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why do we live(or come)here?
Slash #2. Is there a max slash value. I hope not :p
I apologize Rob to you and the members…..I got sidetracked trying to make clear a thought I had expressed earlier.

This has been an interesting thread to read. In my time here in Hawaii, I have learned that:

1. This is not paradise. What Hawaii (and this side of the island especially) does, it provide an amazing, intense opportunity to connect to the paradise and/or hell that is within all of us. Many aren't ready to face what is within and are thus kicked off the island. Yes, there are some very angry people here. That's a symptom of what is within that they have not had the strength or desire to deal with. I try to have compassion and understanding for such people because god knows I've been there.

2. While there is some racism, the vast amount of "racism" is people developing a victim sense and seeing racism when it is in fact just the other person being an ass and/or you bringing it on yourself and likely not realizing what you did to piss people off because, well, you're a haole. 99.9% of the time when someone looks like they have an issue with me, if I smile, their wall comes down and they smile back.

Why do I love it here? Why do I live here? Well, that would require a dissertation length diatribe and frankly, I don't know all the answers to that question anyway. I'm just going with the flow and enjoying what the island provides. What I do know is that when my mind is especially quiet, this island shares herself in amazing ways.
"Wherever you go, there you are."

Not every place is for everybody, I think.


"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Just wanted to offer another observation that Yogi's post brought up. While reading Yogi's post I can see that I actually have much in common with his/her approach to life. However...

There seems to be a frequent response in Hawaii to critical observations to take the attitude that the person brought these things upon themselves.

i.e. If you have a bad experience with a local its because of something you were doing or just have "bad energy".

When I moved here I didn't expect Paradise, I've lived long enough to know that Paradise happens anywhere at any time. Also since I grew up in the Midwest I'm accustomed to smiling and saying "hello" and "pardon me", waving at strangers on walks etc.

So I have to say that the experience of receiving scowls in response to gestures of friendliness in East Hawaii was surprising. The only expectation I had was that folks would be as friendly as in the Midwest. In fact I found it confusing, just seemed strange.

Yogi's response that a perception of "racism" is just a manifestation of a "victim sense" is another thing that I disagree with. While I do agree that this is a possibility for some people I do want to add that since I am not white and experienced a fair amount of racism out in the Bible Belt I was looking forward to moving somewhere that skin color didn't matter as much. I have to say that the experiences I've had with locals saying bad things to me were kind of surreal. So much so that it was one of those situations where you look around to see if that person is in fact talking to you.

I'm not sure Hawaii's problem is racism so much as prejudice but that might be a fine point. Also I agree that someone can people can just be acting like an ass but when they bring a racial element into it I think you can call that racism.

Also I agree wholeheartedly with Chuysmom that not every place is for everybody. Different people, different ways. I'm well aware that Hawaii probably isn't the best fit for me personally but I'm here and trying to make the best of it while we're here.

I also know better than to say any place is good or bad. Just a matter of finding a place that you can flourish and that will mean different things for everyone.
Originally posted by centipede

BobH, we freed the Filipinos from brutal Japanese conquest and gave them their independence. This is why they're some of the happiest people, and why we remain allies.

Yeah but we conquered them just as brutally first only it's been forgotten today. Ever heard of the Philippine American war ca. 1900?
How quickly we forget our own history when it's not so pretty.
Originally posted by TheYogi

....What I do know is that when my mind is especially quiet, this island shares herself in amazing ways.

I will add...and there are wonderful individuals who obviously experience beautiful moments of Yogi.

Love those "quiet" moments.

Hawaii Dreaming
Hawaii Dreaming
we think that the big island still has that island feel if you know what i mean. i honestly think people who live on the big island are so blessed.

great answer yogi.

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