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Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect)
You are constantly telling Rob how to run HIS web forum: demanding that threads be shut down etc. This is like coming to someone's home as a dinner guest and then criticizing their cooking, "Very disappointing, that dish was not cooked to my liking, once again bad cooking allowed to go on the table, despite not being what I expect." This is Rob's forum, his rules, his enforcement choices. It is a volunteer effort on his part and he donates a huge amount of time so the rest of us have this resource, in addition to having a business to run and family to care for.

If you do not like how he runs things there are other forums out there, or you can do what some other disgruntled Punawebbers did and start your own (although they pretty much created a cyber ghost town), but the back seat driving is getting old. If you don't like where a thread is going, you don't have to read it, but telling Rob how to run the site is not appropriate. Only Rob and the Punaweb operating committee make those calls; they do so with a light hand and not at the whim of individual participants.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by Mauka
I really wasn't calling you a pig although I guess it sounded that way.
Isn't that the same as the joke that wasn't racist although it sounded that way?[?][?][?]

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

A couple "straight" guys in this thread seem more obsessed with gay men and gay sexuality than any openly gay man I've ever known. Just saying.
Why hasn't this thread been pulled? It was troll bait from the beginning by someone who has only ever posted about his obsession with gay matters. It's also a political issue and belongs in that forum, again, only if it directly relates to Puna. Given all the military bases here in Puna, oh wait, there aren't any!
Gee john your are not the only one that is trapped like that[believe it or not, you can choose] the same thing happened to me and I'll bet we can find a few more. Hey John, maybe we should start a club?

Nah, we can't do that we may get labeled as racist, homofobic at the least.

The lack

The Lack Toons
Posted - 01/06/2011 : 15:47:42

Back to Lack's blog. He had directions on building a smoker on there once. Lack, how about posting a link to the directions for building your Big Island smoker again.

Big Islander to be.

Aloha Oink,as requested

Had lots of funn building this and it works great

The lack

The Lack Toons
I have been registered on this forum since pretty close to it's creation. I used to come on the forum quite often. In fact, I would log on every morning before work and too many times throughout the day. Threads like this one are the reason I hardly ever come to this, or most other forums, any more. Sad, I really used to enjoy reading the post and have actual formed friendships (live ones, not just cyber ones) from this forum. I'll still check in, I just wanted to mention why I don't read the site on a regular basis anymore.

Robguz, thanks for all the honest intellectual comments that you added to this discussion, oh wait, there wasn't any!

He asks; "why hasnt this thread been pulled", maybe 2000+ views and almost 100 comments could be the reason. Just saying.
If you have not noticed, no one really want's to discuss what color the sky is that day.

Take it down he BOOMS, "not directly related to Puna", is the cry. The last I checked the Military was the 2nd largest economic engine driving our state,...yes, even the island of Puna. Not to mention that little item called protection and security.

If you feel the need to put me in a neat little box concerning what I post, when I post, how I post, what I think, what I eat and on and on be my guest, it may actualy reduce your anger and make you feel better at the same time.

Punagirl please don't leave, what's wrong with this thread? It is a discussion of different views about an important current affair.
Island of Puna?


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by DanielP

Very dissapointing. Yet another thread allowed to go on, despite not being Puna or Hawaii. The thin threads of connection are not significant enough to qualify IMHO.

@mdd7000: I got it what you meant by "illusive operating committee".
The moderator's advisers?

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