the president gets his/her appointees and bureaucrats to administer his/her wishes.
Within the confines of the law.
As we've seen.
A president cannot just start building a wall.
A president cannot target a religion or nationality for exclusion without following the law.
A president cannot control the internet, unless it's within exiting laws, or passing new laws. And we see (above) how difficult that is.
Net Neutrality is good for Puna. Throttling and link blocking is detrimental to the user. Here's a reminder how you can reach the powers that be, without signing up for Tulsi's contact list:
FCC Web Contact (under comments, say you support Net Neutrality:
Email the FCC Leadership Directly:
You can email all five leaders of the FCC to express your support for Net Neutrality. Here are the email addresses you need to know—the Republicans are the ones who want to dismantle Net Neutrality.
•Ajit Pai, Chairman (Republican) -
•Mignon Clyburn, Commissioner (Democract) -
•Michael O’Rielly, Commissioner (Republican) -
•Brendan Carr, Commissioner (Republican) -
•Jessica Rosenworcel, Commissioner (Democrat) -
More info:
“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau