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Dark, depressing, rainy weather
thanks all.

dan you are an asshole, but thats ok cause at least i don't have to live next door to you or be your wife and have to listen to that crap every day. btw, i pity your wife that's if she hasn't divorced your sad ass yet.

**** it, i might just move to kauai next, at least i will get the weather hawaii is famous for. this rain is for the frogs and roaches. the few sublime days on hamakua is far and between. who needs that. oh yah, frogs and roaches.

i don't know why these conversations have to get so ugly. even when someone asks about the weather, someone always has to say something nasty. what is it with humanity. i hope the younger generation evolves, at least to some extent before we all eat each other, literally.

Once I was upset about no rain. Then I was upset about to much rain.
then someone much smarter than me smacked me up side the head and said , deal with it.
now I do.
it comes , and it goes
OOOO K,,,,, No anger there.

I am a firm believer if you don't love this place it will NOT love you back.


Edit to add: In response to Mary.
pog, dan would never dare to say what he did to my face.
he is just another coward hiding behind the computer screen, spewing ****. anger? not really, just disgust, overall disgust. i can't even post a simple question about the weather without getting cowardly asshole typing some **** about what it is that he thinks i "need" to straighten me out. castrated asshole, so yah, it is annoying. i guess i should know better not to post here at all.

Kauai? Anything north of Lihue is as rainy (if not worse) as we are.
Plus, they get hurricanes!

Where is the world's wettest place?

With an average of over 472 inches or 39 feet (12 meters) of precipitation each year, Mt. Waialeale on Hawaii's Kauai Island is the rainiest and wettest spot on the planet.

Good article here:

Just saying. [Smile]

ETA: OMG. [:0]

here is the rain map of kauai, moloaa bay area which is north gets 40-60 inches of rain, Kalaheo green and gorgeous gets 70.poipu 30.
kilauea which is north shore next to highway gets 60 to 70.

its a total nonsense that kauai is totally wet. on the and near the mountains sure, but many other locations, not at all. Kapaa gets 60 inches of rain, thats where most people live.

the only thing wrong with kauai is that everyone wants to live there especially on the north shore so it is crazy expensive. but then you get what you pay for, perfect weather. and thats the truth.

Alright, so it turned nice and toasty today for much of the day today. You have to be careful what you wish for, as they say -- you might just get it. We were sweating under the lanai as The Puna Men's Chorus practiced for our shows at Kalani (10th), HPP (12th), the Palace (17th) and Keahou Beach Resort (19th). Sweaty palms.

As for Kauai, it is gorgeous, but I can honestly say that when I flew here for the first time, it felt more like home. There is just an exotic, end-of-the-island chain, and end-of-the-world feeling to this place. That hasn't gone away for me. The overcast skies have gotten to me a little bit at times and I was hoping for more of a summer, but neither do I like it to be too hot. I know for certain that I could not live on the Kona side. The husband of a mainland friend buys a brand new box fan at Costco whenever they fly to Kona. He puts that in whatever place they are staying. They would never dream of staying on this side. The hottest Hawaiian weather I ever experienced was on Kauai, near Hanalei. When the wind stops there, you will wish for rain.
Wishewwww Mary,

Not entirely sure how to interpret your rant.

"The overcast skies have gotten to me a little bit at times and I was hoping for more of a summer, but neither do I like it to be too hot."

OMG ... Classic.

Mary, reality check, der aint no dial-a-date weather pattern here.

Kauai Sure is a nice place.

Right now, I am now thinking you are a troll stirring the pot. So resting my case.


P.S. If a person is flailing against the island, I have no problem suggesting were they should go. I think most people who really want to live here would agree. No like ? Take up space else where .

P.P.S. Women are from Venus aside,,, Based on reactions, I think 'Mary' is a guy.

edited for slight misinterpretation
I've only visited Kauai a couple of times. First time was in the late 90s. Stayed at the Princeville on Kamaaina rates with my then girlfriend when they had rooms I could afford for so-called locals. It rained every day. I went back again a few years ago with Pam, my current partner, and it rained most of the time as well. We all had a great time anyway but I didn't come away thinking Kauai was less wet than the windward side of the Big Island. If you look at weather patterns during the winter it's often Kauai that gets hit the hardest (the fronts come from the north-west so they get them first).

I think looking at the rainfall amounts a place gets is a big mistake. Some places get drizzle, some get lots of rain all in one go. You need to dig a little deeper than just looking at total rainfall if weather is a big factor in where you decide to live.

And anyway, I thought everyone wanted to live on Maui...

First, sympathy to you for some of the responses you've gotten here. If I'm not mistaken, you are located up the coast a bit. Have you considered moving into Hilo or Puna? Hamakua seems to get even more rain than these area. To be honest, I haven't considered this a very wet summer, though I've been spending a lot of it in lower HPP, so it's possible I've been missing some bad weather.
In terms of how you're feeling -- been there, done that. Take heart; you will eventually make the right choices for yourself. Best of luck.

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