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Elections Office
Damn Glen, got them in a real big wad do you? Conspiracy theories now? Reading between the lines I'm led to think some of your vitriol is due to some ties I gather she has to a tea party group. The intensity of your hate(?) causes me to want to come to her defense. However, I know little about her and I have no concrete evidence for or against her. I'm thinking it's most likely the event was just a perfect storm of errors, some accidental and possibly some intentional or misguided. For all I know, she may be a complete idiot or even dishonest, but if your evident opinion of her character is correct she is certainly not competent else her "evil" deeds would have been more successful and less blatant. Perhaps you should give the dust a little time to settle before you start including more people in your conspiracy.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Kelena @ 9:49:16-
The County Clerk must go- now.
Have a temp appointment to get through the General Election and transition,
get County Elections back into credibility- .
This Clerk has some serious problems that cannot continue to be inflicted on the
voters or taxpayers, or the legitimacy of the elections in this State and County.
Agreed, she needs to go. There are a few very experienced past election staff on island that can step in, including the "fired then reinstated" staff. Lots of choices, none of which are being considered (it would seem, so far) by this Council.

Yagong also needs to recuse himself, or be removed, from the Chair immediately, as this ALL lays at his feet. Just my opinion.

If nothing is changed from the status quo, there will be lawsuits at the taxpayers expense, besides the recount already filed for in court.

Totally disgusted. What a pock mark on Hawaii County. [Sad!]
What is really an embarrassment here is the actions of the Clerk and the Chairman of this Council.

That is the core issue, always has been, is and will forever be until the both of them are unemployed by the tax payer.

I can try and find some of our old butterfly ballots to send you if you think it will help.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Made me laugh Oink!

I like it here in the shallow end of the gene pool
I like it here in the shallow end of the gene pool
Nobody said or even implied anything illegal was going on. It was just another very odd event in a long series of strange behavior. It was pointed out Kawauchi didn't go to work Friday, then Saturday, she is in Kona at the elections office, late in the evening, meeting with an unidentified woman.
Posting surveillance camera images of someone meeting someone else and then writing a long article about it doesn't mean anything illegal was going on but it certainly is trying to imply something. What I don't know is why this was, to quote you, an odd event. Maybe she was meeting a friend. I've ended up in all sorts of places over the years, many captured by camera I'm sure, but now I have to worry about someone posting those images online and implying I'm up to no good?

What is going to happen next? You fall out with someone and then go and find blurry images of them in a 7-Eleven and imply they're meeting a drug dealer or prostitute?

How about people stick to facts rather than insinuation? The primary election was embarrassingly mishandled on the Big Island and it's likely the clerk had a lot to do with that, but let's not combine Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four with a kangaroo court.


This is not about a few people having a falling out.

This is about PUBLIC employees whose actions with respect to this election debacle have been reckless, incompetent, arrogant, insubordinate, along with a whole host of other terms one could put to it.

If there has been, is, or will be any form of a "Kangaroo Court," our Council, led by a loud mouthed arrogant Chairman who deserves to no longer be in Public Office ever again, along with 8 "yes sir" spineless men and women, and whose appointed inept Clerk have already shown us that aspect of politics.

The post referred to over at BIC makes me ask one question only – Who gave Tiffany the video surveillance tapes? That person(s) has to work for the County!!!

I haven't articulate a single conspiracy theory. I have articulated that this Clerk is either not competent to run the election (the State has made a specific finding in that regard with respect to certain aspects of the primary election), that her actions have already thrown an election into question, and that if she is allowed to continue other elections may come into question. We simply cannot have that.

And what happened in Florida in 2000 is no laughing matter. We should all be working to make the fundamental right to vote secure and to restore confidence in our elections. People have died ON OUR OWN SOIL to obtain it and to secure it.

I can accept the outcome of a fair election. What I cannot accept is any attempt, whether by negligence or design, to interfere with the right to vote. The fact that she has been derelict (already established) and has exhibited a pattern destructive of her own office is enough for me and so I need not reach any further conclusion about her actions, or what motivates them, if anything, including any association with any political party. I want neither Democrats nor Republicans making it more challenging for people to vote.

The video means little to me and I don't think she should be hounded in her private life. I do think every official action she takes needs to be subject to strict scrutiny. Official actions would include actions taken outside of the office but in connection with her duties or that give the appearance of impropriety. She was harsh on her own workers. Let her meet that standard as well.

She needs to go and any election worker that has not already died from stress needs to get their job back.

I am asking everyone to contact their representatives and to express, at the very least, dissatisfaction with the way the office is being run.

Kelena, What election has been "thrown into question" by her actions? I thought I had read in a real newspaper that the state election office said the opposite.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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