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Covid count
why is everyone so upset about the unvaccinated?

Because government sets regulations based on the lowest common denominator, which means things like spending $100K/day on pointless "Safe Travels" screening checkpoints.

it is possible we'll breed a variant that will overcome the vaccines and we’ll all be screwed again?

Not only is this expected, it's what we deserve for mismanaging the response -- they're already tracking "Delta Plus" and "Lambda" variants. (Notice how they're very careful not to call them by the scary term "mutations".)
MM...I'm so ready for a mask burning party!
Try wearing them for a full workday! I'm ready for them to be gone, but it still amuses me when people complain about wearing them for a trip to the grocery.
(07-29-2021, 06:01 AM)randomq Wrote: Try wearing them for a full workday! I'm ready for them to be gone, but it still amuses me when people complain about wearing them for a trip to the grocery.

I think about the workers who have them on all day and it makes my wearing the mask going to the store
a lot more bearable.
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
Thanks for the lecture Glindakine.

Uh if everyone is wearing a mask, how am I going to get covid ?

If it can be transmitted that easily, we are all doomed.

Maybe you need to go to 3rd world counties and preach to them. In the meantime the positivity rate is higher right now in Hawaii than it is in Ohio, where I am right now.
Ohio has been wide open since June 2nd. Governor came out and said " If you haven't been vaccinated you will get the virus and many of you will be hospitalized many will die."

Looks to me like the Draconian restrictions in Hawaii are failing.
Draconian restrictions in Hawaii are actually a huge success ... at their intended purpose. Ige is determined to nurse this pandemic along until the next one starts, this way he can be King until at least the end of his term.

Consider: visitor numbers are above pre-pandemic levels despite the draconian restrictions.

Ironic: we're told that unvaccinated weekends in Vegas are responsible for high infection numbers ... while the local news features a "9th Island Forecast" and a "9th Island Night Life" report.
(07-29-2021, 04:59 PM)Obie Wrote: Thanks for the lecture...

My pleasure Obie, but hey, if you just want to audit the class that’s fine, but to attend in person, for credit, you’re gonna have to prove you're vaccinated. After all, nobody goes to school unless they are.

Your points are those raised by the fearful, the uneducated, those among us who haven’t realized that the vaccines are far safer, have far less “side effects,” than Covid. But that’s ok, you’re allowed your shortcomings. But please, don’t fool yourself to believe the unvaxx'd have the right to endanger others. Their rights, as sacred as they may be, are outweighed by the rights of society to live free of their fears.

And, besides, we dealt with all that already. We make people wear seatbelts. Are seatbelts an unjust burden? We refuse to allow people to smoke tobacco in public spaces. Are we unjustly denying smoker’s their “constitutional” rights? We demand, by law, that a human body prove, beyond doubt, that they have over ten different vaccines, given through over 25 separate shots, before they are five years old. By law. So, tell me, what law are the unvaccinated wrapping their demands in?

Thankfully, Obie, people know better. Now that we’ve given all Americans the opportunity to line up and be vaccinated, and realized just how much irrational fear so many among us live in, we are seeing industry step up and  say, get vaccinated or go away, to their employees, in many cases to their consumers. After all, what CEO whats to harbor idiots? What CEO wants to allow they earnings to be dragged down by the fearful among their employees? What CEO wants to allow their company to be run by people who are listening to charlatans?

As I said, Obie, you’re more than welcome to audit the class, but until you’re vaccinated, you’ll have to do it electronically, from afar. Their is no room for the unvaxx'd to attend class in person.

The sad part of all this, to me, is how much our education system has failed us. How we’ve created generations of selfish people who haven’t a clue. Honestly, if covid has taught us anything it is how far in decline our society really is. Think about it. When Dr. Fauci observed that had our society responded to the polio vaccine the way we are covid, we’d still be plagued by that horrible disease. Sheesh, we’d be plagued by them all. 

No Obie, I am sorry, but to argue against vaccines, especially when your entire life, every one of your successes, all owe a debt to the fact we are a society of vaccinated, far outweighs any so called rights the unvaxx’d cling to.

But still, as I said, thanks to science and technology, the same that created the vaccines in the first place, the unvaxx'd can audit the class from afar.
I was vaccinated in March. Why would anything I posted give you the idea I wasn't.
My first polio vaccine was a shot. I have had a flu shot every year since they were invented.
Hep A and Hep B.
Pneumonia and every other vaccine that's been invented.

Explain to me why Hawaii has a higher positivity rate than Ohio where there have been no restrictions since June 2nd.
Its not a vaccine in the traditional sense, its an mRNA injection. Even the inventor of mRNA technology has came out and said there could be severe long term dangers involved in its use.  mRNA inventor says beware.

I have relatives that have taken this injection and I worry for their safety. I would not want ill to come to them. But I'm afraid I'm going to end up burying them in the next few years from prion overload related organ failures but hey they did what they felt was the right thing. They made a choice, we all have to make choices, but saying people are idiots because they dont trust science, well shit.. DDT, Agent Orange, Tuskegee syphilis experiments, Down-winders from nuclear tests, willowbrook experiments, measles vaccine experiment (1990) I could go on all day of bad things the govt has done to people without their consent and real harm (ie death) was done..  Trusting fools, gambling with your lives.

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts." — Richard Feynman

This was why I said in the 'wuflu now here' thread over a year ago, what is coming is going to be truly ugly. I will just leave it there.

Im done, be safe.
the inventor of mRNA technology has came out and said there could be severe long term dangers

So get the J&J vaccine instead. Problem solved.

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