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Covid count
(07-25-2021, 10:23 PM)terracore Wrote: There is no FDA approved vaccine for COVID.  Until that changes, I don't know that schools can force children...

Who suggested forcing children to take the covid vaccine? The reason for pointing out that we, society, require a ton of vaccines for anyone to participate, and insure as much by requiring children to provide proof of such at the point of entering school, is to point out that the anti-vaxxer's don't have a leg to stand on. Their expectation that society provide for their choices is unfounded. They haven't anything but the coddling they are being afforded at the moment. Which is dragging us all down, is harming society. And, if left unchecked, will breed a variant that will overcome the vaccines and begin killing us all over again.

(07-25-2021, 11:12 PM)kalakoa Wrote: We don't need yet another complicated layer of "COVID theatre.."

Oh come on, kalakoa, all they have to do is activate the microchip.
Case counts have gone down quickly in UK and India after their surges. Here in HI, 60% of people are vaxxed, another 5% are partially vaxxed and another 41,000 people have already gotten the virus. So I'm hoping we reach herd immunity soon, one way or the other. We need a slogan: "In the good ole USA, we like doing things the HARD way!"
Certainty will be the death of us.
"Who suggested forcing children to take the covid vaccine? The reason for pointing out that we, society, require a ton of vaccines for anyone to participate, and insure as much by requiring children to provide proof of such at the point of entering school, is to point out that the anti-vaxxer's don't have a leg to stand on. Their expectation that society provide for their choices is unfounded. They haven't anything but the coddling they are being afforded at the moment. Which is dragging us all down, is harming society. And, if left unchecked, will breed a variant that will overcome the vaccines and begin killing us all over again."

Then we are in agreement that fully tested and trialed vaccines with many years of safety and efficacy data can be required in places where attendance is compulsory. After all, the parents are allowed to school their children at home if they don't want to protect their children from childhood diseases. But I fail to see how this argument applies to a person (who isn't incarcerated) simply by "being outside".
(07-25-2021, 09:36 PM)kalakoa Wrote: How long are we expected to make this "noble" sacrifice? Two years? Five years? Forever?

We were sold a fantasy about "back to normal". If that's not happening (as appears increasingly likely), when will our "leaders" have the "courage" to tell us the "truth"?

It's only a fantasy because so many people are not doing their part. What do you think the big conspiracy is?
Anyone remember the brouhaha when the HPV vaccine came out?
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
(07-24-2021, 12:51 PM)TomK Wrote:
(07-24-2021, 12:13 PM)AaronM Wrote: Holy unrelated tangent Batman!

WW2 affected the British differently and I understand that but your logic is a little twisted.

I honor those who fought for my freedom by exercising it on a daily basis.
Xenophobia rears its ugly head. 

Xenophobia?  You have truly lost the plot! 

Acknowledging that the British WW2 experience was different is factual not xenophobic. 

Pearl Harbor was bombed for a few hours.  London was bombed for years.  America was never in danger of a land invasion, whereas it was a real fear for the British.  Sounds different, no?

"Innova Medical Group Recalls Unauthorized SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test with Risk of False Test Results

...The FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall. Use of these devices may cause serious injuries or death."

Don't shoot the messenger. This is just data. Make your own conclusions.
Terracore, my conclusion is that those 77,339 test kits that were never approved for use in the US and have some rate of both false positives and false negatives don't change anything about the pandemic's reality or seriousness.

I don't know your motivation for bringing it up, but there do seem to be a lot of folks out there determined to somehow portray the pandemic as overblown or fake. Considering the number of Americans that have died, that seems in poor taste and I hope that's not what you're doing.
Testing is almost as pointless as rules that only apply to vaccinated (or unvaccinated) people. Easier and more effective to assume everyone has it and act accordingly. Especially given the substantial number of "never-vaxxers".
Testing is not pointless to someone who needs to know whether or not they may infect their family.
Certainty will be the death of us.

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