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HARC soliciting funds
To bad. Is it the lack of wanting to "go political", which I can understand, or other, repeating generational factors that come into play that prohibits "honest" business practices that most people want, or so it seems, on this thread? Please explain to this thick skulled individual (me), it would greatly help. My suggestion comes from what overheads I see from "charitable" organizations that pay, and office overheads consume up to 80 per cent of the donations. With the fees collected, and the condition of the roads, they add up to bankrupt before you start. Assistance from the County is feeble, as their "overhead" versus income from tax dollars is about the same, with the remaining funds spread towards improvements and population assistance, the latter consuming most. Since the "recession" the Feds have cut all kinds of financial assistance to the States, and then through the Counties ("trickle down", Lordy I hate that phrase) to make it even worse.

Are you a human being, or a human doing?
"trickle down", Lordy I hate that phrase

It's completely accurate -- just imagine a wealthy person on a ladder ... urinating.
Hi everyone. i have lived on f rd for 7 years now and i have never paid dues to either HACA or HARC. i am stunned and dismayed by the actions and responces of the people involved in the McDonald/HACA saga. How is it possible that our entire budget has now been spent on legal fees? if these law suits are frivolous, as they may well be, than the court will say that. If the board has done nothing wrong then they don't need indemnity. if they have, they need to settle before any more of our money is wasted. Irrespective of whether i agree with them, the McDonalds have a right to be heard. I have spent many years working in the psychiatric services, and believe me it doesn't matter how crazy you are, it doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong.
There does appear to be problems with transparency and openness. this thread for example should be on the HACA's own web site but we are not allowed to post there or even on the google chat line specifically opened for that purpose. Of course people should not be serving if they do not own property in the acres. can someone tell me definitively right now that this is not true? of course people should not be serving under assumed names and properties. again please publicly confirm this is not true. of course people have a right to see where and how their money is spent (not me of course or for that matter the Mcdonalds)
it seems obvious that the HACA needs restructuring and reviewing. to insinuate that those attempting to do that will render themselves personally liable for the alleged mistakes of the previous office is simple fear mongering. There are people in this world that have nothing, and i mean nothing, in their lives but this sort of negativity. They thrive on it. it is the only excitement and the only confirmation of life they have. I live in joy, so my heart goes out to them. The board members posting here have no reason for anonymity. even if you do not disclose your name, please disclose your interest (i.e. 'current board member'). the same of course applies to the McDonalds. why hide behind pseudonyms? As for 'informing' people; imagine the negative energy it takes to write to all the property owners living offshore to encourage them not to pay. To deliberately make it your business to make things for the rest of us worse? Imagine the negative determination required to drive around looking for examples of road works to manipulate opinions.
Of course the McDonalds are partially responsible for the flooding along their property. EVERYBODY that bulldozes chunks of this forest creates runoffs that contribute to this problem. It was one of the first things Cindy warned me about when i moved here. i have cleared my land by hand, so all the little gullies and crevices absorb my water. occasionally, if it rains real hard i even get little ponds and lakes but at least its not running down into the road. i cleared by hand not because it was the 'right' thing to do, but because i am poor and cannot afford to hire machinery. that however does not detract from the truth of the statement. As more people move here and clear cut the way that most do, the problems of run off and flooding will increase. to try to blame one person or body of people for this is illogical.
considering that we are talking about a simple housing association with only a few hundred members, the intrigue, competition, self-service, misinformation, and animosity is beyond all belief. This is a lot (how many board members are there on the two committees?) of people trying to make themselves more important than they are. The is no office work, accounting, or organization to speak of with an association that small. a couple of hours a month if that, and i speak from experience. Yet to read this one would believe that 'the board' were somehow directors of some vast organization requiring years of training and executive experience, not to mention the necessity for personal indemnities and lawyers on retainers!!!
This is like a little soap opera, i can't wait for the next episode. Unfortunately i have much to much going on in my life (like living for example) to get involved with it.
My thanks to puna web for at least providing a forum.

living in joy would be nice, but i am now once again faced with a $475 car repair bill . not needed if i had a decent road. so i have to earn money to pay for it.
also informing people "off shore " (where ever that is) , how does that money affect the residents , its not fixing roads , nobody is benefiting from that revenue , roads remain the same , horrible. we are now at the fix your own status .
I guess not paying for 7 years has not helped either so why criticize the process that may be a path to a better situation for all lot owners . wheres the joy in that.
i am now once again faced with a $475 car repair bill

As always, I'm left wondering how much it would actually cost to maintain the roads to a reasonable-but-unpaved level.

More than $475/year?
living in joy IS nice. more people should try it. However i do apologize if i made it sound easy. it does of course require much more deliberate and consious effort than the opposite does. To start with it means treating ALL people with 'unconditional positive human regard'. this is sometimes a difficult concept even for those of us trained and practiced at it. for some it is simply beyond their comprehension. secondly it means surrounding my self with beauty and taking pride in my home and surroundings. our surroundings have an enormous effect on our mental processes. if you live in ****, you will feel like ****. lastly it means stretching my mind and body. exploring and learning and seeing and feeling. if all you do is sit in front of a telly all day listening to poison on the news, then that is what your life is going to be. it absolutely doesn't have anything to do with the price of car repairs.
I posted that i hadn't paid road dues in the spirit of openness, as must of been obvious. prioritizing my bills is not quite the same as deliberately trying to reduce the road service income for the acres. i have not criticized the process. only the vitriol surrounding these disputes. For example, to say 'nobody is benefiting from that revenue' is to quite openly accuse the board of theft.
the term 'off shore' applies to anything not on this particular land, and i assumed it was an international term. again my apologies if it is only an english one.
The process of lawsuits cannot benefit anyone but lawyers. surely i cannot be the only person to know that.

it appears my attempts at eloquence may have been misunderstood, so let me clarify a couple of points.

All of the information i have quoted has come from these threads.
i did not presume to call anyone crazy, i only meant to support their right to be heard and to question the assumption of 'right' and 'wrong'.
the above post was directed at no-one in particular, and the truths therein are self evident. i was simply trying to defend my choice of life style having felt that maybe people think that spirituality is easy.

I'm a land owner , not on any board, I havn't paid any into the "road" fund and probably won't until I see a complete overhaul of the system, If your not a land owner you don't have any say in the matter,volenteer or not, all moneys collected for "road" repair should be spent for said earmark "road repair", I'm not going to waist time bickering, I'm bringing my own equipment and I'll make sure the road to my place is servicable,if another owner needs help I will be more that willing to help them,the way to fix the roads is to band together as a team and do what it takes to fix them,not waist time bickering, fooy on politics, "By pass and haul ass" ... Gen. George Patton
"Watch out for that pothole!!"- Gen. George Patton
sounds like reality to me . what area do you live in

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