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Green Sands Beach
hey guys, it's just a question of whether you respect the landowner's wishes. I have spoken to DHHL office directly and it is trespassing. They don't mind if people walk from the parking lot, but nobody is supposed to drive in. The fact that they can't keep up enforcement and everyone does it does not change the clear truth that it's their land and they do not give permission to drive in. Personally I would respect that. If you've already done it innocently, OK, but if you do it again you are knowingly going against their wishes.

Call them, like I did, instead of relying on signs and gates. There is no law in Hawai'i that No Trespassing has to be posted. Are there any signs welcoming the public?
If they really didn't want people to drive in there, they would post signs. Think about that very carefully when umpteen thousand tourist drive into the area a year. You think tourists are going to know anything about DHHL; absolutely not any argument to the contrary is silly.
And yes you do have to post some sort of sign/notice for a valid count of trespassing/etc.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
you know how I know they don't want people to drive in there. I talked to the landowner's official spokesperson. Until you do that, don't talk about what they want or don't want. Did you ever consider they could have wishes about how people treat their 'aina without getting into a huhu about formal counts of trespassing? And no you don't need a notice for it to be trespassing. I called on our lot that we owned, which is not posted, and the police came. Now they were not going to arrest the person unless he refused to leave, but they told me I had the option to make a civil complaint. Which wasn't something I wanted to do.
Tourists are abundant on this island... should they all call the DHHL? HA! Bull. How are they to know it is DHHL land to begin with? What's your argument, there appears to be nothing valid in your comments. I hear talk but there's no substance.
You must post a sign, notice or fence to inact trespassing if crossed, period. There ain't no arguing that fact try as you like.
And no, they wouldn't arrest/cite the person because there was no trespassing because you had up no sign/notice or fence. They made him/her leave upon your request.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
How can it be OK to walk/hike onto the property but trespassing if you drive if there are no signs advising you of that fact?

What is a sign going to say?

No trespassing by vehicle, but feel free to walk right in?
There are a few way in there; from South Point proper at the end of South Point Road there are signs not to drive off the road (parking off the road is fine) and it has to do with possible fires from igniting the grass from exhaust and that may be DHHL land but… from the fishing boat launch road there are no signs at all. Then there's the way I've never used before but often heard of that most the locals use and now I hear it was just around the corner from where I lived down in Mark Twain.
Anyhow, they may have already posted signs at South Point down by the cliffs but the other routes appear to be A-OK. So this whole argument may be a lot of misunderstanding of the layout down there.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
Wouldn't this land be perfect for the County to purchase and put a reasonable road in to get to the beach since the County makes the argument of beach access for all?
So if you drive down to the cliffs at South Point there are signs to stay on the paved roadway with the vehicles (parking is another issue). However if you drive down to the Boat Launch as we did there are no signs and that is fine. It's the section between South Point cliffs and the boat launch which is a mile or so you are not allowed and it's posted not to drive if your approaching from the cliffs. From the boat launch... there's nothing posted and it's cool. Then there's the way down from Mark Twain estates, which I will do next time because I want to see Lao'okamilo Pt & Kamilo bay next time, thanks Carey Smile

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
I would hope the county would get smart and get approval from DHHL to put in a paved road all the way from the South Point cliffs to green sands and perhaps beyond.
This is a very wonderful area and it's exactly what tourists come to see.
A paved road would get rid of the ruts created on the landscape as well stop the erosion on the dirt paths.
Yes... great point, access for all! Older people and disabled people cannot hike through the Kau desert to see these places and assuming they can is stupid. Aside from that there is also the argument from the federal standpoint of the Disabilities ACT that counties often ram down the builders throat, it's high time they ram it down their own throats.
I did see some folks down at Green Sands yesterday that could not have made that hike through the Kau desert... they drove and enjoyed as they should have.

E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa.
I was of the impression that the signs about driving off-road were in the vicinity of the abandoned military base because the land was federal government owned and there had been issues years back with squatters living in the buildings, which have since been leveled.

From the "parking lot" on to Green Sand Beach, there are no such signs around and no attempt has been made to limit the vehicles from driving onto the numerous trails which lead off from the parking lot.

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