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HARC soliciting funds
Oh my.........universal law, if u know not of which you speak.....DO NOT
Others may assume you are the patient, not the professional. LOL !!!!

Originally posted by snorkle

"Watch out for that pothole!!"- Gen. George Patton

haha ..I love rough roads!...
Originally posted by 2bad4u

Oh my.........universal law, if u know not of which you speak.....DO NOT
Others may assume you are the patient, not the professional. LOL !!!!

i'm sorry, was there something wrong in what i said? please feel free to explain.

A long time resident of over 35 years,is putting together a fund with other neighbors who use Rd D from 4 Rd to 8 Rd to work on D rd privately and with out permission from HARC.Addressing the drainage issues , the 120 tons of washed out gravel and re locating all up side,since HARC will not, he will.
So far over $800.00 has been collected and all will be spent on D rd and not portioned out to various funds and never used on what ever HARC deems a priority.
As to the persons on the HARC board past n present who do NOT own a lot in HA and are NOT using their real name.I suggest go to county tax office as my wife has done,and look this up yourself.You will see plain as day,plain as the nose on your face,that indeed we have done extensive research and have discovered that indeed,the past prez of HARC does NOT own a lot in HA and the current prez of HARC is not using his real name.
So we would like very much to know the legal ramifications of this,as per any votes taken or choices made that affect every lot owner in HA - if all must be voided for the last 4+ years and re done.

~~~ Maui Built ~~~
well, a nice thick layer of good chunky gravel has been laid down on the bottom of C road in several places . just below and up to the long, long stretch of pavement to road 7 .... the road that the board president lives on. business as usual.
Mimosa i was rather hoping that a member of the board would flat out deny it. There seems to be a rather deafening silence. Smile

Originally posted by justthefacts

living in joy would be nice

drove out of the acres via ainaloa today and there are signs everywhere saying "JOY FOR PUNA". Almost peed myself laughing. i don't know who "Joy" is, but the co-incidence almost makes me want to vote for her.

im not sure i get your point. but perhaps your post belongs on the political postings. and ............... if your referring to the living in joy post you made , while trashing other people , pot calling the kettle black moment for you.
well it would appear that justthemisery is unable to see the humor. there's a surprise. i am pretty sure i didn't trash anybody. perhaps you could enlighten me.

Alright Children, Corner time for all, put your Dunce Caps on and grab a chair and go sit in the corner until you can all get along.

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