bloodstream or that of your loved ones. How "mandatory" do you think these vaccinations should be?
Someone might correct me, but vaccinations aren't mandatory. I haven't been forced to have one. Have you?
That's exactly the point Tom. No matter what your feelings on the vacine, no one has been or will be forced to get one.

So please tell me, someone, why a non binding county resolution to prevent the mandatorytaking of a vacine is anything but a useless waste of time and paper.

Who is giving Emily this bad information?

The profile says:

Age: 59
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Zodiac Year: Tiger

Does that fit any of her staffers?
On the mainland there were many school districts and Hospitals that were MANDATING the H1N1 vaccine. To the point that some Hospitals were stating that the employee could not retain their job unless vaccinated. Also for some school districts they were including all children. You know what "hit the fan" The protesting was so great that most all facilities backed down. This resolution is addressing just this type of irrational behavior.
Originally posted by Greg

That's exactly the point Tom. No matter what your feelings on the vacine, no one has been or will be forced to get one.

So please tell me, someone, why a non binding county resolution to prevent the mandatorytaking of a vacine is anything but a useless waste of time and paper.

Who is giving Emily this bad information?


I must be crazy to go down this path again but can't resist. Malika, can you cite any credible references (please, none of the conspiracy-based web sites which are a dime a dozen on the web) for your contention that the WHO is under investigation for their "H1N1 hoax"?

And how about for any credible studies to support your contentions, not the collection of anecdotes and "inquiries ongoing" that the web site you cite presents. The vaccinations have been ongoing for many months so you should have some solid evidence to support your position.

The same goes for kjlpahoa, who claims "many school districts and hospital" mandating H1N1 vaccinations. Where are they? What are your sources? We've already discussed the New York health system action which gave employees a choice of vaccination or wearing a mask but rescinded the mandate soon afterwards.

Yes, please educate those of us who know "zilch" and do not understand politics. Of course, the latter comes from someone who claims that the resolution was warranted because it passed committee and the council. Obviously, you haven't been following politics here very long.

And while you're at it, if you feel so strongly about your positions, how about posting with your real names? Let's see where this credibility begins Ð if there is any.

Emily's Staffer quotes:
"On the mainland there were many school districts and Hospitals that were MANDATING the H1N1 vaccine."

That is typical of the paranoid, tin hat, late night AM radio call in propaganda that has no place in our council agenda.

Some hospitals issued directives that protections shoud be placed; If staff chose to skip the vaccination, masks may be worn. This is a good precaution in that environment, anyway.

Please document (other than the Art Bell call ins) ANY instance of mandatory vaccinations for US citizens. Even our military has the option of quiting if they don't want it.

Wouldn't it be just as beneficial for the council to issue non binding legislation prohibiting the manditory smoking of cigarettes?

edit: We cross posted Dave, but must be on the same wave length!

[Big Grin]

I don't know if it actually happened but I think a hospital requiring its staff to take the H1N1 vaccine is a great idea - especially since for a long while the vaccine was only available for the very young, the very old and health care workers.

Who is most at risk from H1N1? Those with pre-existing conditions. You know, like you would find in hospitals.

They would still not be mandatory, staff can still go work somewhere else, which would be even better if they don't understand what vaccines are and how they work, and would prefer to follow their misguided beliefs even if it puts patients at risk.
This is absolutely not true. This did not come from a staff member. I do not know why you want to make up false statements. You keep asking for proof in all your statements. Now its your turn to prove your totaly false statement. I am not on staff, never have been and never will be.[quote]Originally posted by Greg

Emily's Staffer quotes:
"On the mainland there were many school districts and Hospitals that were MANDATING the H1N1 vaccine."

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