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no trespassing / litter
they have admitted this... what you are posting is govt propoganda

incase you dont want to click the link:
A new study of U.S. Department of Commerce documents now shows that the Census Bureau complied with an August 4, 1943, request by Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau for the names and locations of all people of Japanese ancestry in the Washington, D.C., area, according to historian Margo Anderson of the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee and statistician William Seltzer of Fordham University in New York City. The records, however, do not indicate that the Bureau was asked for or divulged such information for Japanese-Americans in other parts of the country.

What motivated me to complete and send my info in was when I read they were going to start fanning out to the recalcitrant address. you complete it on your time your terms and save the government some money which important these days!! and diffuse any remote chance for confrontation.
I've had confrontations with cops on Oahu regarding traffic tickets but I blame Mufi more than anybody else.
808, from your link:

"The law is very different today" than it was in 1943, says Christa Jones, chief of the Census Bureau's Office of Analysis and Executive Support. "Anything that we release to any federal agency or any organization … all of those data are reviewed," she says, to prevent disclosures of individual information.
It is my opinion that the paranoid delusional types that are sprinkled throughout the area tend to create most of their own problems and issues.
Originally posted by 808blogger

Tell that to the Japanese that got interned from census data in ww2

Tell them that Helco walks past my house? Or that the Census workers are out of a job? I can't imagine why they would care... also, I think they got interned as a result of a very flawed domestic policy. The Census data itself did not cause their internment. To argue that the government, being deprived of the data, would have then been unable to intern any Japanese Americans is in the first place naive, and further, suggests that we should not attempt to solve the root cause of government malfeasance but should rather merely obfuscate and try to hide from them, assuming that they are and always will be evil. I don't believe that to be the case.

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