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Elections Office
State completes the investigation. Report found here:

Monday's meeting will now have the State's report, and (hopefully) get the information directly from the clerk to make necessary changes. They need to reinstate our confidence.


In the private employer world, it would be called Incompetence.

I would also add the word Gross.

Generally followed by immediate termination.

Now, that still does not excuse the nine other grossly incompetent tax paid employees who allowed this grossly incompetent tax paid employee to act grossly incompetent.

In light of this report, I vote the State take over immediately.

The report looks like the state did a very thorough job of investigating. Now we have more than just the rumor mill and vague accusations for the County Council to act on. Even if the state thinks there weren't enough voters prevented from voting to change the results, no American should ever be denied the right to vote because of mismanagement on the part of government agents, and those responsible need to be held accountable.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I will line up with Carol and accept the report from the state.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
County Clerk Responds to State Investigation (*Verbatim - written response):

(Shaking my head...again.)
If I didn't know better, I might think that the County Clerk is intentionally sowing chaos in the elections office. She fired longtime, knowledgeable workers, laid off a contractor on the eve of the election, sent out the wrong yellow cards to some, closed some ancient polling places and then couldn't get the polls open on time.

Rob says she is quite competent. I am inclined to agree. My attention is now turned to what she is trying to accomplish through her quite competent dismantling of the office in an election year.
And what role, if any, does Mr. Yagong play in all this?
pahoated: [:0] (ok, nodding...until Monday. [Big Grin])

Kelena: [:0] (enjoy reading your posts, btw)

KeaauRich: The director, the producer, casting manager, the editor, special effects director, media manager, set director, security director, marketing & public relations manager, and whatever else goes into the making of the worst reality show yet. (JMO. ducking for cover)

Yagong needs to recuse himself from the Chair position for the duration of his term. Or, he will just throw the clerk under the bus, and be done with it.

Between the "fired" staff (and other seasoned election staffers that still reside here), there is time for correcting the "inexperience" issue.

Will this sitting Council be able to get to the bottom of this and find solutions on Monday? Sure hope their actions are swift, decisive, and leave no room for the County to be sued because of this situation.

Going to eat a couple Reese's Peanut Butter cups. lol...

Her letter to the Governor should have read:

"Dear Governor;

When an idiot like me can screw up an election so bad like I did, I think it best that the State take it over!"

All Yagong should be saying is "I resign"

Then this idiot of babble can follow him out the door. Perhaps she is more suited to being a “bag girl” at one of Yagong’s grocery stores.

But then again, she would probably mismanage that too.

Ken, Please explain to me how Jamae Kawauchi personally caused several polling places to open late? All by herself?
How she personally caused the voter rolls to be contaminated? Were there not a number of preexisting employees involved
in all these issues?

I think your personal attacks on the clerk and council chairman are distasteful. Kind of mob mentality like... shoot first and ask questions later.

Here's some questions:

1. Does disruption in the Clerk/Election office benefit anyone?
2. If so, who?
3. If who is known does that person(s) have access and ability to
disrupt the performance of the office?
4. Did the Clerk make mistakes or contribute to the disruption?
5. If so what mistakes? Specifically.

Just for starters.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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