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Moving To Big Island
Thanks everyone. Thought I had read that. New it was too good to be true. Oh well, back to a container.
If you are only bringing enough with you to fill up a car, you might consider shipping through the post office. Turned out to be much more economical for us to bring our belongings with us that way than to rent a container. Boxes are limited to 70lbs. each and also have a maximum dimension limit. Cost for us from MI was about $1 per pound. I'm guessing it would be less from Oregon.
When I returned to the Big Island from Oahu we brought a container with us. Yesterday someone was asking if we still had anything that we'd shipped over in the container. Ya know, for the life of me, I couldn't think of anything that hasn't been replaced since we've moved. It's only been ten years.

Looking around today, the coffee table in the living room was shipped over, everything else in the living room is new (to us at least) since then. We still have the same pots and pans and a lot of the same kitchenware. We have a few of the same dressers but the rest of the bedroom furniture is new. A lot of the container was full of my DH's work stuff, I dunno how much of that he still has.

If you sell the stuff on the mainland and then buy more stuff here at a garage sale, then the amount you get for the things and the amount you spend for the replacement things should be about the same. Saves on shipping costs and gives you something to do on Saturdays for awhile. Going to garage sales is also a good way to investigate neighborhoods and meet folks.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
Still curious..... What part of Oregon? I came over from Brookings. I came over with 3, 4x7x7 foot boxes. Most were woodworking tools and kitchen stuff. I still have about 10% of what was brought over (5 years ago) unused and a waste of space.

Welcome to the east side of paradise.... The best side!


Thy here:
If you ship using the post office pay the extra for insurance. We shipped 14 boxes,all from the same post office on the same day. We insured 7 of them which had electronics and more valuable things,the others were bedding and household stuff. Amazingly only things we ever received were the insured boxes,no traces on the other and they never showed up or went back to the return address. We were careful about taping very securely and even put clear plastic over the addresses in case they got wet
We're from Coquille. Brookings the bananna belt of Oregon. We always thought we lived in paradise, the beautiful Oregon coast, but a visit to the Big Island completely changed our minds. What area do you live? How long have you been in Hawaii?
I had read that one post about being able to load vehicles, which I thought was not allowed, and just thought that would be ideal. We have already decided to not bring much household things, esp furniture, but my husband has a 17ft van truck which would have been great to load 4 wheeler, tools and small farm equipment as we plan on farming.
We shipped all our kitchen stuff (that was about all we brought) through the Post Office in rubber maid plastic containers duct taped shut with addresses written in fat black Sharpy. Everything made it just find, and no worries about it getting wet. We jettisoned 95% of what we owned, the last of it (art, family photos, and 1 piece of furniture) is still in a storage locker in Eugene. We have to get back to the mainland to get it and just haven't had a chance yet to make the trip. No regrets about ditching all that stuff, would do it the same way again.

edited to add we used the Post Office

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by xwoman1979

We're from Coquille. Brookings the bananna belt of Oregon. We always thought we lived in paradise, the beautiful Oregon coast, but a visit to the Big Island completely changed our minds. What area do you live? How long have you been in Hawaii?
I had read that one post about being able to load vehicles, which I thought was not allowed, and just thought that would be ideal. We have already decided to not bring much household things, esp furniture, but my husband has a 17ft van truck which would have been great to load 4 wheeler, tools and small farm equipment as we plan on farming.

Hi Kathy, I live in HPP (Hawaiian Paradise Park) I've been here for five years and can't imagine going back to the mainland. I've never come across any company that allowed personal things left in vehicles. Think before you jump. Know WHAT you want to grow before you buy property to grow stuff as elevation is everything. There are lots of things that would be great to grow but due to the bugs, just isn't an option.

Give a shout when you make it over and we'll get together and talk about Oregon!!


Pasha is the way to go. Shipped car on Pasha 5 years ago. Drove it from Ohio to Oakland to put it on the ship then flew over. If you try shipping in a container gets real dicey with regulations.

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