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OK, I am now over the rain. Ready for sun.
Originally posted by hawaiideborah...

It is raining NOW for over 40 days...

I think our rainy season started about Oct 27th? Any stats anyone?

HiDeborah, we get the rain is really bothering you. It bothers my hubby too. But I started showing him all my little plants that are beginning to pop up, and how our lemon grass is growing by inches every rainy day. Doesnt cheer him up that much so I just tell him he gets a new soup (which he loves and he bought me a 365 days of soup cookbook awhile back) which does cheer him up.

It's rainy, and its been rainy, and pretty soon it will stop raining. and in June everyone will complain it has not rained in 40 days or more. Circle of life I guess.

Doesnt discount that you do not like it right now. I think everyone is trying to make comparisons so that we all know it could be worse. I know that probably doesnt help how you feel much. It isnt helping my hubby either. Honestly, after 40+ days, I am tuning him out a little as only partners can do!

Close your eyes, and in the blink of an eye it will be spring again - like Carol said, only 6 days and the days will be getting longer again!

@Deborah: I can relate to lighthearted complaining to blow off steam; it can be therapeutic in the right doses with the right people, especially effective if mixed with humor. It's possible I misread the tone of your post, but you were sounding kinda serious there. Some of the responses appear to be written with the intent of helping you see the bright side of the situation. But it seems to have had the opposite effect. My apologies if my response offended you.

I can relate to your feelings about the rain, in that we are bound by a common desire for the sun to shine. Smile

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
If you're ever in Eden Roc when it's been raining like this
and you see an almost 50 year old man
dressed in board shorts
with his shirtless gut hanging out
wearing slippers
laying down on a boogie board
that's been glued to a similarly shaped piece of plywood
that has 4 pivoting wheels attached to it
being pulled down Palainui by a rope (twine)
attached to an old Dogde Ram
whose plates expired back in the early '90s
slamming into the flooded low spots at then end of each road

Wave to my old and and I!!!!
It seems to me that deborah is saying you can't have a good vent on this forum for the sake of venting. I've noticed the same.

Personally I find it boring to hear about mainland weather. I haven't been there for a long time and it has nothing to do with my life here. When I did live there, I mostly lived in places with decent weather ... not everyone who moves here is escaping depressing weather.

I just like to look at the situation in the here and now. Perspective is good, but too much "count your blessings" gets old. I do count my blessings, every day, and I suspect most of us do -- so it irritates me to hear people say count your blessings all the time as it is an unnecessary reminder and sounds like preaching. OK, that is my vent. [Wink]

It's funny, after reading this whole debate, I was in town talking to various locals who were born and raised here and listening to the conversations around me. Everyone talking about the crazy weather and how they had to cancel this and not do that. None of them talking about doing staycations Kona side. They don't have the money, and they have obligations that prevent them from running off to the sun. None of them saying it's worse in Pick Your Place Mainland, because that's not their frame of reference, being born here.

They just deal, and vent a little because venting is how people release pressure.
Of course it is part of living on the east side to accept periodic months where the gloom-sun ratio gets to our spirits. For me that happens maybe one or two months a year, but I can remember three winters here at least where the whole winter was a hassle.

Have definitely gotten spoiled with the recent cycle. I do agree that this wet is not as wet as Hilo used to be. I know people who remember Hilo from 20 years ago. One from UHHilo. She said it rained day after day continuously, and all she remembers is the sound of rain on the roof all day, making her want to sleep. She graduated and never wanted to live over here again. Other friend says, "I lived in Hilo when it used to rain all the time." Referring back 20 years. Considers the weather pattern very different now.

I do think the climate is changing. Some places are drying up, and the east side has been more like a place with just enough rain to be nice, but plenty of sun. Even back in the early part of this decade, I remember that my impression of Puna was that it was always drizzling. Every single time I came through, nothing but gray and rain. So I figured that if I chose Puna, that would be the situation. Clearly my impression was not accurate, and the sun comes out regularly, but it is a wet area, as is Hilo. Especially if you go up to Waiakea Uka or the Pi'ihonua. Or up Kai'i'e Rd. in my area.

