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Gun question
I'm happy for the good people of Texas and Alaska, sounds like great states to move to.
Maybe one day their crime rate will drop to the level of Hawaii.
Maybe the crime rate in Hawaii could drop even lower? There is a reason almost every state has now enacted conceal and carry laws, with crime rate dropping 20-30% immediately.
Afwjam, can you pleaes cite the source of your statistic?
There are numerous studies from all sides of the issue. You can read about many on the wikipedia article:
More people are concealing and carrying then ever and crime is at a 40 year low. At worst people carrying guns has caused no increase in crime, at best it can be attributed in a significant decrease in crime. In countries like the UK where they succeeded in outlawing guns, crime is climbing to new highs.... There are many variables, but I believe the old saying holds true. If you outlaw guns, then only the outlaws will have them.(and the government and other agencies of control of course....) I think all individuals should have guns and gold, powerful elements that can either give you liberty, or if taken away make you a prisoner/slave. In switzerland where almost every home has two guns in it, crime is almost none existent. People with conceal and carry permits are some of the most law abiding citizens and they are almost never involved in crime themselves(1 person in 8 years in Florida), though there are many instances of them preventing it.
But can you cite the source or your statistic that crime decreases 20 -30%? Wikipedia is not a source unless it points to a specific study. I've lived where guns are prevalent. My experience is the more guns, the more people get shot. The less guns, the less people get shot. Handgguns are rarely used defensively and they are not ideal for hunting. Humans have shown throughout thier history that weaponry is not a deterrent to violence.
In one notable instance, we had an uptick in crime:

I love Texas, but it is is not the state I knew when we would go back to visit my very Texan grandmother. There are three problems with Texas right now: 1) Rick Perry, 2) Unreasoning gun love and 3) what's the third? Oooooops!

The simple fact is this: if you give every Swiss person a gun, they will put it in a safe place in the home in case Germany tries to invade, and then they will meet you for cafe and chocolate, enjoyed in a pristine square with colorful flower boxes. If you give every American a gun, they will occasionally mow down someone they don't like in a flourescent-lit, barely sanitary McDonalds -- or they might just mow down everyone in McDonald's at the time. Generally speaking, you cannot entrust Americans with guns. They have proven it time and time again.

Hawaii's gun laws are reasonable and legal. All you have to do is register the dang thang --and check it, figuratively, at the saloon door. What's the fuss?

Edmond is dead wrong... No doubt..

Just An Old Hippie trying to live by the golden rule..
Just An Old Hippie trying to live by the golden rule..
Let me see if I understand the reasoning here.

1. Places (like Alaska and Texas) have high rates of violent crime and they also have lots of guns and very relaxed gun laws.

2. Hawaii has strict gun laws and a much lower rate of violent crime.

3. Alaska and Texas, desperate to do something about their high rate of violent crime, decide to just go ahead and arm everybody - and their high rate of violent crime decreases to somewhat lower levels of violent crime (though still far, far more than Hawaii).

4. Therefore Hawaii should relax its gun laws?
I am so glad I started here in going on the Punaweb site.
Maybe it's just me, but do you folks need a class or what?
Never have I seen such bad advise, misinformation, and plain bickering in my life.
Surely there is a litany of opinions...
For those who care about my two cents.. My Pappy ran a trap line to save the farm many a year---People are much like critters--
If you are angry with our government- do not carry a gun-
If you feel threatened or feel insecure- find the proper solution for you.
If you are a bragger--Don't carry any weapon--
The laws were made for the ignorant-for they have no common sense
I would rather be tried in court by 12 of my fellow Americans- than buried by 6 of my friends
Never take a stick to a knife fight- never take a knife to a gun fight. (Work with me here) {You don't plan ahead for your threat level and your dead)
Communication is your best weapon-even the visual effect could save you--Be it cell phone-whistle-or just a mic with a cord on your body will impress the bully punks to look elsewhere.
Clueless can get you and yours killed-be aware of what you are about to walk through."Which Reminds me of 'Dog Crap'"....
How do you stop a dog fight? Not with a club or stick- a whip of a car antenna and they stop right away and look for the bees...Now you have a moment to grab them without being bitten..{What's cheaper, a new car antenna or a Big Vet bill or worse stitches in your hand}
What make the biggest impression on dumb dogs that run loose? No not sue the owner, but something worth telling them before their dog bites. The Sound of Rattlesnake.What sounds so much like it they stop in there tracks? The sound a stun weapon makes--It has somewhat a similar effect on people the first time they hear a million volts hop a 2 inch gap..{They make ones that look just like a cell phone and has a peachy light that will last for days if you just need a light to see.}[Still amazed by people that ask if it's a phone too] Real Bright Bulb There..
This Island paradise has many problems that are found only in bigger cities, "Ice" being the most dangerous to you and your loved ones.
AGAIN: Pappy says, Puttin Down critters that are sick is the hardest shot you will ever make.
I listen every day to a police Scanner, and I can tell you without a doubt, (1) for some reason, people resort to anything to fight(cars, dogs, kids, pipes, huge knives) but are completely unwilling to shoot each other!! Regardless of the weapons handy.. (2) If you have domestic abuse in your home, the Police will be informed of any guns that may be registered to the people involved. (3) In most cases you can remain anonymous, if that's your choice, but damn... Call Please? (4) Why don't you have any friends in law enforcement? Because they can't be bothered? Please... They are always ready to listen to your helpful ideas, and not just complaint after complaint, from everyone. When is the last time you thanked one Peace Officer for anything? Please go out of your way, to show a lil Aloha, as there must be something you like about their service to you and your children. The Anti-drug stuff is common ground.. (5) A warning for those that don't know the police world, just because a uniformed officer does not acknowledge you in anyway, he does hear you. Most here respond well to a cheerful thought or comment. There job requires this type of "Blank Determination and focus" you hope you never experience. (6) Dogs--- I have found a laa de daa tude about dangerous dogs.. You are more likely to be bit because of it..CHAINS BREAK!!! (7) If I were you, I would find out if you are allowed to carry a small voltage generator(Stun device) (8) Police have to "profile" every encounter to stay alive, so factor that into your "Tude" Now Smile as you may be on camera. (9) You might consider a neighborhood sign that reads "Channel 9 Monitored" if you get some Cb Radio's (I can help any area in this respect) THEN DO IT. I have been privy to many lives and countless amounts of property damage with such a cheep and simple system.. You May even persuade your school bus driver into carrying one..Laws permitting.. Don't like clunky cb? Get VHF Family Radios(the strong ones)and get all your neighbors together and assign different channels to different interests, Child's channel, humor channel, school bus channel, emergency at night channel, Late night talk channel..(10) Now is the time..not one weekend in the future. Either you are part of the solution or you are part of the problem. It just starts with one family, then two, then Wam. Ya got an army of like minded people.. 73 to you that care...

Just An Old Hippie trying to live by the golden rule..
Just An Old Hippie trying to live by the golden rule..
Afwjam. You are so wrong. How can you defend anyone that owns a gun. If you even have a positive thought about guns, you are a criminal and there for should be locked up. Take rights away from the people and make the government bigger and more powerful!!

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