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OK, I am now over the rain. Ready for sun.
Here it comes again. A huge amount of rain coming on shore here along the HPP coast. They also posted flash flood watches this evening!
As others have pointed out, the amount of rainfall recently is nowhere near a record amount, but what I think is likely is that over the last few weeks there have been many more rainy days than usual. The clouds and rain do seem almost continuous since the start of November, even for Kaloli Point!

I have a statistic that some might find interesting. It's to do with UKIRT on Mauna Kea. Now of course rain in Hilo/Puna doesn't normally mean fog or bad weather at the summit, but the reverse is often true, i.e., if there's fog or snow at the summit it's likely raining on the windward side. Now, I just looked at the UKIRT stats for the month of November since 2004 (going back further would take a lot of time as those data aren't so easily accessible). For 2004-2010, our average weather loss for November was approximately 34%, i.e., the dome had to be closed or we couldn't observe for 34% of the available time due to bad weather. During the best month (2004) we only lost 19% of the time, the worst was 2007 with 45% (bear in mind our average annual weather loss is approximately 30%).

In November 2011 we lost a whopping 76% to weather. That's a huge spike in the numbers. December appears to be going the same way right now although generally December is not a good month weather-wise.

Sorry for the boring stats, but thought it added to the suggestion that the last few weeks have been a little unusual, at least in recent years.


Mindy has had few opportunities to socialize. Her older "brother", Ben (also a dalmatian), was unpredictable with other dogs and since they always traveled together his temperament controlled. He passed away a year ago 12/10 and since then I have made some efforts to socialize her. On the few occasions, I have had Mindy with other dogs, she seems to be very interested in them if they are around her size. If they are very small, she isn't sure what to make of them. If they are large, she is a little afraid of them. Any playtime would be a welcome experiment, which I would watch very closely. I am a totally neurotic, unbearable, helicopter daddy who hovers over her constantly. I would start by walking them together and see where things go from there. If Paco swims, that's a plus as I want to get her into the pool.

Whenever it has rained in San Diego, Mindy has turned right around and come back in the house. She can't stand rain. And I'm beginning to wonder about me. This is getting ridiculous. I start to hear a noise, I wonder for a moment what it is, remember that is the sound of rain and start humming to myself "Here comes that rain again.....falling on my head like a memory...falling on my head like a new emotion......"

This place is like Seattle, only warmer and with better coffee.
About the time you start to second guess living on the rainy side of a live volcano the weather will break, the sun will come back out, and we all will remember why we are so lucky to live here. The big difference between here and the Pacific Northwest is they get this dark gloomy weather virtually non stop for 6-8 months and an unusually warm sunny day in February in Seattle has a high of 50. I'll take weeks of this over months, no problem.

The solstice is close, the days will start to get longer, I won't be driving to work in the dark anymore after winter break, and it really can't rain forever. The Bayfront soccer fields haven't even been totally submerged yet, so it can't be all that bad. It just feels like it.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I'm with Carol. I am also a Pacific Northwest transplant (from SW Washington) and remember one wintry stretch before I moved here when the sun wasn't seen for 90 straight days. Most of my 38 years on the island have been spent in either Hilo or Puna (some in Glenwood!) and while the rain can seem incessant, I know that a glorious, balmy tradewind day won't be too far in the future.
Originally posted by Kelena

This place is like Seattle, only warmer and with better coffee.

Having lived in Seattle for 30 years and just over a year ago moved here from a tiny town on the Washington coast, I can say for certain this place in nothing like Seattle.

The rain in Seattle is very rarely a downpour or even full rain. Most often it lasts for months on end as a clouded in constant drizzle.
Here it is downpour and stop/ downpour and stop....

Just because the weather is worse other places does not mean it isn't bad here.
It is raining folks. And it has been raining almost daily since November 1. I have been keeping track. Yes, the good news is that lots of days it downpours and then the sun does come out. But there are also days with no sun. Why all the denial about the rain? It is raining and has been for over 6 weeks. Seems like the response is that it was worse some other time or it is worse some other place. That's fine. I am not talking about some other time or some other place.
This rain has been for over 40 days here and now.
For thrid day in row the DRENCHING rain is on the Hilo Trib Herald front page, so again, this is obviously news to more than just me.
Today's article said "Hilo has experienced wet weather nearly every day since" (beginning of November). During November Hilo International Airport received 17.4 inches of rain, about two inches more than normal...."

Seems interesting that folks on punaweb want to focus on how bad it is other places. Hey guys, it is ok to admit we get rain and LOTS OF IT. And we have recently had a lot more of it than normal per Hilo Trib Herald. Keep the arguments coming. Guess it is not ok to say I am sick of the rain and want some sun. Well that is the truth. I love it here and am staying, but I can still say it rains a lot and lately it rains more than it sun shines.
After you have been here a while, you get used to the weather here....we moved in '05, December was a month long drought (wildfires were even in was BAD....but sunny ;~) then came March of '06.... 40 days of rain, with one of the heaviest 24 hour rainfalls, over 1" per hour for the full day....HORRENDOUS!

Those extremes were 4 months apart..and the rain was nowhere near the 2000 floods....

Point? we have gotten used to it, have rain visors on the cart, have noticed the homes in Hilo that have little rainfall features only when there is a heavy rain (yes, they are intentional) love when the mall parking lot waterfall is ripping (this is a feature to break the energy of the water flowing into the retention basin... you know you have seen a really good rain when that basin is full of water....

Did anyone see the glorious sun today? there was a beautiful break in the clouds - blue skies, and our street even started to steam dry... then the rain came back!
You again proved my point on post above.
All this talk about how it used to be in other times, other years...
Over and over with the "it rained for 40 days".
Honestly it has now rained for more than 40 days, not years ago, NOW.

All this talk about years past reminds me of "I used to walk miles to school through snow when I was your age".
Why the constant historical references?

It is raining NOW for over 40 days. Right now. I don't care if it rained more or less or not at all at other decades or times or dates. My point is it is raining and has been raining for over 40 days right here and now.
What is it? Not ok to talk about the rain here and say enough is enough?
I have only been a full time resident for over a year. Before that I was here for 8 winters. So the bit about not being here long... ? It is still raining right here and right now. That's all. Not making it up. Good enough to get on front page of the rainiest city in the US for the last 3 years. Guess folks on punaweb want to say differently.

Oh well, when someone brings up the rain next year maybe you all will talk about this year since the "over 40 days" seems to be a big theme. Just wish we could have a time out with the "it was worse way back in history" stuff. I was here then too. But all that matters to me is that it is raining now.
So what do you want us to do about it?


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