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Billy Kenoi gets a what??
@pahoated: "This may reduce down to a computer data entry error." You're kidding, right? In what ethical universe is it someone else's responsibility to maintain a block so Billy couldn't charge at sleazy bars and surf shops? What you're basically saying is that the card person in the finance department should have known that Billy was had no ability to restrain himself and should have blocked every conceivable opportunity for him to go astray. Your defense, if that's what it was, pretty much makes the case that Billy can't be trusted.
In my decades of corporate experience, "company card" was a rare exception; most places required you to use your own card and file for reimbursement...
In a few of the articles, I recall reading that english wasn't spoken very clearly by many of the employees at the hostess bar, and that was not the only hostess bar we paid the tab on. So if the girls didn't speak english well, what's the possibility there might be some sex trafficking in the mix?

Adding to the list of debauchery, Mayor Billy thinks it's ok to financially support, with tax payers money, the exploitation of women. Regardless if sex trafficking was involved on the nights in question, the underworld of prostitution and sex clubs unravel into living hell for many women involved ...i.e.pimps. Pimps often choose their prostitutes against their will, abusing them into submission.
Does the location have a business license and pay taxes? If so I'd be barking up that tree. Billy was in a legal business, the card worked when presented contrary to county policy... will ebt cards work as well (previous issues here as well)

The folks that impress me are the ones who know how many $100.00 bills fit in a shoebox - grin

Non english speaking folks all sex workers? - that is a pretty broad brush ......although a few years ago we had slavery in the commercial farms that was swept under the carpet - immigration is a racket as well these days.

As far as this being some big criminal caper - Billy doesn't even have a credit card ..... doesn't sound like boardwalk empire to me....

It will be interesting to see how this plays out - who has more clout - the politicos or the folks with the pitchforks

better than reality tv..... ah tinytown got to love it.
Billy has to go. As representative of the people he should be held to a higher standard than this.
Here's a link:

Wow looked at the short list of charges. Next he'll charge 30 days in alcohol rehab. I'd be on the floor after $100 of alcohol and he spent $900 at a time. None the less sleazy behavior unbecomming a government official. 2 years to go is a long time. Let the govenor re-appoint as interum Harry Kim to fill his position and throw him out.
Hoooboy!!! Last time I saw the Attorney Generals staff in a town they shook down everybody right down to the Building Department for graft and corruption and cleaned up the "good ole boys" system. Interested to see what pans out here.

Community begins with Aloha
lol, I guess my feeble mind just isn't dirty enough to see the big picture, thanks for filling in the blanks for me P007!

Went to a few hostess bars in Japan back in the day--that's nearly 4 decades ago!--and soon grew tired of it. I'm not one to pay a lady (or anyone for that matter) to drink and talk with me. Especially because there were plenty of single Japanese ladies willing to talk and drink with me for free--all I had to do was be respectful and make 'em laugh. Wink

Everyone knows Japan has its dirty underbelly, and if we go there I think even P007's wild imagination might fall short. (So let's not.) But as much as I dislike hostess bars, the ones I went to in Japan were pretty tame. None of the ladies spoke English because we were, after all, in Japan. Wink And the only exploitation I saw was the poor lonely salarymen who got fleeced just for the "opportunity" to vent to someone willing to feign interest. (Think of it as psycho-therapy for lonely, disenfranchised Japanese salarymen.) Of course not all patrons were there for individual therapy; it was also common for groups of "normal" salarymen to socialize and blow off steam after work.

Honestly I've never been in a hostess bar in the U.S., much less in Hawaii so it COULD be different. But I do have some younger friends who have visited hostess bars in L.A. They say it's pretty innocent as well, just expensive. And yes, all the hostesses speak Japanese, exactly why my non-Japanese friends go--to drink and practice their Japanese. They say many of the hostesses are students working part-time.

And it begs the question: does the term "hostess bar" that's being bandied about in the media paint an unrealistically dirtier picture than reality? For example, what if the word "bar" was used without the modifier "hostess"? Would the story have less sex appeal? Probably.

But the question on everyone's mind is, did Kenoi do anything legally wrong? It certainly doesn't look good at this juncture, embarrassing at the very best.

But as a truly unbiased, objective observer (unbiased because I dislike all politicians equally), it seems inappropriate--whether it turns out to be true or not--to project all these dirty accusations onto the situation without presenting any evidence. Is it unreasonable to wait for evidence to come out, and request people to back up their accusations?

Again, I'm not taking sides or defending anyone. Just looking for the truth and hoping the chips will fall where they will.

[Edited to fix dumb typo]

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
As far as this being some big criminal caper - Billy doesn't even have a credit card ..... doesn't sound like boardwalk empire to me....

I don't expect racketeering charges. But I do hope he is treated exactly as any employee of a business would be treated if that employee repeatedly made unauthorized charges on the company's credit card. Over a period of six years. Or as any taxpayer would be treated by Hawaii government officials were he to claim business expenses that were clearly purchased for personal use.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
My two cents or opinions here. Billy seems a bit confused or just not really committed to anything? He did enter and finish the Ironman triathlon this past year. So I would think alcohol and late nights at clubs would not be in the training program. He also had no problem taking his family to Florida for those inspirational football games after the $150,000 was taken from the keiki involved. This shows me he must have had credit cards for cars, meals, and rooms their. So why use our counties resources for such cheap entertainment on Oahu? Writing for myself here, been with my wife 22 years now, if I was caught in an establishment that sleazy I don't think it would last another 22 days. The stealing or hidden ways to take from many others seems like common lawyer practice. Shoot he should just get an extra credit card to the frozen geothermal relocation fund before those millions dissapears too.

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