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OK, I am now over the rain. Ready for sun.
Originally posted by KathyH

It seems to me that deborah is saying you can't have a good vent on this forum for the sake of venting. I've noticed the same.

It's funny, after reading this whole debate, I was in town talking to various locals who were born and raised here and listening to the conversations around me. Everyone talking about the crazy weather and how they had to cancel this and not do that. None of them talking about doing staycations Kona side. They don't have the money, and they have obligations that prevent them from running off to the sun. None of them saying it's worse in Pick Your Place Mainland, because that's not their frame of reference, being born here.

They just deal, and vent a little because venting is how people release pressure.

Actually, that has been my experience. Down at the Hilo market if you listen to the vendors they have lots to say about the rain and none of it is positive. Several of them are keeping track of how many days it is raining in a row. The calendar on her table at the booth is all filled in with rain drops for about 6 weeks. That was interesting. what these locals were saying is that it may not be the most rain in inches but it is going to make some record for the longest period of days if I goes until Jan. 1 and doesn't miss a day.
Anyway, another observation that locals here are "venting" also.
Venting is good for the soul. Doesn't mean you hate Puna or Hilo or rain. Just like it's good to vent about your loved's healthy.[Big Grin]

Kathy, I love the word "staycation" for those fortunate enough to go stay over on the other side when it is rainy here. Just paying the tank of gas is a lot for some folks. Many don't have the resources to go visit the sun in Kona and have to just "deal". and for those I say "vent away".
Lucky we live Puna, rain and all.[Smile]
Originally posted by Kelena

Anyway, nice weather we are having! It is dry (at the moment) and I see the sun peeking through the clouds, creating an island of silver light on the water.

Woke up to pouring rain at 8:00 am. Yes, there has been a break in the rain for about 15 minutes now. That is great.[Smile]
I am ready for SUN though, not just for the rain to stop. I am ready for just ONE day where it doesn't rain and the sun can dry us out. Just ONE one day of sun, that would be enough for me to be very happy.
Why? I have to mow the lawn before it gets to weed whacker status (of course). [Big Grin]
I agree!! Grass is getting taller than the lawnmower. And you really need 24 hours of dry weather before cutting...
Yes. It is gone now. Evanescent. The island of reflected sunshine has disappeared once again into the mists, like Brigadoon.
Originally posted by Kelena

Yes. It is gone now. Evanescent. The island of reflected sunshine has disappeared once again into the mists, like Brigadoon.

Does Mindy have her raingear on?
Would love to see the pink slicker in person.[Big Grin]
Mindy not here yet! She arrives next Thursday evening. She will be out strutting on Friday, though and you won't be able to miss her. Just keep your eyes peeled for an unusually small and very girly dalmatian in pink, accompanied by a daddy with a baseball bat and hornet spray.
Originally posted by hawaiideborah....

The calendar on her table at the booth is all filled in with rain drops for about 6 weeks. That was interesting. what these locals were saying is that it may not be the most rain in inches but it is going to make some record for the longest period of days if I goes until Jan. 1 and doesn't miss a day.
Anyway, another observation that locals here are "venting" also.
Venting is good for the soul. Doesn't mean you hate Puna or Hilo or rain. Just like it's good to vent about your loved's healthy.[Big Grin]...

Another way to think of the opposing comments is that they are "rain vents" too - just of a different sort. Maybe many people are trying to look at it as rain gauge half empty rather than half full in this case.

Keep us posted on the vendor raindrop calendar...

The two years I remember were 1993? 1994? it rained from before Thanksgiving through Jan 3.; and 2005 maybe? Part of sept and all of Oct and big part of Nov.
"Owner with bat & hornet spray" this a different version of cricket??? ;~)

Our girl seems to not even notice the rain.... until towel-off time! We have even found her asleep on the driveway in the misty a puddle! (okay, I know that is not saying a lot for her smarts, but on most other things she seems to be maybe she like the warm east side rains???)
Originally posted by Kapohocat:
I was there in 02 and I recall listening to residents of Waipio Valley bitching about the rain that year.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
I too have the wet and long grass blues. [8D]

My blades are restive and yearn for the juices of freshly slain weeds.

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