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Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect)
csgray (island of Puna)......That was a joke for robguz.
I am leaning with punagirl. When I go to Seaside restaurant and they have started serving nothing but hamburger, I will complain there too. PAU!
Hey deborah, after a look at the numbers of this thread, I think there may be more people who want it to just keep going.

Care to post a comment or question on the subject we are trying to discuss?

Mahalo for your reply bullwinkle, I agree about giving everyone their own shower and toilet, but I don't think it would be that practical or economical in most real world situations. How could that be done on a ship or a submarine where the space is extremely limited? The first thing they do when you arrive a boot camp is to split up male and female and then house everyone in an open barracks style facility.

Are you saying bullwinkle that the current male female separation is not adequate and your idea for EVERYONE to have their own bathroom and bunk is because of the repeal of DADT?

Deborah, I have a belief that if you stepped in front of a fast moving bus, you would be dead,...and that's a fact.
Originally posted by hawaiideborah

Originally posted by laniA

Originally posted by DanielP

Very dissapointing. Yet another thread allowed to go on, despite not being Puna or Hawaii. The thin threads of connection are not significant enough to qualify IMHO.

@mdd7000: I got it what you meant by "illusive operating committee".
The moderator's advisers?

actually mdd7000 only has it out for me. I asked what it had to do with Puna from the first post. It was a question. since then there have been several punaweb members who requested this stop since it was not about Puna.
However, md7000 is silent when these members point this out.
mdd7000 tries to call me out, but it doesn't hold water.


I don't have it OUT for you. (funny term as related to this thread) You are real new both to the island and Punaweb and almost immediately have started telling others how to respond on the forum. Leave it to Rob who is the the forum owner and the Punaweb Operating Committee to do that...

edit: I realize that my response will be considered hypocritical, but think big picture.
HoOOLY Crap Rob,

How do you sort all this stuff out ? LOL.

Let 'er run.
You weren't singled out. Quit whining.
Your joined this forum on 9/6/10. I guess that's kind of new?
Well to try to get back on topic, As a gay man who has served in the military, This may come as a shock but I think allowing openly gay men and women in the military can have some dangerous consequences . Now let me clarify here, if you are defined by your sexuality , you are going to run into trouble no matter where your at, whether it's the military or the private sector.
Those gay men and women that are already serving in the military are doing more good for gay people everywhere by not being labeled, they build close bonds and ties with their units, people get to know them as a soldier and a human being without the stigma of being labeled gay , so as those that get to know them uasully find out that their gay, but not until they get to know and respect the individual. Which I think really was the intent of the don't ask don't tell policy.

setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....
I should state some of the obvious dangers with allowing openly gay men and women into the military.
Can you say labeled, target, no respect, fear for your life, not getting promoted, did I mention getting killed! Rape! The list can go on and on. Those that really want to be in the military will man up and do it regardless and those individuals sure in the hell don't want to be labeled.

setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.

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