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Gun question
I think often the young criminals that would seek out older gray hairs to pray on do so thinking the older ones will crumble and wilt at the threat of violence. They may not carry a weapon due to the escalating sentance they would get for using a weapon in comission of a crime (as mentioned in the website address from the previous message). Some of us gray haired geezers don't wilt and crumble in a crisis. And some of us think any lowlife that preys on older folks, and the weaker ones in society, are the lowest of the low. That includes your "white collar" lowlifes that bilk the elderly out of their savings etc.
If someone just turns to jello every time a thug wants to steal their money, then that is positive reinforcement to that thug and he will continue that behavior and prey on more people.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Originally posted by Obie

I believe that is a bill that was introduced that didn't pass.

Yep; it was introduced by Les Ihara, never had a vote or hearings, and was carried over to the 2010 session but apparently never reintroduced (it appears in the 2010 archives but with no actions).

Evidently, banning Swiss army knives was too ridiculous even for the Hawaii legislature to consider. The law only prohibits switchblades and butterfly knives, along with the somewhat ambiguous "dirks and daggers" (specifically noting that diving knives are not daggers). I guess it would mean something with a full blade along both sides, specifically for stabbing.
I stand corrected. I really thought that was the law. I guess I'll put my Spyderco back in my pocket Smile
Earlier in the thread Carey gave the official Hawai'i police url for Gun Registration info. I'm surprised how many folks posted wrong info rather than referring to this authoritative site.

You have 72 hours after arrival to register guns with the police, per the website. And yes, upon declaration unloaded and locked guns can be shipped in checked luggage per specific airline rules. Ditto container shipment, but ammo cannot be included (without a hazmat cert, which is not worth dealing with.)
Originally posted by csgray

Edmond is giving very poor advice.

A friend of mine didn't get around to registering several guns that his father had left him, along with the rest of the contents of his house and outbuildings. When a vindictive neighbor informed the cops of the guns (he had sold them to the dad) it turned into a several year long legal nightmare for my friend. The final sentence was 5 years strict probation, random urine tests where he has 1 hour to report for the test if called (even if he is at work), and then another 5 years of looser probation.

The guns were not used in any crime, my friend was not accused of any crime other than possession of unregistered guns, and had a clean record until all this happened. The cops and prosecutor said they would have let him off if he had gone in himself to register the guns even several years late, but because he did not deal with it until the guns were reported he got the full weight of Hawaii's gun laws dropped on him.

If you own guns in Hawaii make sure you know the laws and follow them, the state takes gun crimes very seriously, and the prosecutors play hardball.


The story Carol told is a scary one.
How did the police get into the house to get the guns to prove there were guns? Did they have a search warrant on a neighbor's say so? or can the police just search a house for firearms if they get a call from a neighbor?

On the other hand this seems like a law that may not be followed up and enforced consistantly. Why I say that is here on PW there have gun threads before where folks have posted under their real names stating they had not registered their guns and weren't going to. Those rants sorta sounded like the objection was political in nature. Whatever...
My point is that it seems as tho folks posting on PW in the past have felt comfortable stating they had not registered their firearms. These folks didn't get police coming to their door and searching.

Anyone know why more about this unregistered guns and what police actually have the right to do?
Some people feel its a second amendment issue, of course most people don't seem to care about the Constitution anymore. The second amendment is designed specifically to protect you from the BS csgray posted, granted Im sure it was a tall tale to began with....
So based on absolutely nothing but your personal opinion about people you don't even know you are calling me a liar?

We watched our friend put his life on hold for the years his case dragged on, I passed on the story to warn others how seriously Hawaii takes gun laws, and without any evidence or rationale you are calling me a liar?

There is legitimate debate about the 2nd amendment, but calling someone a liar based on assumptions you are making about my position on the second amendment is absurd.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by csgray

So based on absolutely nothing but your personal opinion about people you don't even know you are calling me a liar?

We watched our friend put his life on hold for the years his case dragged on, I passed on the story to warn others how seriously Hawaii takes gun laws, and without any evidence or rationale you are calling me a liar?

There is legitimate debate about the 2nd amendment, but calling someone a liar based on assumptions you are making about my position on the second amendment is absurd.


Carol, I am just curious as we have some folks nearby who also have firearms and I want to know about some details. I believe your account and just wanted to know some more. I certainly do not want to get into any gun or second ammendment discussion at all.
Just wanted to know:
How did the police get into the house to get the guns to prove there were guns? Did they have a search warrant on a neighbor's say so? or can the police just search a house for firearms if they get a call from a neighbor?
This is info for me to have if my neighbors get too scary. that's all.
Thanks for your posting Carol.
I was not calling you a lier, I just assumed you did not know all the facts. The BS I was referring to, is the state taking someones guns for no reason. I am not sure why its a good idea to give up on your rights based on whats obviously BS inconvenience by the state. If we all gave up so easily, this world would be a lot worse off. It is my right to own a gun or a knife and no state BS will ever discourage me. Nobody should be treated like a criminal for owning a gun in the US.
I don't believe the issue is owning a gun, rather registering ones guns.

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