Apparently there are more opportunities to protest in Hilo this Sat. I hear this is happening Kona side too.
"Occupy Hilo will be sign holding will in Hilo this Sat. Oct. 15th (World Unites Day) from 10AM till noon fronting Merrill Lynch (owned by bank of America)1437 Kilauea Ave. with a possible march to Mo'oheau Bandstand following the sign holding. Come and see for yourself what this is about. If you want to participate bring signs and musical instruments if you like.
There have been continuous protest that have grown every day since September 17. There are over 850 cities participating from Alaska to Florida and New York to Hawaii on Maui, Kauai, Oahu, in Kona and Hilo.
There are support protest around the world this Saturday. The United States have not seen civil unrest like this since the Vietnam war. Those in denial or that think this is a fringe movement are not paying attention. What you are seeing on CNN or Fox or the nightly news does not come close to showing the depth of this movement.
This will continue to grow for the simple fact that the economy will continue to fail. People will continue to lose their jobs, homes, pensions, and the dollar will continue to lose value that is reflected in things like food and gas prices rising.
Here are just a couple of thousands of occupy wall street related post flooding the internet.
I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Boston: Police beat war veterans, 100 arrested
Who do those war veterans think they are, daring to protest in the country they defended?
The police beat down a 74 year old Vietnam vet. You tell me who the criminal is. I say the police should be put on trial.
See everyone Saturday, we are not going away."