You can make an ADE- like lemonade, limeade, orangeade etc.. for anything and bet would taste great with liliqui
1 cup simple syrup (one cup sugar and water mixed)
3 cups cold water
1 cup whatever fresh squeezed juice you want to use.
I recently did this with Calamansi Limes and it was ONOOOOOOOO broke da mouf !
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Aloha to you, oneself. As a Hawaiian, born and raised on this island, as were generations of our ohana (family), we are very familiar with Punaweb as are many other "locals". We call our passion fruit, "lilikoi". (Perhaps your post was a typo).
As you familiarize yourself with our environment, as the old saying goes, "stop to smell the flowers", I hope you envelop yourself with some of these recipes, and others, that will enable you to enjoy our lifestyle in our home land.
Welcome to Hawai'i. Take a breath, and enjoy the fruits of our labor. May you contribute to this forum with other "recipes" for a better future for all of us. Enjoy!
ETA: Corrected my typo. lol...[:I]
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No need for simple syrup if you have oranges, esp the Kona sweets (ours are just coming into season) Just juice them!
We often make lilikoi -ade, but our fav is to mix the lilikoi with the sour citrus 'rangpur' (limes or lemons will do, but the color & special tart of the rangpur is so ono with the lilikoi!
I have recently made lilikoi cheesecake with Dayna's goat cheese & eggs & Royall's honey, our lilikoi & a neighbors macnuts...all products in the cheesecake were Puna local!
BTW: the goat cheese from Dayna was soo light, made a great cheesecake!
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@Carey Yum, that sounds delightful!
Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
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I think we have sold out of the lilikoi cheese cake every shift I have worked at Kaleo`s. I had some lilikoi syrup on my pancakes at Pele's kitchen Sunday morning good cakes great syrup good price.
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@ Carey, thanks! I'm really proud of my goats cheese.

I think I produce a really high quality product.
Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
All these recipes sounds great...
The place in Pahoa I went had a killer Lilikoi Cheesecake !
Sorry about any typos, my Hawaiian sucks still.