One way to tell an area is go look at a lot of older houses. Certain areas, the houses all smell like mold and mulching. They never completely dry out. Kaloli Point is not like that. It really has a wonderful climate for Puna, although hot in the summer. Oops, deborah, I was that close to telling you to count your blessing. [Wink] Instead I will say, "this rain is enough already, but hang in there, we almost always have a super nice patch of weather in January if it doesn't come at Christmas." [Smile]

"And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody, outside of a small circle of friends ~ Phil Ochs
Originally posted by Kapohocat

Originally posted by hawaiideborah...

It is raining NOW for over 40 days...

I think our rainy season started about Oct 27th? Any stats anyone?

HiDeborah, we get the rain is really bothering you. It bothers my hubby too. But I started showing him all my little plants that are beginning to pop up, and how our lemon grass is growing by inches every rainy day. Doesnt cheer him up that much so I just tell him he gets a new soup (which he loves and he bought me a 365 days of soup cookbook awhile back) which does cheer him up.

It's rainy, and its been rainy, and pretty soon it will stop raining. and in June everyone will complain it has not rained in 40 days or more. Circle of life I guess.

Doesnt discount that you do not like it right now. I think everyone is trying to make comparisons so that we all know it could be worse. I know that probably doesnt help how you feel much. It isnt helping my hubby either. Honestly, after 40+ days, I am tuning him out a little as only partners can do!

Close your eyes, and in the blink of an eye it will be spring again - like Carol said, only 6 days and the days will be getting longer again!

Thank you for the nice validating post. [Smile]
Originally posted by punafish

@Deborah: I can relate to lighthearted complaining to blow off steam; it can be therapeutic in the right doses with the right people, especially effective if mixed with humor. It's possible I misread the tone of your post, but you were sounding kinda serious there. Some of the responses appear to be written with the intent of helping you see the bright side of the situation. But it seems to have had the opposite effect. My apologies if my response offended you.

I can relate to your feelings about the rain, in that we are bound by a common desire for the sun to shine. Smile

Hey punafish, thanks for the post. Great observation about how the responses could have been written with the intent of helping me see the bright side.
As you observed, it is hard to know what is behind our posted words without hearing or seeing each other.
Yes I have had it with the rain for now. But I am actually a lover of rain and everything it brings. I wouldn't have lived in western WA happily for 35 years if I was not a rain lover.
I love living Puna. Rain and SUN[Big Grin]
I think this thread has been funny in a way Smile For our part - 10/27 - `12/15, 44.97 inches out of 136.04" for the year.
Really liked Tom's UKIRTS data - very interesting. I need to compare that against my generator runtimes.


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Ninole Resident
Thanks, David. Glad someone read it and understood! I took exception to hawaiideborah either ignoring or not understanding it even though it was validating her point that things have been unusual recently, but no bother. Things just carry on and we'll have more weather, wet or dry, to deal with in the future.

Originally posted by TomK

Thanks, David. Glad someone read it and understood! I took exception to hawaiideborah either ignoring or not understanding it

Because I didn't comment you are going to insult me an say I didn't understand your statistics? [Sad]

Yes, I do understand that post. I also understood your more recent post that said "what do I want you to do about it". I responded to that post.

Please do not infer that I am not not smart enough to understand statistics just because I did not respond to a post you made.[Sad]

Can we just try to have a conversation where there are no insults?[Sad]
Anyway, nice weather we are having! It is dry (at the moment) and I see the sun peeking through the clouds, creating an island of silver light on the water.

Some day you'll find me. Floating in the sunshine. My head sticking out of a low lying cloud. You'll hear me call you. Singin' through the sunshine....sweet and Come to me! Here I am!

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