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Moving to Puna
Thanks! Not sure why I missed that other than I was having trouble getting pages to open. It is the same as the tuition we pay now.
Originally posted by punafish

Tuition information is just a click away:

Originally posted by Markie

If you want your children to learn science, forget Christian Liberty. A friend is taking her children out of that school because they teach creationism, not evolution.


I have no problem with evolution being taught AS LONG AS IT'S TAUGHT AS A THEORY. That's real science. However, it's taught as a fact and that's NOT real science. Notice how conveniently we've been indoctrinated by the use of "evolution" instead of "the theory of evolution."
The correct term for the commonly used term "evolution" is natural selection.
It is called "theory" in the scientific sense of theory.
It has consistently been proven. It is theoretical only in the sense that we are constantly learning more about natural selection as we find more evidence for its validity.
"Creationism" has no validity at all.
Unfortunately, no schools seem to carry the curriculum of my beliefs:

FSM: true, believable, and noodly.
Originally posted by punaticbychoice

The correct term for the commonly used term "evolution" is natural selection.
It is called "theory" in the scientific sense of theory.
It has consistently been proven. It is theoretical only in the sense that we are constantly learning more about natural selection as we find more evidence for its validity.
"Creationism" has no validity at all.

The theory of evolution, in the human sense, is that things evolve from one species to another. There's no scientific evidence of that, it's all theory. It doesn't follow The Scientific Method, which says that scientists propose hypotheses as explanations of phenomena, and design experimental studies to test these hypotheses via predictions which can be derived from them. These steps must be repeatable, to guard against mistake or confusion in any particular experimenter. Creationism is also only a theory. Neither is experimental and reproducible. Now, if you talk a new breed of dog, etc., that's a fac but that's not evolution. The evolutionists have through the years tried to get people to believe in it by confusing breeding, etc., with changing species. They are entirely different subjects.
...things evolve from one species to another. There's no scientific evidence of that, it's all theory.
This is sheer (or willful) ignorance of both science and evolution dressed up in pettifogging words. After about two hundred years of the work of tens of thousands of scientists and millions of observations and rigorous experiments, evolution is one of the best validated of all scientific endeavors.

No, evolution is actually not a "fact" because a fact is simply an observation, datapoint or measurement. Evolution is a metatheory encompassing contributions from geology, chemistry, particle physics, paleontology and many other scientific disciplines including, most importantly these days, molecular biology, to establish the reality of the evolution of living organisms.

The description of a physics or chemistry experiment with hypotheses, control groups and repeatable observations is certainly part of the basis of evolutionary theory. How did they discover carbon dating for instance? Lab experiments with testable hypotheses and replicable results of course. And today, phylogenetic analysis, hard, rigorous lab science, is demonstrating again the reality of evolution.

And to bring this back to Hawaii, it seems strange to deny evolution while living in the heart of one of the most dramatic regions for demonstrating natural selection, adaptation and speciation of well known plants and animals from other parts of the world. Hawaii is Evolution Central and a laboratory in and of itself for evolutionary studies.
Originally posted by DTisme

Unfortunately, no schools seem to carry the curriculum of my beliefs:

FSM: true, believable, and noodly.

[Big Grin] @ pastafarian! DTisme, I like that creed! Are services offered here?

I saw the FSM (or associate) at Halema'uma'u! [:0]

jenny, have you got an area of the island in mind yet?
Originally posted by peteadams

...things evolve from one species to another. There's no scientific evidence of that, it's all theory.
This is sheer (or willful) ignorance of both science and evolution dressed up in pettifogging words. After about two hundred years of the work of tens of thousands of scientists and millions of observations and rigorous experiments, evolution is one of the best validated of all scientific endeavors.

No, evolution is actually not a "fact" because a fact is simply an observation, datapoint or measurement. Evolution is a metatheory encompassing contributions from geology, chemistry, particle physics, paleontology and many other scientific disciplines including, most importantly these days, molecular biology, to establish the reality of the evolution of living organisms.

The description of a physics or chemistry experiment with hypotheses, control groups and repeatable observations is certainly part of the basis of evolutionary theory. How did they discover carbon dating for instance? Lab experiments with testable hypotheses and replicable results of course. And today, phylogenetic analysis, hard, rigorous lab science, is demonstrating again the reality of evolution.

And to bring this back to Hawaii, it seems strange to deny evolution while living in the heart of one of the most dramatic regions for demonstrating natural selection, adaptation and speciation of well known plants and animals from other parts of the world. Hawaii is Evolution Central and a laboratory in and of itself for evolutionary studies.

You are a fish out of water here in Puna area.
I haven't heard this creationism argument in a decade. Educate yourself. Don't be a sheep. How have you managed to continue believing this when you live in such an open area? Closed mindedness has no place here. Do you also think global warming is a myth? [:0]
This topic is getting hijacked on a basically non Hawaii jaunt. Keep it Hawaii or I will make some adjustments.

Apologies to the original poster for the distraction.

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