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Old Lady that walks to Pahoa from Hwn Shores
Interesting post by "shoreresident" who seems to know nothing about Judy and her lifestyle. She currently does not have a caretaker and is case managed by a private mental health service as she has a mental health disability. She refuses other services and help that has been offered to her and chooses to live the lifestyle she currently lives. She does not fend for herself but because of certain "addictions" she has she is usually broke. Her mother and brother do live in vacationland and pay her monthly charge tab at "Black Rock Cafe." She has food stamps and monthly income that her current landlord does not abuse. If you must know her financials are managed also by a mental health service provider. Judy chooses to hitchhike instead of taking the bus, in which she has a free bus pass. Judy chooses to go out late at night and stay out late at night partying. Before you decide to post something about a situation you know nothing of you should really have your facts straight. She hustles for smokes and money because that is how she funds her addictions. It is funny how people always "assume" things about a person(s) before they even get to know the facts. I hope Shoreresident is satisfied now as I replied with answers to all his/her questions. Judy's current landlord is a good friend mine and has been a good friend of mine for years and has taken on much responsibility and liability by renting to her. I hope this forum doesn't reach her way.
One more thing to add. No one in the "group home" rips off anything of Judy's. She is delusional like that and thinks that people steal from her all the time. And another good point, the place where she is staying is an independent living home not a group home. So all the tenants are independent and live and provide for themselves. So many people have so much to say but know nothing of the situation. Next time you see her hitchhiking, give her a ride and buy her a pack of cigarettes and call it a day. Judy is capable of much more, sometimes she just plays too much of the "victim role." She is not the only person who roams Pahoa's streets with a mental disorder. There are many people in Pahoa whom have these disabilities and are homeless. Someone mentioned that she should be in a state facility, well you try telling her that and when you do I would love to see her response. Again, unless you have dealt and lived with these sort of people whom have these disorders/disabilities/addictions, you have no idea what it is like. I am just grateful for the people who currently rent to her as she could be another homeless statistic.
Originally posted by mar1957....
Side note: judy's mother just celebrated "I think" 96th. Birthday

Yes, in the spring. Judy's mom walks a lot in the neighborhood, just not as much as she did at 95.... [Big Grin]... and not at night.

Dealing with aging issues with my mom right now, and mental illness as with my ex, I wonder how far we go to keep them from harming themselves..... Times like these I miss Dad.

So back to Judy.... maybe it is better to stop and give her a ride. Maybe thats all we can do and she can maintain her relative independence of sorts. Maybe hitchhiking is her way of asking for exactly what she needs at that moment, and nothing more.
I am one of Judy's housemates, the most independent and functional client in the whole house. I have been living with Judy for years now, and she has gotten steadily worse. She is the one who is ripping off her housemates' cigarettes, along with food from the communal refrigerator. She has emphysema and loves 5 things: Sex, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine. When she came to live with us, she propositioned each and every available male in the house. She leaves early every morning, goes to Black Rock, eats breakfast, then goes to the bar and begs/cadges drinks, cigarettes, and more. She spends the entire day there and most times late into the night. I know this because my room is next to the back porch in the house, and Judy will come home anywhere from 10 PM to 4 AM and knock continuously on my outside door until I wake up and open the door. When she is given what she wants, she can be nice, hold a decent conversation, etc. BUT! If she cannot get EXACTLY what she wants WHEN she wants it, she gets extremely rude and makes no sense whatsoever. I heard about the original post from Hawaiiangirl1982, and I knew I had to come here and post on this. These are the facts, as I am a good Christian and have been for over 6 years. Thank you for your time.
I think by now everyone has a sufficient grasp of the situation. I would rather see this thread deleted than see it cause conflict within the independent living facility.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
I am uncomfortable with public discussion of an individual who is not here to represent herself.

Locking this up.

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