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Resetting our Punaweb Pathway
I quit visiting the board as often because it seemed that a lot threads were just spinning into silliness. I do think some post are mean-spirtied but I think it is best to just ignore the mean post and move on.

Very well said Pam, my thoughts as well coming from someone living far away and in a controlled climate for many months. I treasure the day we can move and live in Puna. I look forward to reading posts on Punaweb, but sometimes Im amazed at the negative impact that some seem to keep bringing and I wonder why? I would think just living in Puna would be so positive that everyone would get along. Im thinking maybe people are the way they are because things in Hawaii are pretty much the norm daily and people get bored with the wonderful environment and their real personally come out.
Where I come from seasons change in a drastic way and therefor moods may change..but come breakup all are happy and smiling.
peace to all and looking forward to meeting some of the puna folks someday.
Darn it Critterlover, here I am stuck in the gloomy mid-west for a couple of months and you have to go and say something beautiful like that to make me miss the island even more! Can't wait to get back to my new soon to be permitted cottage by the sea.
critterlover~ That was extraordinary! What a fantastic whale encounter, and a beautiful post altogether. Thank you for that. :-)

aloha, Liz

"The best things in life aren't things."
Aloha Sandy,

I bet if you were asked, you could share some really neat things about where you live. I lived in San Diego for 20 years before moving here and boy what I could tell you about that one time Camelot by the sea would make you want to move there! But, after a hugely successful campaign to promote San Diego they came, they conquered, we moved! It has its beauty and of course the San Diego Zoo!! and Wild Animal Park!!!

I understand what you mean about missing here. The last four years we lived in San Diego were physically only. My mind and emotion were here. We came over ever 3 day week end off we had .. every was as if we'd been called to move here. Though some days here can be ho hum, mostly because I get to busy, each day is really hugely different if in no other way, just studying the weather patterns; or, if no clouds, the night skies, [wait till you get to see a full blown moon bow, if you haven't already], the quiet, even after nearly 20 years of living here, I still totally love the quiet. The most fun thing for me is when I get a hankering for the big city I just have to fly over to Oahu and drive around over there for awhile and I am good to come back home. I do love my trips to Long Beach to visit my kids all the variety in eateries and because it is basically where I grew up [not LB but LA Area] it is still sort of home so that 'coming home' feeling still grabs my heart for like 10 seconds! Hope the time between now and the next time you come over is shorter in your mind and heart if not in reality. Ever want a little update on Hawaii...feel free to ask someone here to share it.

So, what are the great things about where you live?

A hui hou...

“A penny saved is a government oversight.”
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
Critterlover, that was beautiful. Mahalo.


"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Thank you for the kind comments everyone. Off to CostCo today across Saddle is always such a neat experience, never knowing what the 'uplands' will look like weather-wise. I watch my external digital reading to see how cold it gets..when we get to the State park to use the restroom is my favorite time because I never experience 'cold' except when I am on the mainland and it is always so nippy up there. I get to bundle up in something really heavy and walk against the wind. So much fun. [Sorry for subjecting you all to my little girl]

“A penny saved is a government oversight.”
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
Originally posted by Greg

Allow me to elaborate on your sweet hijack, mella. I was fortunate to set up next to the seahorse people at a craft show in Kona a couple of years ago (saved $35[Smile]).

The Lio Kai they breed are much more hardy than the smaller, more elusive, native Hawaiian species. As such, the company is prohibited from selling them locally and must ship them to the mainland. I was also impressed by the variety of animals they had; and the fact that they could safely be transported and put in a temporary display was a testiment to their hardiness.

mella l

NO really? Assume the best and or the backward and accept it!
mella l
Art and Science

Edit to add:

My understanding is that the seahorses are not allowed to be sold or set free in Hawaii because they are from the Atlantic Ocean. It is feared that they would find the Hawaiian environment so friendly they would overtake the native populations.

mella l

NO really? Assume the best and or the backward and accept it!
mella l
Art and Science
To further the hijack:
Decades ago I was living with my brother the tropical fish fanatic, in Naples, Florida. One day he came home from a specimen collecting excursion in the Keys with a 9 inch sea horse who proceeded to give "birth" within an hour of being put into the 250 gallon native reef tank. You have never seen two people move so fast to turn off the pumps and filters when the tiny seahorses started to get sucked into the filters and to get the more predatory fish out of the tank. Watching the streams of baby seahorses getting expelled by the father was so cool! The force kept pushing him backwards until he found a coral branch to hang onto with his tail.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

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