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READ-Geothermal Facts and Lower Puna Permits
Radon is a colorless, odorless gas, a radioactive byproduct of radium. It is part of the natural radioactive decay series starting with uranium-238. It is radioactive with a half-life of 3.8 days, decaying by the emission of alpha particles to polonium, bismuth, and lead in successive steps.

So how many releases have there been in the last 10 years? In this supposed closed system. Well let me tell everytime they have to shut the plant down, there is a release, I can think of at least 2 in the last year there were releases, Nov, and May. When lightning stroke shut down the plant, then when the kona black out happened.

So wake up and smell the roses, the people that you say are telling the truth PunaTed, they have been lying to you the whole time. You seem pretty intelligent you should figure it out sooner or later, by the way did you like my post on who Lyman really is? Let me pull it up again.

Boy that is some Alii blood there. LOL

International Standards allow exposure to as much as 5,000 milli rems a year for those who work with and around radioactive material. that's 5 rems A YEAR, not 18 rems in a 36 hour period. c'mon wake up to the danger!

Holligner 54

Your link is to "Request for Proposals (RFP) for Renewable Energy and Undersea Cable System Projects Delivered to the Island of Oahu"

Of all the info there, what would you like people to read?

Art and Orchids B&B
Art and Orchids B&B
oh boy oh boy where to begin, first off Thomas can't back up 1/10 of the outlandish claims he makes, I challenge him to back himself up and go with me to Green Lake for a water test, where I choose what to test for. A 26 element with electro-meter as well, he can't do that because he knows what we will find. Also good luck ever seeing the geo-magnetic readings that he will keep to himself, and get the best offer he can for them. Still, blood originally from Twisted missionary that was responsible for genocide of a race....that's all I care about any Lymans, or Shipmans, or any of those Plantation owners that are responsible for the poop we are in now. About time you respond to that too, because of the claims you make, Lyman received most of his Aina, FROM Marrying in and profiting from the Mahele, Screw that, and you think that is alright??? Land profited off of westerners should give at least 50% back to the Hawaiian community for the community to decide. Don't Pretend you know anything about me, I don't pretend I know anything about you, well I assumed you can read valid links even if they are from PVG themselves, and see the evidence. But obviously you don't have much insight, sheep.

Just for the info to be there, so that the RFP for the new plant, and the RFP for the cable from Lanai to Oahu for 200 MW with an extra 100 megawatts the RFP is unaccounted for, so where is that energy coming from?


If you want to conduct a proper scientific study I suggest you don't tell people you'll choose what to test for, and what the hell is a "26 element with electro-meter"? And the geo-magnetic readings? What, exactly, do they have to do with anything you're going on and on about and how would they tell you anything about radon for instance?

Originally posted by pahoated

EIS is there, has been for almost 15 years.
There might be some industrial noise over the next few months if they are putting in a new well.

Pahoated, you seem to have some inside information...

Since you were at the Leilani meeting, you must have heard Mike Kaleikini say that PGV was done drilling.

He also said that the EIS was done in 1987. (isn't that 25 years ago?)

Please explain, mahalo.
The way I see it is that most people want the same things: to spend time with people they care about, have our kids grow up safe and happy, feel safe in our neighborhoods and homes, etc. etc. What seems to get in the way though is that there are often vested interests that pretend to have our interests at heart and a good example of this is the whole "geothermal" thing..

...And, although I appreciate my neighbors in leilani's intention to gather signatures and support for keeping the subdivision from being associated with issues and/or potential problems with PVG, getting a group of speakers together for a community meeting "the TRUTH about geothermal" sounds like a good idea. Until one notices that: Mike Kaleikini's job is at PGV, Don Thomas has been on the payroll from PGV for years plus he had a major involvement with HPG-A and Richard Ha, farmer, member of the geothermal working group and on the payroll of Ku'oko'a, registered in HI BREG as a "foreign profit corporation" and a company whose stated reason for being was to buy HELCO & Ormat and build 1000MW of geothermal and sell it to Oahu.
None of them bothered explaining to us the difference between SO2 and H2S, in fact according to them it is no problem at all. Despite the fact that a good part of the PGV emergency response plan deals with the dangers of H2S and even outlines scenarios in upset conditions in which 490lb/hour are vented uncontrollably for days or weeks at a time. Granted this is not normal day to day operations, but I have worked at industrial facilities and know that what goes on inside is NOT what the PR wants people to know.

There is BIG $$ to be made by those companies who can get into geo here in HI, plus all the royalties lining the coffers of the state & county & OHA. And who pays?? well, of course, those of us who are still on grid. Don't believe the BS... we won't be getting cheap energy. Sorry but it is a HUGE SWINDLE.

It might just be fun and games for a while until you realize that this is serious business and its the regular people like you and me who end up paying for it.

FWIW; I am Pro Geothermal.
opensecret, appreciate your opinion, but statements like Don Thomas is on PGV/ORMAT's payroll needs to be proven. He has worked for the UH for many years, and frankly, has credentials that far outweigh any "rumors". Can you prove that statement? I have heard it before, and no one seems to be able to back it up with any proof. Any suggestion that he is less than credible needs to be proven.

The continued spreading of misinformation only contributes to an already divided community. Geothermal is going to be part of the energy plan, we just want to know facts so we can try to find solutions. Character assasination and false accusations are adding to the problem not the solution.

Paying the highest rate per KW in the nation needs addressing. Blame needs to be put on the State and PUC and HEI for allowing this existing monopoly. There are two: HELCO in general, and the HELCO- PGV/ORMAT agreement(s). That's where the problem lies. Just my opinion.


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