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Dark, depressing, rainy weather

Not my intention to be mean and petty.....

One time, many years back I lost a close relationship, I let that throw me into a deep depression for months and months. I asked a close friend for advise and he replied "Just pull your head out of your ass". I felt that it was a rather callous reply.

Upon further consideration, I decided to give it a try; I stopped focussing inward and started looking about for new interests, exploring new places, creating future goals, and before I knew it, the depression was gone, replaced by interest for adventure.

So, I pass on the excellent advice: "Pull your head out of your ass" with most sincere Aloha.

ericlp, if we were sitting across from each other drinking a beer, your words might make a little more sense to me. Mary was feeling a bit "off-kilter" with the dreary weather, maybe looking for some encouragement rather than remarks about her making a mistake and going back to the mainland, even written in jest. (But I can only guess.) I'm almost thinking that this is a male-female cultural difference (you know, Men are from Mars?) in dealing with stuff. Guys make jokes because, well, we're insensitive lugs. That's how we roll. (Just realized that my theory falls apart if ericlp isn't a guy.)

This is not the kind of thread I would ever start or (normally) post on for that matter (because I'm a guy?), but that's the beauty of our differences, we all have different takes on the world. I thought about the "garage sale" remark. It wouldn't have offended me, but upon reflection, it would probably work best from a humor standpoint in a face-to-face context where human relationships have been established. (And where only neanderthal guys were present?) But saying it in writing to someone you don't know? I can see how it would be construed by some folks as "mean and petty." (Not saying that was your intention, just saying that's how it's being perceived by some folks, not just csgray.) Hey, it's your right to express your thoughts so knock yourself out. But it doesn't hurt to know how some people perceive your message. Then it's entirely your call on what to do with that knowledge.

By the way, I think csgray is a very intelligent person. (Don't know her, just basing this on her past posts.) But if you MUST tell her she's ignorant, the grammatically correct way to do so is, "I think you're ignorant." (Not "your" ..just sayin', guy to guy'! Smile)

Okay, closing with a couple cute jokes that hopefully leaves everyone with a smile:

I once heard a little boy say to a little girl on the Art Linkletter's show (Kids say the Darndest Things), "Am I the opposite sex or are you?"

On the same show, a little Japanese boy was asked where babies came from. His answer, "I'm not sure, but my mom said it's when my dad drinks too much sake."

Aloha and enjoy the weekend!

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
There's some truth in what you say, but ericlp's post was funny.
If a person can't exhibit fairly thick skin they need to avoid forums and stick to facebook restricted to friends. That comment wasn't directed at Mary. As far as I can tell she's handled the comments just fine. She may well have not needed any defenders.

Yes men are from Mars etc., but both sexes, at least as adults, should be used to and tolerant of the differences. When Mary read the comments she may well have muttered "assholes" under her breath, snickered and kept going. That's my bet.
P.S. I don't criticize the spelling or grammar of others, even those obviously wore at it than me, because I'm quite capable of gross mistakes. I just sit quietly and feel superior Smile

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Only mary knows for sure how she feels. Just making the point that not all folks perceive messages the same way, something we all should be aware of. People can say whatever they like, I encourage it. And agree about the need to have thick skin posting on a forum like this, especially with neanderthal guys lurking and ready to pounce with witty sarcasm. Wink As I said, I wouldn't take offense to that remark, but that's just me, an insensitive guy.

I don't normally criticize grammar either, just givin' Eric a good-natured ribbing for the "ignorant" remark he threw at csgray. Eric can take it, he's a big boy with thick skin. It's all in fun. Smile

Edited for a typo, to avoid giving eric any ammunition Wink

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Someone mentioned Hamakua

From my Wx station:

July 2011 : 6.63 inches
July 2012: 13.1 inches

As for sunshine, we are totally off grid, generate our electricity via PV solar, diesel generator backup:
July 2011 ran generator 1 day total 3 hours
July 2012 ran generator 12 days total 30.4 hours

Today was really nice Smile

Ninole Resident
Please visit
Ninole Resident
Tom, el Nino is predicdted, and NOAA sent a forecast for this last month. This week, new reports on the drought conditions in India have further confirmed that there is a high likelihood of an el Nino pattern....

NOAA el nino link:
Thanks! For the last decade or so I've followed this stuff almost religiously because it has such an impact on the observatories on Mauna Kea, but due to current circumstances haven't been on top of it for the last few months, so really appreciate the link! I don't get a sense from that report whether we'll get a strong or weak El Nino (probably too early to tell) but gut feeling is a weak one but if it isn't...

Mary - if we get a strong El Nino this winter you might get a lot more sun than expected, and hope that'll make things a little more cheery for you!


And where in N. Cal can you get an acre for a few thousand? Accentuating the negative hints at a need for a different mind set or a different location.
You can get an acre in Sunny Ocean View for a few thousand.

Shake it up, girl
Yeah, it mostly rains at night and baking by afternoon. Was talking to somebody born and grown up in the Hilo area and they said the weather was returning to "normal", that it had actually been very dry for the past two to three years. And yeah, there doesn't seem to be any definitive way to define the weather climate here. Seems like it is "wait 15 minutes" or "drive 10 miles up the road". The other thing is drive around and notice the vegetation. There are spots toward vacationland that are more arid, probably meaning somewhat less rain but it gets to be baking hot. The other option is take a kamaaina tourist trip to Kona for a few days, it is hardly ever raining there and it is baking hot, with some good high VOG levels.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
It's still drier than you think:
"Despite the higher than normal frequency of rainfall, many of the windward Big Island gages posted below average rainfall totals for the month of July."

Even on the rainy side, only Ookala (Island Dairy) and a few places in Kohala were above 80% of normal rainfall for July, and are still only averaging around 80% for the year.
Rainfall predictions last year were for + 4" per month over average BTW.



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